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Everything posted by RocketDog

  1. I stop reading when the writing turns into a jigsaw puzzle.
  2. What meds do you recommend to cure fat fingering the keyboard? ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜… I'm glad that my pressure meds don't cause BO as a side effect too. (Sorry. Cheap shot I know. But I had to take it) Seriously, I appreciate your professional opinions on these issues. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™
  3. These icons might hold some minor value if you knew who posted them. As it is now they're just visual noise. I ignore them altogether. There's no accounting for taste.
  4. Flat palm driving nose upward into brain works without any hand damage. It's all about physics.
  5. I fell for the gambit several times and now don't bother. It's just not worth the effort to play the game. I see the small green 'free shipping' icon next to many items but there are always conditions of some type. In the end the shipping charges are really pretty minimal. The key to being content in the Kingdom is to lower your expectations and roll with the punches; in the end they are seldom life changing events.
  6. What? Even flies won't touch him? Smarter than they look huh?
  7. Thailand: the hub of false dietary supplement and skin conditioner claims. Huge profits to be made from gullible people.
  8. Without a doubt. World is awash in fiat currency and a reckoning will be made at some point. Adding more zeros to currency does not real wealth make.
  9. Actually they do but only one eye at a time.
  10. Exactly right. I worked, earned, saved, invested most of my life. That worked well for me so I just take money at atm when I need it and buy what I want when I want it. I spent my life worrying about money but not any more. At 75 it's just "fun fun, fun until Daddy takes the T-bird away!" Actually my USA social security pays twice more monthly than I spend, so the retirement cache (well diversified) just sits moldering until the Repugnicans finally kill SS, then I'll start drawing on that.
  11. I opened the same at BBL and use it entirely for my visa extension each year. No bank book copies, just a letter from the bank saying no activity on account and current balance. Solves the issue of account balance over the year. If you gotta have the funds anyway might as well make it easier on everyone.
  12. It's only a matter of time before the CCP finds a way to export this too.
  13. Gotta love those rat tails and chicken lips. Finger lickin' good!
  14. So you muddle and obscure the main point of the thread to satisfy your own personal emotional issues about a dictionary definition ? Well done and clearly much appreciated by all. Now just let it go please.
  15. I sold a rental property in Denver two years ago remotely from Thailand. All done with Docusign app. No embassy inputs necessary. Smooth as glass. Good luck!
  16. Indeed. The young couple were 'dead' right. Bottom line : don't get on a bike and you won't die on one. That said, even being within sight of any highway/road/lane/trail here offers multiple opportunities to meet a brutal end.
  17. A few bottles of yellow dye would work faster and take much longer to clear. Just a thought.
  18. Of course we remember. I'm sure that most members here save all your posts and review them regularly.
  19. If you live here banish that word from your vocabulary. It doesn't even apply to most of what's happening globally now. Face it: everything is believable now, or nothing is. Take your pick.
  20. Eight long paragraphs to say they are installing some new machines at the airport that will speed departures. Lean times I guess.
  21. Refer to the thread topic for your answer.
  22. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that your statement makes some kind of sense to you. Sounds like word salad to the rest of us. Where did you learn this trick? Nevermind, I think I know.
  23. It is safe to assume that the CCP will use whatever means necessary to grow their influence, of every type, in as many other countries as possible. All the explanations about language assistance, tourist protection, etc are simply ruses that the CCP believes will suffice to gain entry of their ranks into foreign countries. The CCP considers every aspect of life as a battleground and wage their war continually in every way possible. The best way to think about it is this: If it benefits the CCP it will weaken their adversaries (the entire world). It is a zero sum game for the CCP and they intend to win it on every possible front.
  24. Your mother wears army boots.
  25. Ah, nope. A local processor in Alexa listens for a particular phrase. Then it's starts streaming audio to remote servers. That is what Google claims, and while I tend to doubt it, it's feasible. Personally I purged everything Google two years ago, including my email. It took nearly two weeks to find and break all my associations. I've taken great efforts to remove myself as nearly as possible from at least casual web searches, and have been successful at that. I moved to ghostery Dawn browser, and only use DuckDuckGo search engine. I have no illusions that I can't be tracked, but I do all I can to thwart it. In some bright future maybe laws will prevent such data theft, but I'm not holding my breath. Like so many things that are upside down in our world today, this will persist as along as the majority of people blithely accept it. "I don't care because I have nothing to hide". This phrase especially sticks in my craw. I bet they don't walk around naked though!
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