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Everything posted by fdsa

  1. you did not get my point. There are people who do not understand anything in the underlying technology, for whom "the crypto jargon is confusing", for whom thinking more than three thoughts in a row gives a headache, and for whom the phrase "do your own research" means nothing but "watch YouTube advisors", and who seriously "invest" in obvious scam tokens ↓ ↓ ↓ -- I was talking about that kind of people. But if your IQ is above 70 then you could really make a good buck in crypto.
  2. btw this movie is a nice indicator - if a person likes this movie then this person in a piece of shít and doesn't worth spending time with them.
  3. ... if you are not trolling then investing is definitely not for you. Do NOT invest your money in cryptocurrencies - you WILL lose everything.
  4. the third rule of investing: do not watch all these crypto amazing videos on YouTube.
  5. bitcoin - maybe ethereum - maybe [a bit closer to "yes"] polkadot - no doge - no cardano - strong no algorand - maybe not mentioned above: tron - maybe litecoin - maybe [a bit closer to "no"] stellar - maybe ripple - maybe [a bit closer to "no"] vechain - maybe bsc - no [a bit closer to "maybe"] monero - strong no I can't give a strong "yes" to any coin because the top coins have fundamental flaws that are not likely to be fixed and the less known coins might not get a wide adoption in the future.
  6. you are too serious, give the remaining orders a honest rating and then abandon Aliexpress.
  7. well... https://aseannow.com/topic/1227017-understanding-aliexpress/?tab=comments#comment-16729751 - welcome to Shopee! (note that I'm not saying "Lazada" because it's the same shíthole as Aliexpress - same owner, same codebase, same broken search engine) they have greatly enhanced their logistics so I usually get shipments from China in ~10 days.
  8. Yet another update: Yesterday port 80 (plain HTTP) did not work on subnet ( with all websites I tried, but today I still have the same IP address and port 80 works well with all websites, so this blocking seems to be random. Concerning the random disconnects: sometimes I have no disconnects for several days in a row, and few days ago I had ~20 disconnects in 1 day. Still much better than TRUE-H. And for statistics: still no HTML injections into the plain HTTP traffic. So, to sum up: DTAC is definitely the best mobile provider, Truemove "TRUE-H" is definitely the worst, and AIS is "somewhat ok".
  9. DTAC is the best, AIS is "so so", TRUE-H is the worst. https://aseannow.com/topic/1236854-ais-vs-dtac-vs-truemove-true-h-technical-info-for-it-nerdsnolifers/
  10. nope, I could get millions in cash in Moscow without any questions asked. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-11-03/bitcoin-money-laundering-happening-in-moscow-s-vostok-tower-experts-say
  11. in "fundamental" terms there is a huge demand in money laundering (especially in rich but corrupt countries such as Russia) and anonymous purchases of special goods and services. I think this market share is not less than 10% of all cryptocurrency transactions (other 90% transactions are various "NFT's", tokens and other ponzis) I believe in a few years I will sell my bitcoins to some Russian deputy for $200k each.
  12. you are wrong, I told about the cashflow in ETH already: Ethereum is a platform to create Ponzi schemes, and given the amount of fools and greedy smart-asses is infinite, there will always be a constant cash flow into the Ethereum network (and its collegues such as BSC, SOL, etc) just check this: https://www.dextools.io/app/ and this: https://poocoin.app/ also google for "n*ggerbonk" and estimate the amount of fools and free money in the world. we have such examples even here on Thaivisa: https://aseannow.com/topic/1237248-altcoins-and-tokens-to-keep-an-eye-on/ - that guy seriously "invested" in a meme tokens (not even a real cryptocurrencies!), and there are literally hundreds of millions of such guys with spare moneys.
  13. Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme that is widely known already, so holding BTC will not yield too much profits. However Ethereum, Solana, Binance and some others are a whole platforms to easily create new Ponzi schemes - literally everybody could create their own "mickey mouse internet money" in a few hours (there are even "point and click" online services for dummies with no technical background) and lure new losers into the new Ponzi claiming huge profits in their new "AkitaShibuDogeBonkElonMuskNFT" token. So holding ETH,SOL,BSC,etc will definitely yield huge profits --- buy and hold these coins. (a financial advice, do not do your own research)
  14. just use any "email marketing" service such as mailjet, mailgun or sendinblue - they do not care about where you got your email database and will send spam with high inbox rate.
