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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. I think he's talking about it happening in Thailand. Most Western countries don't allow the bribing of police to get out of a rape charge.
  2. They want the land and don't want the other people there, mostly. People can be pretty awful. It's human nature.
  3. Why? What's wrong with that? Nope. Guns are interesting, but I'm not American and don't really care much about them. They look cool in films and video games, but those things aren't real life. If I lived in an area where I thought having one might improve my life and it was legal, I would consider it. Oh. I guess guns must be inherently evil then. That's that sorted. I'll sleep soundly tonight.
  4. How does that even come into it? Nah, it's perfectly natural for people to like guns. If you can't understand that, I doubt there's much more we can discuss.
  5. Probably a rebuttal to the implication that Thai people are a somehow inferior due to believing in superstition.
  6. I wonder if you realise that people reacting to traumatic events are prone to irrational thought? Love of children may be natural and healthy, but the reactions that people can have as a result of children being harmed can be anything but. Also, for the sake of argument, gun worship, or worship of any weapon is perfectly natural. We wouldn't have developed the ability to use tools or weapons if it was not natural. We are "natural", after all.
  7. Love the fact that the anti-gun nuts seem just as unhinged as the pro-gun nuts. It's never really about what people say it's about.
  8. Many Thais seem convinced that not only do all foreigners have covid, but carry some strain that is far more harmful than the one Thais might have. I can only imagine their attitude to masks will get more cautious as the country fully opens up and tourism slowly returns to normal.
  9. Seems more like an opinion piece. Do they back it up with any evidence? As I said, I don't feel the need to waste my time as it's likely you'll ignore it. Your failure to grasp the concept of fact vs. opinion bodes particularly badly. You can if you want. Just google "Thaksin vote buying" and you'll find a lot of evidence of it. Bizarre and childish comment. More ad hom? Do you know they say that when you resort to ad hom attacks, you've already lost the argument. What on Earth does any of this have to do with Trump?!!
  10. I'm not confused about anything. I'm simply explaining where you are wrong, but your knowledge of fact vs. opinion is limited and you're clearly the type to not want to listen to reason or admit when they are wrong. You haven't presented any evidence. It's pretty clear you're wrong and have resorted to, incorrectly, arguing semantics, with a little ad hom on the side.
  11. An opinion is a person's belief, feeling, or judgment about something. It is a subjective or value judgment, and it cannot be proven. A fact is a statement that can be tested by experimentation, observation, or research and shown to be true or untrue. Incorrect. See definition above. Incorrect. You attempted to claim, incorrectly, that the only reason I could possibly think that Thaksin wasn't freely and finally elected, or that the coup was better than the Thaksin dynasty was because I was prejudiced. I pointed out that the facts are what make me believe that, not anything to do with prejudice. You're argument is unravelling and becoming a little incoherent. I recommend reviewing all replies before responding. Can you give any examples of this from around 2014? Because you have the metrics wrong? Do you even have any? Just your opinion. You being wrong is another answer. Nope. I'm not going out of my way at all. Interesting opinion, but I don't believe the facts support this. You're not only wrong about the elected part, but even the reason for the coup. I wonder why you're going to so much effort to argue against the coup, and in favour of Thaksin, when you clearly don't know what happened. Interesting. That's close to describing the Thaksin dynasty as well. Haha. "Agree with me or you're an X!" Very original. ????
  12. Thinking that the Earth is flat is not an opinion. That is believing a fact to be true which evidence suggests is false. I would advise you to go back to that dictionary you mention and try to get a grasp on the difference between a fact and an opinion. Back to the basics and then approach the subject anew. ???? So I don't have any prejudice then? Cool! ???? It's great that you feel passionate about this and want to put so much effort into having a go at an analogy. I think, though, you're getting a little lost. You haven't actually established why the military coup in 2014 was akin to amputating an arm at the shoulder, while the Thaksin dynasty was like a lacerated pinkie. That is an opinion. Also an opinion, based on a faulty hypothesis at that, so fairly meaningless ad hom. Like I say, it's great that you have the passion and the enthusiasm to go to this much effort. You just need to put in the groundwork to ensure that what you are saying is factually accurate and logically concluded. Keep trying. ????
  13. Once the only women you can be with are physically repulsive, as we all will be at some point, you have two choices. Live with a partner who provides company but who you don't want to have sex with, or live alone. One would hope that once you get to this point, you will be with someone you are strongly bonded with and will have adult children with grandchildren who still make you part of their lives.
  14. Well, yes, I'm not going to waste my time for you. That is the truth. ????‍♂️ I've searched many times, that's why I know it. I'm surprised you haven't, to be honest. How can you be sure of what you are saying if you haven't? I'm not ignorant, nor am I prejudiced. What would I even be prejudiced against? Or are you just throwing around words you heard somewhere else that you thought sounded cool? I've recalled the facts. It's supporting evidence that I don't wish to waste my time searching for. How can an opinion be erroneous? Do you actually know the difference between an opinion and a fact? Nope. ????
  15. It doesn't stand apposed to anything. If one person says that Thaksin was elected in free and fair democratic elections, while another points out that this is technically not true, it has nothing to do with how the current regime gained power. Did I say it was?
  16. I know better than to waste time searching for evidence that a Thaksin zealot will likely dismiss as "yellow-shirt propaganda". The very fact that you don't even acknowledge the basics of how Thaksin was not technically fairly or freely elected, speaks volumes. Most rational centrists can at least admit the corruption and harm that the Thaksin dynasty had on Thailand. It wasn't democratic at all. That's kind of the point. In the short term, it was obviously beneficial to Thailand, as it stopped Thaksin. Long-term, it's harder to say as Thailand has been through a lot in the last few years.
  17. I believe technically this is not true, due to cronyism, corruption and next-gen vote buying.
  18. I think that Thai people generally don't like being criticised in any way.
  19. The WHO are desperate to cling on to the influence they gained during covid. ????
  20. He probably thinks Thai people should treat others as they wish to be treated.
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