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Everything posted by brewsterbudgen

  1. Narcos, more Narcos and now Narcos Mexico.
  2. If you have it done at PDA in Bangkok, you have to arrange your own sperm test a few weeks later to check it has worked. The place I used provided a comfortable private room, with a flat-screen TV and a "raunchy" DVD collection, plus magazines. All very clinical, with the results emailed in 24-hours.
  3. Ah. The broker I use has had some, but I don't have the details. I guess as a relatively new insurer in Thailand, there won't be hundreds of claims.
  4. What are you looking for? If you're thinking of using them for your health insurance why not contact them and ask your questions?
  5. I live in Rayong too. My comment was directed to the BM who implied that this type of incident was common in Rayong. I think he probably thinks Pattaya is in Rayong ????
  6. Why? It was a horrible accident.
  7. First they'll need to reform policing and pay police officers proper salaries. It might happen some day, but by the time it does, everyone will hopefully be using autonomous vehicles. Maybe 2050?
  8. People are killed on Thai roads every day. The Thai news bulletins and Thai social media are full of it. Perhaps the outcry you refer to is on this Forum which is understandable when a foreigner is involved.
  9. Great news. It almost guarantees Sir Keir will be our next PM. Well done the Tories.
  10. I don't see why you can't do it from the UK. Obviously, you'll need to have his old passport and recent, counter-signed photos of him. There's no requirement for the child to be present. Doing it from Thailand might be easier though.
  11. Try watching Thai TV/social media - the news shows horrible traffic accidents every day and very few involve foreigners.
  12. https://visa.vfsglobal.com/tha/en/gbr/hmpo Bangkok | email: [email protected] | Monday to Friday / 08:30- 14:00 Chiang Mai | email: [email protected] | Tuesday and Thursday / 08:30 - 14:00
  13. It is isn't it. I'm reassured ????
  14. "I think that most of use are not racist"...... then some ill-considered racist nonsense is posted! Surely time to close this thread!
  15. I only just realised that those questions were for a life insurance policy, not health insurance or WRLife!
  16. I don't think many people are moaning as mask wearing is now purely voluntary unless the individual business makes its own rules. People can choose to wear a mask or can choose not to. I can't really see what the problem is.
  17. My broker has told me, and has it in an email from WRLife, that claims in Thailand are settled directly; no need for the patient to pay up front (in most cases!).
  18. Crazy question. What if you have any family members who have already died from one of those diseases?
  19. Not sure I agree. If I'm asked to, or if it's required, I will put a mask on (I always have one in my back pocket), but if it's not required by the premises I'm in, I think it's a matter of personal choice. Nothing to do with courtesy.
  20. Why is it courteous if it isn't a requirement? Surely, it's just a matter of personal choice.
  21. It depends on the branch. Lotus's in Ban Chang are OK with customers being maskless.
  22. I'm a little confused. Why would you think an insurance company selling thousands of policies might not cover your hospital costs?
  23. If only that was true! I'd put my wife in a boat!
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