  15. google for USB KVM switch (basically a "KM switch" but it is still called a "KVM"). as for software KVM - check this: https://github.com/debauchee/barrier - an open source alternative to Synergy
  16. Update: today port 80 works well, possibly such limitation is set up on selected IP subnets only, so if you experience the same issue - reboot your modem to get a new IP address. Works for me on subnet: ( Concerning the random disconnects: AIS does randomly disconnect but much rarely than True-H (still more often than DTAC) - from 0 to few times per day, while Truemove guaranteed to disconnect at least twice daily, and up to a dozen of times. Usually Truemove disconnects at the night time, I believe their billing system does that to calculate the used traffic. Also for statistics: I don't see any HTML injections into the plain HTTP traffic.
  17. No, it would not - I needed to pay an invoice to a company, not make a simple money transfer. Yes, Europe has SEPA (and this was an European company) but payment from south-east Asia was possible by SWIFT only, so... pay 150 EUR to receive 100 EUR. if you do not need something it does not mean that nobody needs that. I was forced to do a bank transfer because another "blast from the past" system called Paypal was not supported by that company. If I lived in Europe I would lose peanuts on fees and the transfer would come instantly, but I live in SEA and the receiver lives in Europe hence the problem of extraordinary fees and days of waiting for payment settlement. The cryptocurrencies definitely solve this problem.* * - well, not definitely: those "kind of idiots" which do not accept Paypal with high probability will not bother to accept cryptocurrencies too. P.S. "what kind of idiots make a 100 EUR transfer using Bitcoin? we have Stellar, Litecoin, Dash, and a zillion of other cryptos for such a small transfers" ????
  18. I don't know if DeFi would kill banks or not, but I know for sure that the "blast from the past" system from 70's called "SWIFT" must perish. Today I had to make a SWIFT transfer of 100 EUR and paid 45 EUR transaction fee. Yes, that's 45% fee. Current Bitcoin transaction fee is $10 and Ethereum transaction fee is $15. And I'm not mentioning the much better yet less known alternatives to BTC and ETH. What, SWIFT is intended for the large sums only? Send 10k USD and the transaction fee won't be that high? Wait, I've heard that already... about Bitcoin and Ethereum transactions.
  19. OMFG, I've just noticed that AIS drops ALL traffic to 80 port. $ curl -v (my-server.com) * Trying (my.ser.ver.IP):80... * TCP_NODELAY set * connect to (my.ser.ver.IP) port 80 failed: Connection timed out * Trying (my.ser.ver.IP2):80... * TCP_NODELAY set * After 84779ms connect time, move on! * connect to (my.ser.ver.IP2) port 80 failed: Connection timed out * Failed to connect to (my-server.com) port 80: Connection timed out * Closing connection 0 curl: (7) Failed to connect to (my-server.com) port 80: Connection timed out ports 79/81 immediately reply with "Connection refused", as it should be, and port 80 hangs for some time and then fails with a timeout. Of course it's not only my website - same problem with google.com and every other website. Only port 443 (https://) works for the web browsing. And this fact moves AIS down to the shít tier, next to True-H.
