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Everything posted by fdsa

  1. this. I'm in crypto since ~2010 and even have some chinese scam called TRX, but haven't thought even a second about buying this SOL one.
  2. I'm not smart enough to conduct my own research. But I am smart enough to realize that Monero is really anonymous given the fact that Chainalysis haven't found a reliable way to track transactions (yet).
  3. although both Revolut and Transferwise are registered as banks, they both are not "real" banks but more like EMIs - electronic money institutions. @GrandPapillon might elaborate more as he seems to work in that field.
  4. This happened to me recently: - what was that, an anti-money-laundering policy? Our deputies and ministers are moving millions abroad without any questions from the banks and I'm fkcng "laundering" three hundred bucks?!
  5. Same here. I wonder how all these people enjoy the traditional banking system where they could not do whatever they want with their own money, and instead some random clerk in the bank decides what they could do or could not. So basically they do not own their money, and they enjoy that. Is that masochism or some other mental disorder?
  6. Would you be so kind to lead me into the right direction? As for now, even the leaders in the blockchain research - Chainalysis - are not able to deanonymize Monero transactions.
  7. In Bitcoin blockchain - yes, transactions are not anonymous. And I actually support this because it helps to legalize crypto businesses and to cashout Bitcoins purchased long time ago. However there are blockchains that are fully anonymous, for example Monero.
  8. I don't know which exactly BINs Transferwise uses now but I've googled a bit and found these three BINs: 535240 537434 535713 - so yes, they are registered as a bank. The last BIN is some secret bank which is not revealed in the "free" version of bindb.com, and other online databases show empty line for the "Issuing bank" field. I suppose it is a freshly registered bank so it haven't got into the global BIN databases yet. If you have a card from Transferwise and it has another number you could check it here: https://www.bindb.com/bin-database
  9. anonymous money transfers. instant money transfers without getting your account blocked because of some stupid piece of code in the bank or some lame clerk that does not like you.
  10. i've naturally lol'd here. It's really amusing how every single thread about cryptocurrency gets filled with ppl who have no clue about it but very confident that all cryptos will "go to zero".
  11. I have downloaded that game and found out that there is a phrase "persevere in", however I'm sure that it was "preserve on" last time I've played it (20-something years ago?). I think that this mistake was made by the translators of the pirated/cracked version of the game, because I also remember that in the game titles there also were phrases "thankings go to (some ppl in hacker/demo scene)" and "fuсkings go to LSD" which are absent in the version I've found now.
  12. OMGWTF. That's extremely bad practice, no wonder it was detected by the researchers. Preloading into all running processes will inevitably lead to bugs and server crashes. The LD_PRELOAD is usable only for userland malware.
  13. as I said - lack of experience/knowledge ???? (also likely confusing "PAM" with "password authentication"). the PAM system is actually useful, for example you could setup TOTP two-factor auth with special PAM module.
  14. lol, classic. If you don't know something it doesn't mean it does not exists ???? I'm insulting his level of knowledge, not intelligence. However with such an approach "I have never met *something* so it does not exist" the intelligence seems insult-able too. > preserve it was a quote from a nice old Japanese game poorly translated to English, "your experience is lacking, preserve on your quest" ©
  15. You don't need root permissions to steal user data such as online banking login credentials, et cetera. The majority of Linux malware works perfectly well under user permissions. google:// "LD_PRELOAD malware"
  16. Unfortunately there is Linux malware in the wild already (still much less than Windows though), because Linux is gaining popularity. And there are no antiviruses for Linux yet, just a bunch of random security software which requires you to be an expert in IT to use, and if you have such knowledge and understanding you won't catch the malware anyway lol.
  17. Sure we can, but why choose the same overinflated bubbles as the cryptocurrencies? I'd better buy shares of some real companies rather than these three.
  18. I'm not Bill Gates but could say the same about NFTs (and all pieces of art too) However crypto is a good technology and I fully support it.
  19. update: I've registered at the local Thai Customs office and sent copies of the passport to UPS in Bangkok, and got my parcel 4 days later. The VAT was 7% (the product is "computer parts"), ~4000 THB, but other fees were more than VAT - ~4500 THB (I was charged for "storage space" because all paperwork BS took several days and storage is free for a few days only). 200 THB - standard "disbursement fee" for all shipments by UPS 1000 THB - "customs penalty" 1550 THB - "customs warehouse" 1200 THB - "non-routine formal e" 321 THB - "other govt fees" So the total import charges for ~55K THB shipment were almost 15%
  20. we had this conversation already. Most ppl find soldered RAM totally OK, I find it "suck hard" and "shorting costs" https://aseannow.com/topic/1224885-ordering-a-lenovo-thinkpad-4-weeks/?do=findComment&comment=16708219
  21. find your favourite seller on both platforms and compare the amount of orders when you order something again. For example, I see that amount when I order another pack of Chinese tea.
  22. I have a lot of good experience with ThinkPad laptops and a lot of bad experience with Lenovo laptops. Once my current Thinkpad dies I will buy another Thinkpad. Unfortunately it will be a 2017 model, most likely second hand, because all modern Thinkpads suck hard.
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