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Everything posted by fdsa

  1. any Gmail or torrent could be easily blocked. if you want to publish something in really un-erasable-way then consider using Bitcoin blockchain. there is even child porn inside that is impossible to delete.
  2. Seems that you've caught an advertisement malware while browsing those special websites or just downloading random cráp. Try to locate any strangely named apps in the autostart list and disable it, you could view autostart list for example by pressing Ctrl+R and writing "msconfig"; this app is very useful too: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-gb/sysinternals/downloads/autoruns
  3. Any success stories of getting Pfizer if under 40 years old and with no underlying conditions?
  4. Cryptocurrency is so dead that its subforum was even moved from the "Informational Technologies" somewhere far away to the "World News"
  5. I've just looked up in my logbook: Kata beach on 6th September - visibility was 4m, 11th September - visibility was 0.2-2.0m Also I've checked and could confirm that Phi Phi / King Cruiser trips are open now.
  6. Kata beach: visibility ranges from 0.2m to 2.0m Yes, Racha Yai/Noi has quite good visibility - up to several meters. Not too many options, unfortunately. Phi Phi is closed so only the closest dive spots are available. P.S. I do confirm that Kata/Karon/Patong are mostly dead and Rawai/Naiharn/Chalong are somewhat alive.
  7. Really "High End" hardware is absent in Thailand, even in Chiang Mai aka "World's Top Best #1 Choice Hub Of Digital Nomads" electronics shops sell utter cráp models compared to my home country. I once had to fly to Singapore to choose and buy a high end laptop. You should check the main electronics shops in Thailand first and if you won't find what you need then buy it while still in US. These shops are: https://www.jib.co.th/ https://www.bnn.in.th/ https://www.powerbuy.co.th/ https://www.invadeit.co.th/ (as far as I know this one is run by farang that's why it usually has better hardware than the shops above) Also you might find stuff you need in the small shops that sell their stuff on Lazada ( https://www.lazada.co.th ) but make sure to click the "Local" location selector to not wait the stuff for weeks to come from China.
  8. LOL, I wonder if withdrawals from Bitkub come from Binance addresses.
  9. Okay the cryptocurrency era is officially over, sell your Bitcoins now.
  10. Breaking News! Bitcoin has PLUMMETED to 51'000 USD from all-time-high 60'000 USD
  11. @lkn your post is correct in almost everything, except this one little thing: - cryptocurrencies will always grow in price simply because of the infinite fiat money supply (thus new money entering the system)
  12. Sorry for the offtopic but I think many divers will read this thread. Could anyone point me to any official document regarding fishing restrictions around Phuket? I was told that "any fishing is prohibited within 1km from any island or underwater pinnacle", then "this rule was lowered to 500m from any island or underwater pinnacle", still I see lots of fishing boats standing right on the dive spots and fish traps being dropped in 30-50 meters distance from Racha Yai. Are those rules real or just a rumor among divers? Could I report those fishing boats anywhere? Are they allowed because they are Thai nationals?
  13. their public audit shows that only 3% or 5% of Tethers are backed by fiat dollars and 97% are "backed" by debentures and other cryptocurrencies (which price is - surprise! - pumped by Tethers).
  14. I haven't been watching the crypto world for a while and don't know any new technologies worth throwing few hundred bucks at for a high chance of huge profits in few years. Could you recommend any? Are there any in fact? If I understand correctly: 1) tokens: most are obvious scam, others make no sense to invest in if you are not a professional gambler 1.5) "DeFi", "swaps": pancakeswap, sushiswap, crápswáp, whateverswap - platforms for gamblers to gamble, that give you a % cut. They do bring money but I can't see them in a distant future so don't have any. DeFi - loan your cryptos for gamblers so they could gamble. Well... 2) blockchains: every single modern blockchain can handle zillions of TPS, is cheap to send money, and does support smart contracts, so they all are better than the "classic" cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or even "somewhat modern" such as Ethereum and there is not much difference between all those EOS, Tron, BSC, Vechain, et cetera. I've bought some coins of few selected blockchains (not BSC of course ), because I think there could be a bright future for "not classic" blockchains. 3) "save the planet" PoS: there are many PoS coins already without much differences, I have some of them but should I really buy each one? 4) "DAO" coins: their main vulnerability is infinite supply of fiat money so the large institutions could simply buy most of the nodes/shards/whatever-they-call-it and thus control the DAO decision making process and make it centralized. A good example is Binance owning a huge amount of staking nodes created by users' cryptocurrencies. Nevertheless I hold some just in case. 5) "government-friendly crypto" such as Ripple: Do we really need those? 6) "new type of blockchain": Filecoin, Burst, Chia, and other "storage" cryptos - there is simply no use for such kind of distributed data storage. Enterprises use their own geo-clusters, casual users use Google Cloud or Amazon AWS. HKN, Internet computer - they claim to create a technology so complex that the project would just never get out of a "Beta" stage. Hedera - looked promising until I read the whitepaper. Aggressive marketing like "largest fortune-500 companies support and host our nodes" ends in realizing that noone of these large companies wants to host these nodes so Hedera pays 45'000 USD to anyone who would purchase and host the equipment ????‍♂️ So, which crypto should I buy and hold for few years to buy a guaranteed Lambo?
  15. - if your name, address, photo, phone number, and exactly how much cryptocurrency you own was stolen from a cryptocurrency exchange and being sold to the highest bidder on a darknet market? - if that information was sold not by the sophisticated russian hackers who got access to the cryptocurrency exchange database but by the exchange employees themselves, who are working for a minimal wage as a customer support representatives but wishing for a better life? - if the KYC process is outsourced to the "third party KYC provider" residing in the different country so even the cryptocurrency exchange does not know who exactly handles your personal information and how do they store it? Do you realize that you could not sue the cryptocurrency exchange or the "third party KYC provider" for losing or sharing your personal information? Do you realize that passing KYC could cost you a life? Why do you accept KYC?
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