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Everything posted by fdsa

  1. while the AES-256 cipher is really difficult (NOT impossible) to hack, it is used only to encrypt the data, not the archive header. And to get the data you do not need to bruteforce the AES cipher but just SHA256 hash of the key which is stored in the archive header. And SHA256 is quite easy to bruteforce. the paid software is most likely yes, the real deal is usually free and open source, such as https://hashcat.net/hashcat/
  2. if they are cookies of that particular website, not cookies of the corporations which technologies are used by that website. 90% of all wesites use "fonts.googleapis.com" and/or "google analytics" and/or Cloudflare CDN and that allows Google and Cloudflare effectively track all your actions across entire Internet. are you an another blind promoter of the Brave browser? FYI Brave sucks hard in terms of privacy.
  3. That "cookie law" is the most idiotic law in the IT field ever issued. These banners are way too invasive and annoying, I simply add them to the ad-blocker blacklist or ignore them if they are not that large. Also clicking "reject all cookies" is just fooling yourself: I know at least four methods of effectively tracking users online without using any cookies, and I'm a layman in the web development, an expert web developer will track you with a dozen of other methods.
  4. Hydrogen ICE is the only true "green" engine, but Z.O.G. does not allow it to be mass produced.
  5. while I mostly agree there are still some people who use crypto for anonymization of their purchases.
  6. Let's not turn this thread into another "why vaccine X instead of A, B, C?", I do not want any vaccines except Pfizer, that's it.
  7. I'm interested in buying Pfizer vaccine too, please PM if you know where to get it for sure.
  8. it's the same "free" as in "buy a car & get free T-shirt". Of course 1 mb/s ADSL and 56 kb/s modem connections were more expensive than 100 mbps today, it is the evolution of technology and competition that drives speeds up and prices down. But I'm talking about pushing services that are not actually needed and even misleadingly advertised - in fact you are getting 10 to 100 times lower speeds than advertised. Check this: https://www.speedtest.net/result/995529359.png (this is a real speedtest result from my old ISP) A homework for you: answer how could I have a gigabit connection at home 12 years ago (no, I did not work for that company)
  9. the true success in marketing is to convince people to buy something they don't need and overpay for it.
  10. Do not mistake "V-NAND" with "QLC" - "V-NAND" is method of cell placement and "SLC/MLC/TLC/QLC" is a method of storing data in cells. V-NAND drives are ok if they are made with TLC technology (or how fkucing marketologists call it "3-bit MLC"), e.g. old Samsung models like 950 Pro. But V-NAND QLC are a piece of shít with 8 MB/s random write speed. I'd say "impossible to find", even enterprise SSDs are mostly 2-bit MLC. SLC could be found only in extremely small capacity drives like 64 GB. Also be careful with Samsung - they like to call TLC drives "3-bit MLC". However TLC are still OK.
  11. Never seen that one, do we live in a different Phukets? ????
  12. I live on Phuket and was not vaccinated yet. Despite we have tons of Pfizer here it's impossible to get it as a 1st shot, they give it as a 3rd "booster" shot only. "first can not, only Astra or Sinovac" Does anyone know any hospital in Bangkok or maybe somewhere else where I could get Pfizer as a 1st vaccine, guaranteed?
  13. It's just another rule of investing: never keep in online wallets more cryptocurrency than you could afford to lose.
  14. Good news for Superrich fans - a booth just opened in Tesco Lotus in front of Starbucks. However it might be an imposter because it has a yellow "G" letter logo instead of green "S" letter or "SPR".
  15. I bought digital goods from USA. Maybe it's only USA thing? I often buy stuff on Ebay from other countries (mainly Europe, sometimes Australia/Japan/Hong Kong) and was never taxed before. The last purchase from Germany was just before the New Year and I was not taxed. The last purchase from USA was about 3 years ago and I was not taxed then, so it may be a fresh tax law. I'll report back when I'd buy something else from a different country.
  16. this is correct - HDDs are still (and will be) widely used for heavy write workloads, e.g. most even cheap HDDs are capable of continuous 100+ MB/s write speed while modern shítty QLC SSDs could write fast (their advertised 500 MB/s) for mere 1-2 minutes and then their write speed drops below 80 MB/s. Also despite write capacity of HDD is not really "effectively infinite", it's still tens of thousands of terabytes, while even the best "Pro" SSDs are capable only of 2-3 thousands of terabytes.
  17. they seem to be taxing the item price, not just Paypal fees: if they were taxing the Paypal fee then the Tax would be 7% out of 10% which is ~0.2 USD
  18. you seem to be good on logic and psychology, could you please help me to determine what's wrong with people who make statements like "if A is B, then everybody else is C"?
  19. enjoy your Windows 10 *looks down on Windows fanboys who already promote Windows 11 just because it's new and not because it's in any way better than Windows 7 or 8*
  20. I'm not Neeranam but I think he won't mind if I would answer instear: - the whole "Tether" stablecoin is counterfeit, and it is a major problem because when they stop paying huge bribes to the regulatory authorities and go bankrupt then all cryptocurrencies will severily drop in price, because uncontrolled printing of Tether tokens is the only real reason for all cryptocurrencies to rise in price in the last few years.
  21. damn, that screenshot has literally made me Harold-face
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