  20. unfortunately it appeared to be not true, today AIS was disconnecting for the whole morning: $ sudo systemctl status ModemManager -l --lines 200 | tail -n 200|grep done Oct 27 02:17:11 lap ModemManager[143515]: <info> Simple connect state (8/8): All done Oct 27 02:58:41 lap ModemManager[143515]: <info> Simple connect state (8/8): All done Oct 27 06:41:02 lap ModemManager[143515]: <info> Simple connect state (8/8): All done Oct 27 06:47:44 lap ModemManager[143515]: <info> Simple connect state (8/8): All done Oct 27 07:02:00 lap ModemManager[143515]: <info> Simple connect state (8/8): All done Oct 27 07:31:47 lap ModemManager[143515]: <info> Simple connect state (8/8): All done Oct 27 07:36:18 lap ModemManager[143515]: <info> Simple connect state (8/8): All done Oct 27 07:51:05 lap ModemManager[143515]: <info> Simple connect state (8/8): All done Oct 27 07:54:31 lap ModemManager[143515]: <info> Simple connect state (8/8): All done Oct 27 08:09:45 lap ModemManager[143515]: <info> Simple connect state (8/8): All done Oct 27 08:17:34 lap ModemManager[143515]: <info> Simple connect state (8/8): All done Oct 27 08:38:47 lap ModemManager[143515]: <info> Simple connect state (8/8): All done Oct 27 08:49:02 lap ModemManager[143515]: <info> Simple connect state (8/8): All done Oct 27 09:16:34 lap ModemManager[143515]: <info> Simple connect state (8/8): All done Oct 27 09:33:51 lap ModemManager[143515]: <info> Simple connect state (8/8): All done Oct 27 10:08:43 lap ModemManager[143515]: <info> Simple connect state (8/8): All done Oct 27 10:11:01 lap ModemManager[143515]: <info> Simple connect state (8/8): All done Oct 27 10:17:37 lap ModemManager[143515]: <info> Simple connect state (8/8): All done so DTAC is the most stable mobile internet provider.
  21. Getting a Thai bank account is easy - you just need to spend a week searching for a branch that will agree to open an account for a farang without work permit. Positive thinking!
  22. nope, it was some problem with Krungsri payment terminal, because: - I made a 50k withdrawal and 50k more 1 (one) minute later. So it was 100k in a single day, and 200k+ total in a few days. - the daily withdrawal limit on my card is about 300k THB ($10k AFAIR)
  23. I've just recalled that Truemove MITMs all connections and created a thread with some technical information: https://aseannow.com/topic/1236854-ais-vs-dtac-vs-truemove-true-h-technical-info-for-it-nerdsnolifers/
  24. Top tier: DTAC - does not MITM* any port - ping times to Europe is ~200ms (I don't remember numbers for sure but they were lower than with Truemove) - connection is stable, does not disconnect randomly - normal IP score ratings (was getting google/cloudflare captchas quite rare) Low tier: AIS (one-2-call) - MITMs port 25, other ports [seem to be] OK. Note: AIS BLOCKs all connections to port 25, see below**. - ping times to Europe is ~200ms (190-240 to France) - connection is stable, does not disconnect randomly - [I don't know IP scores yet as its the first day I use AIS lol] Shít tier: Truemove (True-H) - MITMs ALL PORTS. Note: True-H seems to intercept connections to port 25 but still allows outgoing traffic, see below**. - ping time to Europe is ~300ms (250-350 to the same server in France at the same time with AIS test) - connection is unstable, randomly disconnects from few times to few dozens times every day - low IP scores - dirty subnets, google/cloudflare captchas appear VERY often The connection speed is OK with all providers, I've used 4mbps and 10mbps tariffs, was getting 4-10 mbps on all of these SIM cards. * - if you are not a IT nolifer and don't know what MITM is: if you connect to random (even not existant) IP address and random port that must be definitely closed and get "connection success" - it means that the Internet provider is intercepting all your requests and records or modifies all your traffic. It could be done for completely legitimate purposes (e.g. to fight agains SPAM) or for malicious purposes (to spy on you or to do some other nasty stuff e.g. replacing your sent messages with a different text) and now the details for nolifers: Example with Truemove: with AIS: with DTAC: Truemove intercepts absolutely all connections even to not existant IP addresses and ports: AIS intercepts connections to 25 port only (but even to not existant IP addresses): DTAC does not intercept any connections at all, even port 25: ** - concerning the "raw" outgoing emails: DTAC does not mess with connections and shows the full banner: True intercepts the connection and shows incomplete output! AIS intercepts all connections to port 25 and does not show any output at all: --- if you need a mobile internet provider for professional work - go with DTAC.
  25. for redundancy purposes - I have DTAC SIM in my phone and if the DTAC network goes down I will need some different way to access the Internet, that's why I used Truemove first and AIS now. If I needed a single SIM then I'd go with DTAC as I think it is the best mobile internet provider in Thailand. And Truemove is definitely the worst.
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