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Everything posted by fdsa

  1. btw I've just recalled that Chrome and friends (Brave, Opera, et cetera) have added a new feature that allows websites to read the clipboard contents. i.e. you open your "Passwords.txt" file, copy the password for your e-mail account, and some malicious opened tab in a browser (read Google or Facebook) immediately copies your password and saves it in its database "for your comfort and safety" I've made a habit to keep a space in the clipboard, and advise everyone to do the same. -- copy a blank space immediately after copypasting the sensitive information.
  2. it depends on the browser and the operating system, most modern browsers run different tabs as a different threads which limits the possibilities to steal the data from another tab. but still it is not totally secure, to be safe you should run different processes not different threads, i.e. run several different instances of the same browser, and use the separate browser profiles. the Incognito mode is an analogue of running a separate browser process with a separate browser profile, but it is not very handy because it removes all history and cookies on close so you will have to login again when you open the incognito window again. I recommend using the different, separate browser profiles for the different websites, i.e. I have one for youtube, another for facebook, another for general browsing (casual googling and this website), another for e-mails.
  3. exactly, everything belongs to the Party, including private data of foreign people who use chinese devices and software. I hope you won't login to your account from that phone, else your password will end up on some chinese server and your email (if you used the same password on email and youtube) will begin spreading SPAM, as there are no cyber laws concerning hacking/spamming in China.
  4. check here: https://habr-com.translate.goog/ru/post/575626/?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp https://habr-com.translate.goog/ru/post/163345/?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp -- if you want to be sure that a random chinese noname phone would not steal your private data nor spend your balance by sending paid SMS's - simply do not buy random chinese noname phones. also "brand name" phones have malware too, so if you want to be completely sure - learn how to flash the bootloader and a custom firmware yourself. I personally recommend LineageOS (simple Android fork, supports a lot of phones https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/ ) and GrapheneOS (hardcore Android fork with lots of security tweaks, however supports just a few Google Pixels only https://grapheneos.org/faq#supported-devices )
  5. https://aseannow.com/topic/1262213-makers-of-browser-privacy-extensions-fear-the-end-is-near/?do=findComment&comment=17409250
  6. unfortunately having [a minimum of] two browsers installed is a necessity in a modern web because monkeys seem to have to use the most latest newest freshest javascript framework or a feature that works only in the latest Chrome.
  7. almost nobody changes the notification settings to "hide private data", so even a "locked" phone will turn on its screen and show the incoming SMS contents to anyone nearby. just steal the phone with card and you could make purchases online.
  8. not "could", but "will" have a malware. that includes not only smartphones but even "dumb" phones with buttons.
  9. local mobile providers play dirty - their websites' traffic is not free, and their websites are flooded with heavy images and other media elements, so when your data package finishes and you open a provider's website to login, top up and buy another package, they will charge you around 30 thb for all that media sh.t to load.
  10. SEPA costs 1 EUR and comes in 1 minute, SWIFT costs 50 USD and comes within 5 business days. I need not exactly Wise, but a presence in European bank.
  11. yes they do accept Thai companies. I am more concerned in transfers in/out and tax paperwork rather than onboarding.
  12. I've used the covid vaccine ID to attach a bank account number for refunds. Did not try to activate the app though.
  13. do NOT format the card! if you do it will make data recovery more difficult. If you have some important data on the card then give it to the data recovery specialists not random Somchai (and learn to do backups). If not very important - you could try to mess with the card yourself. First of all make a byte-to-byte image of the card. If you use Mac OS then you should have a dd command which you should use to copy the card. Check here for instructions: https://pbxbook.com/other/dd_clone.html
  14. just received another smartphone, and this time I was NOT charged 10% import tax, only 7% VAT - yet another reminder to theoretics like @Liverpool Lou that here in Thailand how it is written on the paper and how it really is are two very different things.
  15. exactly, it's the fkn brand name deodorants that destroy our favourite shirts. yes, I use these for several years already and very happy with them. "crystal deodorant", sold in every single 7-11 or supermarket. nearest 7-11, and if you are very rich and do not mind spending 10 Baht extra you could visit the nearest Tesco or Big C Here is an example: - I recommend to buy the "classic" one (leftmost) as I think that flavoured ones could leave stains.
  16. because if you open the package and then refuse to accept it then the driver will be forced to pay for the goods.
  17. Many thanks for protecting me against the defamation law, but still, as this forum is intended for sharing the personal experiences, opinions and anecdotes, I will share mine opinion: Big C, Makro and Tops are an order of magnitude better than the [other brand supermarket]
  18. no, I mean register in Wise as a legal entity (my Thai company) to receive payments from customers in Europe and America, then transfer the money from Wise to local bank account belonging to my Thai company.
  19. bad idea, the chance for it to arrive "duty-free" will be much higher if you do NOT make it appear brand new. Tell your friend to remove the retail packaging and the invoice.
  20. Has anyone used Wise for a Thai company, to receive payments from USA/Europe? Share your experience please - about onboarding/registration, transfers in and out, tax reports, etc.
  21. local shops have about 1% of the stock offered online, of course it's not an issue if you are shopping for a generic iPhone or OPPO, however for some stuff you might have to fly to the nearby country as I did several years ago in order to buy a good laptop. you did not get the point: and they might assist you with returning the shipment.
  22. but as I've wrote already - I've had few HDDs imported but was not asked for extra 10%
  23. I agree - always record an unboxing video for anything expensive. If you pay COD you could give a tip to the courier and ask them to hold your phone recording a video - this way you will even have a witness if something is wrong with the product.
  24. check InDriver https://indriver.com/
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