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Everything posted by fdsa

  1. no, you could buy any domain name and "attach" it to Google. So you will login to gmail.com website with email like "[email protected]". yes, it is extremely difficult to properly setup a server. I work in that field for a decade and know what I'm talking about. But with proper setup the privacy will be guaranteed (with the only exception - NSA has backdoors on the hardware level so there is no protection against them) unless the commercial service gives you the full access to their server it _does_ mean that it is not private. yes, usually it is simpler to get all three services from the same company, but at higher cost. Experienced webmasters usually get domains from one company and webhosting from another one (and email hosting from Google lol ) because this way it'll be much cheaper.
  2. no one is right, everyone is wrong. 1) russians will not "remove" Putin because the ones who are against him are massively outnumbered by those who are either zombified by the propaganda and thus support Putin, or are afraid to protest because of Putin's personal army "natsgvardiya" (the folks who are both zombified by the propaganda plus they get 5x average wage so they do not want people to "remove" Putin because they will lose their huge wages). Biden & friends seem to not understand that. So the sanctions imposed against average people will not make them "remove" Putin. They have to impose sanctions against russian people of power such as oligarchs and businessmen if they want to succeed. 2) Also Biden & friends do not understand why there is such a heavy support of Putin. It is quite simple: a massive amount of russians have never been abroad, 70% of russians do not have a passport at all. So they've never seen a life outside Russia and do not know what a life with a normal government looks like. So they believe the television and internet propaganda, that Europe is bad and Russia is strong, etc, because they've never seen how things really look like. Those who travel are usually less prone to propaganda's influence and usually become less loyal to Putin. Many russian people who can speak English and/or work remotely have fled Russia since the Crimean incident in 2014 (thus leaving even less opposition inside Russia). And they are those "good russians" you've met and wrote about above.
  3. that feel when you use such an old version that the bug was not even introduced yet
  4. If you don't care about privacy (that any staff member will be able to read your emails) then you could just host your domain on Google / gmail.com or any other email service, for free. You will need to pay for the domain name only - approx $10/year. If you want some privacy then you will have to rent a dedicated server, and this will cost not less than $300/year, plus setup service (from few hundreds to few thousands).
  5. this is correct. A usual antivirus will not help because NAS's get infected via vulnerabilities in their software, not via malware on your computer. The best solution is - do not allow external access from the Internet to the NAS. Or setup a VPN on the NAS or on the router and connect from the outside Internet via encrypted VPN.
  6. as I wrote earlier - low quality (high wavelength 390+) ultraviolet might not highlight your particular bank book, as with my KTB example. And with a high probability a high quality (low wavelenght 370-) ultraviolet will highlight every single bank's books.
  7. and this is a good example of a chinese sh't product: "365-400nm" means "400nm", not "365 nm". Do not recommend.
  8. If you are not obliged to use the browser only you could install an email client program and download the whole emails history to your computer and conveniently search through it. Try Mozilla Thunderbird https://www.thunderbird.net/en-US/ https://support.google.com/mail/thread/40111657/using-thunderbird-to-access-gmail-account?hl=en
  9. I've just checked my books with a cheap chinese "UV" light (seller claimed it's "true" UV 365 nm, but it appeared to be a much worse 395 nm UV): - Krung Thai bank - the signatures highlighted very slightly but still distinguishable - Krungsri bank - very good highlighting, easily distinguishable signatures. So if you would use a "real" UV 365nm you will definitely see your signatures.
  10. LOL. If I had spare moneys I'd buy Monero and Bitcoin now.
  11. I still believe there is some problem with your IP rather than the browser, as I have never experienced the same problem with two different versions of Firefox (although not 88/91/97 - much more older ones) Have you verified that Chrome and Firefox have the same IP addresses?
  12. it's strange that Chrome works. Maybe you have some VPN/proxy addon in Chrome? Check your IP address in Firefox and Chrome - are they same?
  13. Maybe some addon is playing tricks? I use Firefox only to access this forum and never experienced any problems with Cloudflare. Try to create a new, "clean" browser profile and try to open this forum again: type in the terminal or the command launcher. Make sure to not set the new profile as a default.
  14. Maybe cloudflare does not like the word "Linux" in the user-agent. I always browse the internet with "windows" in the user-agent&friends. try this: open "about:config", and create the following entries (right click -> New -> String): Name: general.appversion.override Value: 5.0 (Windows) Name: general.oscpu.override Value: Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64 Name: general.platform.override Value: Win32 Name: general.useragent.override Value: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:88.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/88.0
  15. incognito mode accepts all cookies and other stuff, and just clears it automatically when you close the browser window.
  16. there is indeed a small % of people who are afraid to say "no", but you underestimate the power of Putin's propaganda. My friends, who are relatively young and [I thought they were] smart people mostly support Putin and tell the same cr@p the TV says - they believe that Ukrainian forces shot the Boeing, not Donetsk's thugs armed with the Russian missiles; they believe nobody poisoned Navalny and that it all is fake, as well as Skripals; the current Putin's TV agenda is "Ukraine was killing innocent Donetsk's people for 8 years! so Ukraine deserves this war!" and guess what my friends say. Of course, they do not watch TV. But Putin's cyber forces are already working in Youtube, Instagram, Tiktok and other social networks, so the same TV agenda is everywhere in the Internet.
  17. unfortunately the majority does support this war. Most people who are/were against Putin have fleed Russia in 2015-2020 (or got killed lol), and now public polls show that approx 70% people support Putin and thus support war with Ukraine. Even a few of my friends who have scientific degree got brainwashed by the TV and say that Ukraine must be assaulted and similar stuff. "Ukrainians were killing the innocent people of Donetsk for 8 years!!!"
  18. unfortunately about 70% russians support Putin and thus support the war. Propaganda does wonders. And yes, Russian passport was a "red flag" for several years already but now it's going to be seen as an anthrax envelope.
  19. DOB is constant, yes. Pictures are not constant, and some countries did not take fingerprints until the last years, including Thailand. the only cheat I exploit is two different passports. Very useful and convenient, highly recommend. It's very sad to see only these two and a few more people on the list, I'd love to have a few hundreds more sanctioned.
  20. Although you are somewhat right, we have a cheat called "transliteration" - many russian letters could be written in multiple ways, giving a lot of possibilities to change passports back and forth. Lets take a random name - "Евгений Конюхов", it could be transliterated as: - Evgeniy Konyuhov - Evgeniy Koniuhov - Evgeniy Koniukhov - Evgeniy Konyuhoff . . . - Evgenii ... - Eugeniy ... - Eugene . . . . . . And people are allowed to choose whichever transliteration they prefer, just tell that you've lost your old passport and get a new one. Also Russian citizens are allowed to have 2 different passports with different numbers at the same time, totally legal ????
  21. Connect the SSDs to a PC, turn PC on and wait for a while, then check - did SSDs get warm?
  22. OMGWTFLOL. You shouldn't follow the advices from that website, they are wrong and misleading.
  23. Then maybe your PSU is faulty and has fried the disks. Find a SATA power cable pinout and check your cable with a multimeter - the 3V/5V/12V pins shouldn't give more then 4V/6V/13V.
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