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Everything posted by fdsa

  1. this ...if the seller is willing to wait 1 week for a queue after you've booked the trip to the dealership. note that some cars' ECU could be winded back.
  2. Private sellers usually have better condition cars than the "tent dealers". Facebook groups usually have better offers than the websites such as one2car, kaidee, taladrod, etc. If you find some interesting offer online then google the car license plate number (in different variations - full number with letters like "4กค1234", full number with letters separated with dash like "4กค-1234", car brand with digits only like "hilux 1234") because you might find this car listed in the police reports or facebook stories (I saw quite a few accident reports when was choosing a second hand car!), or on the auctions. Also cars from the auctions usually have a sticker with text like "ANR" or number like "A127" on the gauge. Concerning the condition - first of all, ask the seller to bring the car to the nearest garage for the inspection (all expenses are on you, of course). If the seller disagrees - go to another seller. Then ask for a test drive. Drive ~20km and check the engine temperature. From time to time let go of the steering wheel for several seconds and check if the car holds the direction. Check the seat belt markings - they will show the real date of manufacture (sellers like to tell that the car is newer than it is, e.g. they state "2015" if the car was _registered_ in 2015 but manufactured in e.g. 2013)
  3. thanks, so it's about $1k on average. I'm going for the first one then I need to know an approximate price to make sure I'm not paying the farang price if all companies nearby would quote 2x normal price.
  4. this. I have a lot of small scratches, sunburns on the roof, et cetera, and want to make the car look a bit better than now. Maybe I'll go for the bare metal respray if it is not very expensive.
  5. How much does the full body paintwork cost, approximately? (for a 4 door sedan) Any nuances I need to know about? Do I need to order some additional layer of "something" after the paint itself (a layer of transparent lacque?) or is it usually included in the paintwork?
  6. update: I've got a clarification. If you've bought dollars after 9 March then you could not get the cash at all, if you request to cashout these USD you will be given roubles at the current exchange rate. You could get USD in cash only if you had them already before 9 March and the total sum you could cashout is 10'000 USD regardless of the amount you've had.
  7. You are looking at the forex page with fake exchange rates. The "real" exchange rate for today is 106 RUB for 1 USD, and it is still fake as you could not buy USD cash, only "digits on the screen" - they will be "deposited" to your bank account but you could not cash them out instantly. To get USD in cash one must register for a queue number and I was told that the queue is 1+month long, i.e. if you ask your bank to get USD today you will get the cash in May. Also there is a limit on cash - you could get 10'000 USD cash TOTAL IN SUM, regardless of the amount you've bought or had on your account before the war. If you ask to cashout 2'000 USD today then you will be able to get only 8'000 USD until September.
  8. it definitely seems that some nice guy at NatEx Thailand liked your laptop. Maybe they need a spare parts for the very same model? I've bought a second hand Thinkpad a few years ago and it came in a messed up cardboard box so it was absolutely clearly seen as a second hand item and no questions were asked by both DHL who delivered it and by Thai customs who "inspected" it. Just forget that FedQuick and use another couriers. Yes, DHL is expensive and they like to charge extra "customs fees" but they do deliver.
  9. you don't really need to change the router if it supports the abovementioned operating system - OpenWRT, I do recommend it too. The routers do not need an "upgrade" as personal computers do (and they don't really need it too btw) because routers' hardware doesn't evolve as fast as computers' hardware does. I have a perfectly working ~15 years old TP-Link WR1043ND 1st generation.
  10. there are a lot of measures to detect your real IP address or at least give an approximate location. I've mentined the easiest one already - one line of Javascript: Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone; also google for "dns ip leak" and "webrtc leak". Also, if the topic starter has to use a dedicated piece of software rather than simply opening some website in the browser then it's a very different (and very difficult) story. For example, most poker software act like a legitimate trojan - it installs deeply inside the operating system and extracts all possible information about the system - all installed programs (including VPN clients, of course), all network connections, all hardware identifiers, etc. And also it detects if it is running inside a virtual machine, and it will not work if it detects being inside a virtual machine. Because you could run multiple poker clients on the same computer + transparently route all traffic of the virtual machine thru the VPN tunnel, and poker websites do not like that behavior for obvious reasons.
