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Everything posted by Jumbo1968

  1. I keep getting advice about approaching him I have already done so, suggesting I will assist him to move the car which is actually nearer to where he is living, no way am I going to try and bribe him with booze.
  2. His brother parks his car outside where he is currently living, I gave him the opportunity the other day but he just blanked me.
  3. I pointed out I have no access to my house, he ignored me,
  4. At the end of the day if the fella feels like that I am not going to lose any sleep over it, it’s just sheer ignorance of him which tbh could occur in any country. It could probably be dealt with better in another country but we have no idea the mentality of the owner of the car.
  5. How do you determine that, we have lived here for years with never a problem, we have great neighbours a mixture of Thais and foreigners but unfortunately 1 bad egg turned up the other week.
  6. I live opposite, I can’t get the turning circle to get in the gate, fortunately I was out when the car was left or it would have meant I could not get the car out.
  7. The offending vehicle as you can see the tyres are starting to deflate already.
  8. As I said I don’t want to be involved with anything physically involved with moving the vehicle as it could impact on my family.
  9. I think you are joking, I don’t want to do anything where the finger could be pointed at me or my family.
  10. You forget this is Thailand, I wouldn’t spend any time in a Thai Police cell..
  11. Yes at the old house, my neighbour didn’t like the fact we had initially made a small garden, nothing would grow to the poor soil, so we give up on it. No one owned the land opposite and the ‘garden’ was not opposite his house. He got an old motorbike, some wood and parked the bike and a made a small shed where the garden was. We went on holiday once time and he removed a banana and a papaya tree. He distinctly didn’t like foreigners or Thai people from the north, I put it down to envy and jealousy. One evening my wife threw some water on the road, he thought she was throwing it rapt him and he started screaming and shouting abuse at her, she returned his abuse culminating in him assaulting her nearly breaking her wrist.after striking her with a bucket. My wife is not afraid but apprehensive to go and ask the brother but she is concerned he might do some thing to our car and get involved on another confrontation.
  12. I bought mine via FB Marketplace, it was from a used car dealer who was advertising on FB MP, free advertising for them.
  13. You have to remember we are invited guests here, in the last incident I was told to take a step back by our Thai friends and don’t get involved, I did want to knock the fellas head off though. I speak my mind and certainly would make more of a fuss if it was in my home country, my wife watches the news where people get shot over a simple argument probably that’s why she doesn’t want any confrontation.
  14. We had an instance in the last house where the neighbour parked an old bike opposite the house just to annoy us, over the months several arguments developed even to the extent the Thai fella was writing abusive messages on the wall and making comments when walking past him. This culminated in violence where the fella assaulted my wife, this was tonight before we were due to fly to the U.K. The Police were called fella was given a written warning, we could have gone to the hospital to asses her injury but as we were were flying out the next day we didn’t bother. This is the main reason my wife doesn’t want confrontation as in her mind history could repeat itself, when she gets going she is unstoppable !
  15. I have already suggested this to my wife, a big no no, she said, you don’t approach or question people in authority is her attitude.
  16. Is it to do with their lack of education, I had thoughts of getting someone to phone a car removal truck and take it away, that way it couldn’t be traced back to me.
  17. I would do but the brothers car Policeman or ex Policeman is parked there, he is approachable, I got the impression his brother has just turned up.i would approach him but my wife said she will, I won’t hold my breath on that though. Looking inside the car it looks like he has his worldly possessions in it.
  18. I suggested pushing it back to where my car is currently parked, swooping places, I pointed out what I meant, his car wouldn’t be blocking anyone’s gates off more so they don’t have cars just scooters. What really annoyed me he just turned his back on me and carried dusting his car down, I can’t imagine him being a Policeman with yellow hair though. My wife isn’t backward as was suggested but non confrontational like most Thais, I think it’s in bred in them.
  19. A car was ‘dumped’ more or less directly opposite the gates of my house last week meaning I can’t get the car indoors now, it’s a narrow Soi. It’s years old, sporty type with huge spoiler on the boot, full of junk, there is what looks like a Police ID Card hanging inside it, it’s covered in dust and hasn’t been taxed for years. I have discovered it belongs to the Policeman’s brother who lives a few houses down the Soi, my Thai wife says don’t say anything as we will be hassled by the Police if we report it. The other day a Thai with dyed yellow hair started ‘dusting’ the car down, I approached him and asked when is he going to move ii as it was blocking the access to my house,blank look then indicated it doesn’t start. My Thai wife went off it saying I shouldn’t have said anything resulting in her going in a no speaking mode for the next few hours. She said you might speak to people like that in England but not in Thailand, I wasn’t aggressive just asked how long was it going to be there for. Obviously nothing illegal about where the car is parked but it’s totally inconsiderate and ignorant to have parked his car there more so he blanked me when I asked him when he was going to move it.
  20. The owner of the condo should be doing the TM30 not the tenant,the same as hotel owners do.
  21. I think the number of expats who vacate Pattaya during Songkran will outnumber the of arriving foreign tourists.
  22. Thanks Sheryl but neither are available in the local/hospital pharmacies nor online, I have searched high and low, I keep being directed towards ones with Timolol (beta blocker) but they reduced my BP and heart rate significantly over a period of a couple of months. TBH most of the pharmacies haven’t been very helpful making no attempt to try and check what’s available and recommending I speak with my doctor. There is one on Pattaya Klang who have been very helpful, they did suggest an alternative but it was 0.2% rather than Alphagan P which is 0.15%.
  23. I am dealing with Bangkok/Pattaya Jomtien Hospital, they don’t have alternatives in stock, the estimated delivery of Alphagan P is unknown. I was advised by the hospital pharmacy that the alternative eye drops would be available elsewhere, I tried numerous pharmacies local and online and they weren’t available. The frustrating part is dealing with hospital which is via email and the persons receiving the emails have no idea what I am requesting. Thanks for the good luck for Thursday, one thing for sure I will only be paying for the consultation not the usual add ons of BP, Temp check and nursing services etc.
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