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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. I don't think there is a solution. There doesn't seem to be much in the way of a deterrent or consequences to living that lifestyle in Thailand. It seems like the best thing is to find out prior to getting too serious what the girl's family is like.
  2. Teaching English in Thailand makes no meaningful contribution? I think that's a little harsh. Teachers (even dirty foreign ones) can have a really positive impact on the lives of Thai children.
  3. While I can't pretend to be able to read Ralf's mind, the question seemed very much like a rhetorical one, with the implied meaning of "That's ridiculous. You should have been able to learn some Thai in the amount of time you have been here. There's something amiss if you have not.".
  4. Fairly standard for SEA. No real concept of customer service. Many times I have seen the staff serve up the fries, then wait patiently for the rest of the food to be ready. Of course, the fries are cold by the time the rest of the food is ready. I suppose it's just how they are. Not really encouraged to think for themselves. Yes. It's cultural not to complain about anyone or do anything to upset them. If you make someone feel bad due to their wrong behaviour, it's very likely that they will consider it your fault for pointing it out.
  5. Win win then. People just like to try and find a negative because they don't like the idea of someone else being happy. He's probably getting more than his ego stroked.
  6. You're obsessed with Biden being on drugs. Do you want him to be on drugs or something?
  7. This is the thing, Trump just gets up on the stage and rambles on about whatever he saw on TV last night. Those who hate him would like it to be that he's senile or lying, but really it's just how he talks. I remember once he said something about seeing a terrorist attack "last night". He meant that he saw it on the news, but people were trying to make out that he was lying about there being a terrorist attack. They're just too keen to get something on him to engage their brains.
  8. Actually, it stands for deranged. That's what makes you daydream about Donald Trump wearing a diaper... 😬
  9. Biden's memory is bad. Trump is the same as he has ever been.
  10. I guess the fewer financial links made public between father and son the better. Otherwise it could lead to more attention in areas they don't want. This is especially important due to the election.
  11. If Trump is bad for doing that once, what does that make Biden for doing it every time he speaks? 🤔
  12. Nah. It's just his oratory style. You're lying because you don't like him and have a case of TDS. (Just go through this thread and look at all the crazy things you've said because this involves Trump.)
  13. So you're in the "Trump is so bad and evil, and his opponents are so good and pure, that it's OK to lie to stop him" camp?
  14. Reducing expectations? I have very high expectation for how insane Biden is going to appear.
  15. Actually, it is possible that Biden will be so incoherent that people will think that he has taken LSD... 🤔
  16. Quick synopsis of reality: Pre-debate: "Biden has dementia." Post-debate: "Oh yeah."
  17. Trump Derangement Syndrome is the only rational explanation for why people could possibly make this claim or believe it to be true.
  18. What I find interesting about this video, is the fact that you could actually criticise Trump on various things about this speech, but signs of dementia isn't one of them. This suggests that people who hate Trump, do so to such a level that they aren't actually able to think rationally about him. This then means that their comments probably make Trump seem more appealing, when, if they were able to think more rationally, they might be able to construct a critique that people could possibly take notice of (although this still might not be enough to counter the bad press that Biden has had).
  19. Is that the best you have? Biased people lying about Trump after Trump mispronounces a couple of words during a speech? And the previous video, that shows Trump rambling during a speech as he normally does? The problem you and these people have is that you hate Trump so much that you're completely blinded. You lie about Trump, then you all pretend that the lies are true because of how much you want them to be. Someone even says in the video you just linked, that Biden would be able to say that he might be as old as Trump, but he's in better shape cognitively, which simply isn't true. Have you actually seen what Biden does? It doesn't compare. No one needs to lie or pretend when it comes to Biden.
  20. As I said, people love to lie about Trump. 🤷‍♂️ Just ask yourself, "Are these people who are claiming that Tump is showing the early signs of dementia also stating that Biden is showing the signs of established full on dementia?" If the answer is no, then you have your answer as to whether you can trust them.
  21. Trump pausing at the end of a speech is the same as Biden forgetting what he is saying, where he is, or what is happening around him? Talk about desperation... 🙄 Swing and a miss. Next?
  22. Excuse for what? Trump isn't exhibiting symptoms of dementia.
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