  11. yes, it is called BGP and as with many things in Thailand it is often made ass-backwards. For example I have to connect to some of my servers in Europe through Singapore because if connecting directly then Thai providers route the traffic through the United States instead of Russia, thus adding 300 extra ms to ping time. You could check the routing using the traceroute or lft commands in the better operating systems, or tracert command if you use Windows. e.g. traceroute
  12. I've decided to answer the private message here as it might help other users as well. Yes, both of these options will make it look like you are in the UK. But depending on the website's security measures they might detect your use of VPN. For example, they could check your IP address owner, and block it if it belongs to the datacenter - in case of VPS or commercial VPN service, and allow it if the IP comes from the home network provider - in case of VPN on your router. Also there are a lot of other ways to determine that you are _not_ in the UK (for example, your operating system transmits your current timezone to every website visited so they will know that you have GMT+7 instead of GMT+0). So in terms of speed I would suggest using a VPS in the same UK datacenter as your website uses, but in terms of privacy (if you need to look like you are still in the UK) you should setup a VPN on your home router. To sum up: you should find out if that website actually blocks users who are not residing in UK. And if it does - try to find out how does that website determine that. Google for "yourwebsitename account blocked for VPN" or something like this.
  13. Which datacenter you use? I have servers in OVH SG-1 and SG-2 and get 150-170 ms to servers in London (Netconnex/Thinkbroadband). And 60-80ms from Thailand (mobile network) to Singapore, so 210-250 ms total. Still faster than the direct connection though ???? If I ping London directly from Thailand I get 240-300 ms.
  14. Okay it seems that CIPS bank codes are equal to SWIFT bank codes, i.e. if a bank is a member of CIPS then its CIPS code == its SWIFT code. So one question got answered, still I have another one: - does anyone know how to send money directly between Unionpay cards?
  15. so you need a minimum ping time rather than high download speeds. This way you will have to choose between different VPN services to find the fastest one. Or setup a VDS inside the same datacenter where does your exchange website hosted. There won't be any cursor movement lag but there will definitely be a lag between click&response, at least 200ms but maybe up to 500ms. Comparing to an online game it could be considered an extremely slow connection with extremely high lag. If you still want to go that route (rather than staying in UK ) you should use the wired internet only, because mobile or Wi-Fi will add up to 100 extra ms.
  16. We have SWIFT worldwide, for Euro zone we have IBAN, what about Unionpay? Also, there is Visa Direct for Visa card2card payments, Mastercard <something> for Mastercard card2card payments; is there a way to send money between Unionpay cards? I've found a service that could send money from Europe to Unionpay card but they ask for some "Bank code". Where do I find that code? I could not find anything by googling "Unionpay bank code", only SWIFT/IBAN databases appear in search results. Also googling for "send money from China to Thailand" reveals just a few results which look like the forex exchanges (e.g. "vertofx" which does not accept private person registrations, business entities only)
  17. Do you need to download the "data" from your home or from some office in London? If the former then you should definitely setup a VPN server on your home router (if it supports that function, not many do BTW) and connect to it. If the latter - then it depends on what you need more - fast connection (in terms of pings - latency in ms) or high download speed (in megabits/s). The public VPN services might have faster connection because they might have found the best datacenter to rent their servers from*, but high amount of their simultaneous users will definitely drop the download speed down. So if you need the high download speed instead and don't really care about ping time then you should buy a VPS/VDS** and setup your own VPN there. * - note that VPN services might don't give a thing about connection speeds and choose the cheapest datacenters instead of fastests ones to lower the costs and maximize the profits, so you might get even higher ping time on the VPN service compared to VPS/VDS or your home router. ** - it is extremely important to choose the correct virtual environment for setting up your own VPN. There is a lot of marketing bullsh't around virtual servers, also hosters are intentionally confusing the terms to conceal the information about the real technology they use. You should buy servers made only with "KVM", "Xen", or "VMWare" technologies, and stay away from "LXC", "OpenVZ", "Virtuozzo" ones.
  18. 1) not entirely legal and depends on the amount. If below 1K USD than nobody will care, but it could be a huge PITA to transfer more than 10K USD. 2) it is inefficient in the first transfer as you have to learn how to buy and use USDT, but ongoing transfers will be more efficient. Exchange costs are minimum 10 USD and up to hundreds per transfer, depending on the amount. As you need to buy it first and your recipient needs to sell it for fiat, both commissions are up to 5%.
  19. The usual SWIFT transfers to/from Russia still work, it seems that you are sending money to a sanctioned bank, so ask your recipient to use a different bank. AFAIK the Tinkoff bank does work with SWIFT.
  20. sorry, I'm not sharing my jabber contacts in public :) try bizcn.com for .cn domains and reg.ru for .su domains
  21. unfortunately you could not buy 1 dollar for 99 roubles, the real exchange rate for today is 114
  22. and I am in position to tell you that "bulletproof hostings" do exist, you just don't know how it works in the real world. I guess it was a ".com"? There are zones which registrars ignore any abuse reports because they simply do not speak English, as well as zones which registrars throw away any legal letters coming from the US. I've met several people with the loud titles who didn't know their stuff so yet another one does not really impress.
  23. Unless you are an ISP yourself. You just have no experience with bulletproof hostings and that's why you are so certain. TheTorrentBay just tried to play legit that's why they tried to host in Sweden or Iceland instead of the real bulletproof locations.
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