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Everything posted by brewsterbudgen

  1. I wonder what makes him so infatuated with the likes of Trump and Farage? Got to be some hidden agenda, as in most respects he seems like a clever chap.
  2. Looks great. And a lovely looking glass of red!
  3. Why is 'woke' considered a pejorative?
  4. Duh! Obviously if she is still working as a prostitute!
  5. It is not a Labour bill. In fact, a lot of the cabinet voted against it.
  6. It's not just bargirls, many military/sailor types and martial arts guys seem covered in them.
  7. At least it's not like the UK where (currently) you need to be earning a minimum of £29,000 a year to get your foreign wife a settlement visa and she needs to complete at least 2 English tests and a Life in the UK culture test. Thailand makes it easy!
  8. No they haven't affirmed or reaffirmed this.
  9. Thatcher? God forbid! Next, you'll be suggest we should be led by Farage!
  10. I just completed this quiz. My Score 70/100 My Time 62 seconds  
  11. It's a "world class tourist resort", that's what they're playing at.
  12. I'm inclined to agree, although the rot set in a long time ago and GB's insignificance was exemplified by Brexit.
  13. Your choice. It depends on how old your children are! A smartphone or a tablet is pretty essential these days and I don't need the nanny state to tell me what my child can/cannot do. In any case, the new law is not about smartphones, it's about joining social media sites like Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube and X/Twitter.
  14. I've been teaching TEFL in Thailand for nearly 20 years, also after completing a CELTA. Not sure why you went down the kindergarten route, as the CELTA course is specifically for teaching English to adults. There are lots of language school opportunities in Bangkok and in other provinces where you can focus on teaching adults (sometimes older teenagers) rather than young children. You won't earn much to start, although my starting salary back in 2005 was 34,000 baht a month, which is what some places seem to be paying now. The higher quality language institutes (British Council, AUA, ECC, Wall Street, New Cambridge) will start you on a much higher rate.
  15. Wow, shock horror. A newly elected government is making unpopular decisions to rectify the shambles created by the previous 14 years of misrule and the Tory press do what they're best at. I suspect Starmer and the government couldn't give a 'fig'. In 3 years, if the economy hasn't been turned around, they might. But even then the opposition is hopeless and hopelessly divided, so they are more than likely to get another term.
  16. "The far Left"? If the "ladies" on the View are "far left", what does that make Jeremy Corbyn?
  17. Seems like there was a lot of panic about nothing!
  18. I think it's about 40% of London's population that migrated there from outside the UK.
  19. As @BrandonJT says, you'll need to get all the paperwork from your Employer, including legalised marriage and birth certificates. However, if you're only staying in Thailand for 3 months, why don't they just get tourist visas?
  20. Why? Does it have to be ticked?
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