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Everything posted by fdsa

  1. this article gives me a mixed feeling - something between "facepalm", "cringe" and "hide the pain Harold" reactions.
  2. duno about "NEXT" branding but this model (10xxx) is two generations old, current CPUs are 12gen - 12xxx
  3. not a mistake - I've purchased that SIM in October 2021, and activated it on 15th of October. The tariff is limited speed (10 mbps) with unlimited traffic. ...or the "unlimited traffic" SIMs from AIS are not actually unlimited? Well, you are right - - the "unlimited" SIM from AIS appeared to have a 100 GB traffic limit ????
  4. yep, the "unlimited" SIM is valid until 15 Oct 2022 but magically got used up on 30th of July
  5. my bad, I didn't notice the MNCs are different and thought that all of them are AIS. So AIS (MNC 03) indeed uses bands 1,3,8,41; and I haven't found who uses band 26 (MNC 09) with short googling. No idea why there is no DTAC because I have DTAC SIM in my phone lying next to the laptop which has AIS SIM, and the phone has good LTE signal and working internet connection.
  6. These have been changed because this is what I'm getting from my modem right now: AT!ACQCHAN? 4G ACQ DB Channel MCC MNC PCID Band RB 1450 520 03 74 3 100 3650 520 03 222 8 50 40590 520 03 349 41 100 250 520 04 228 1 50 1275 520 04 119 3 75 350 520 03 84 1 50 550 520 15 63 1 50 8715 520 09 359 26 25 3750 520 04 111 8 50 40988 520 04 380 41 100 - there are bands 26 and 41 but no bands 28 and 40.
  7. Fun fact: AIS "1 year SIM" lasts for 9 months I've activated my SIM on 15th Oct 2021, and today 30th Jul 2022 I've got these two SMSs: AIS Your full speed Internet has 200MB remaining. After used up, get unlimited usage at reduced speed based on your package. To subscribe package, http://www.ais.co.th/netpackage/5g/ AIS Your internet usages have been used up. To continue 5G max speed internet, just 99B. 4GB 7days or 150B. 9GB 15days, click http://www.ais.co.th/netpackage/5g/ ok nvm, gone shopping for yet another DTAC SIM. // EDIT to clarify: I have "unlimited traffic" SIM, not "unlimited speed" one. And today my speed dropped down to ~100 kbps from tariff's 10 mbps.
  8. Lazada is owned by Alibaba/Aliexpress, hence they endorse the scammers.
  9. fdsa

    Installing Kali

    With modern hackers like the OP I am very confident in the safety of my systems and private data.
  10. Yet another update (shipping a smartphone by UPS): today I've learned that the taxes are calculated not only from the cost of the item itself but also from the freight + insurance costs added. So an item which costs $800 gets taxed as a $1000+ item. smartphone import tax 10% + VAT 7% + UPS services fee 200 THB total 175 USD taxes for 800 USD item.
  11. anything IT - programming, system administration, remote support, quality assurance, etc. what is it? as in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7gi57NJDds ?
  12. Putin's crony oligarchs are all citizens of the United Kingdom, Israel, European Union and the Carribbean islands.
  13. You have to apply with an address in Europe or other first world countries and provide a proof of address like an utility bill. No crypto-related services ship cards to Thailand.
  14. > CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID something is messing with the SSL encryption. Either the internet provider is trying to hijack the httpS traffic, or some program (possibly malicious, sometimes it is an antivirus) messed up the embedded list of SSL certificate authorities in your browser or/and operating system. Sometimes it is the wrong time and date - e.g. if the SSL certificate is issued in year 2022 but you have year 2010 set on the computer then the certificate is treated as invalid because your computer sees it as "not issued yet". But this seems to be not your case. Try to use a different browser. yes, most likely.
  15. Anything above 2 Mbps should be enough for live videos in 720p, and 10 Mbps is more than enough for 4K videos. What is the signal quality? Try a different browser or video player. Or try to lower the video quality to 1080p if you are watching in 4K.
  16. I wonder if he makes such vague posts accidentally or intentionally. He could have wrote "I never bought gold or bitcoin this year". Also what about this one?
  17. This is what happens when the world leaders are too shy to offer a reward for Putin's head.
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