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Everything posted by StayinThailand2much

  1. How will this, practically, even affect visa applications in the medium-term? Can one still apply for a, say, tourist visa in Vietnam, or Laos, or will they refer me to the Thai embassy in my home country, even though I don't live there anymore?
  2. Well, I can only speak for myself, but definitely lost income for Thailand, as I not only do not visit/use such dual-pricing places/services, but also am very cautious about other, similar tourism offers. That means, no income at all for those sights thanks to this practice, rather than a moderate business income.
  3. This scam has been going on since 2020. Explains why my bank's debit card refused bookings on that website.
  4. I currently live in another Asian country. My employer handles tax issues here. I also have a new passport, which K-Bank doesn't know. I guess, I will have to wait with the form till I travel to Thailand again in a year, or two.
  5. And this helps tourism (income) how, besides bolstering local airlines' turnover?
  6. By the way, do I need a Thai TIN, if I don't live in Thailand, but have a few baht interest income from my savings account?
  7. What happens, if I don't comply? (Currently, I am unable to get a "true, certified passport copy".)
  8. I am a citizen of country A, but informed authorities that I moved abroad (so, no tax obligations), I have bank accounts (no foreign transfers) in country B, i.e. Thailand, while currently living in country C. (Should I do anything, or will K-Bank restrict my account?)
  9. I received the same email. No bank account number, and the forms look exactly like U.S. IRS ones. (I am not even American.) - No such emails from the three other banks where I have accounts, even though the deadline is '20th December'. - Can't enquire at the bank, as I'm not currently in Thailand. No foreign transfers go over this account, so probably best to ignore it.
  10. Thais still use Facebook? 😝
  11. Sorry to hear. I was almost refused entry thrice in early 2020, incl. once at each Bangkok airport. Perhaps a good idea to bring some beverage and food when travelling to Thailand, cause one never knows...
  12. Wasn't Chiang Mai airport supposed to be an "easier" entry point than Bangkok, or Phuket, at least in the past? Are they copying the Bangkok airports now?
  13. 1-2 minutes?? Not in my experience, at least not at Arrival. 1 to 2 minutes checks out for the efficient processing at Departure, but at Arrival it's more like 3-5... I always worry, whether the IOs there know how to read the data, or why it is so slow.
  14. Yes, with all their need of paper copies (despite everything being in their computer system), how will that work?
  15. Wonder, if the E-gates also, at times, ask: "Why do you come so many times to Thailand?" πŸ˜†
  16. Some in SE Asia (Thailand, Myanmar, also some Indians) use the English words "winter" and "summer" to refer to the Dry/Hot Seasons... (And, yes, this is silly, of course.)
  17. "The fundamental idea behind NIT is to provide financial assistance to individuals who earn below a minimum income level set by the government." So, the foreigners, who (involuntarily) pay into this, will also be eligible for financial assistance if no, or a low income?? πŸ˜† Thanks, Thailand, I will certainly make sure to never again spend more than 179 days/year there...
  18. Then again, all that mentioning of 'individuals'... Or, perhaps they're only targeting billionaires... πŸ˜†
  19. Yet, Thailand is not the only country in SE (and South) Asia, where locals regularly refer to the 'cooler' season as "winter", and to the Hot Season as "summer". Asked for the actual number, or name of seasons, at times, one gets a shrug... Ignorance?
  20. Thailand, the navel of the world, deciding when seasons take place... But no, this "winter" not a lot of snow expected in Thailand. πŸ˜†
  21. Yeah, I have had my own experience over the past few years arriving in Bangkok, like IOs at Arrival scrutinising my history in Thailand... Earlier this year, on the other hand, the IO at Departure seemed really disappointed when I said, I wouldn't be back anytime soon... Make up your mind, Thailand! With such mind games, other destinations (for my money) look more and more attractive... πŸ˜†
  22. 1 million 'in case of death'; how can I claim this? πŸ˜†
  23. So, they don't care about one's address anymore? (In the past they were, at times, very insistent on having the exact hotel address on the TM6.)
  24. Colour television sets? What is that, the 1980s?? (Last time I owned one was in the 1990s...)
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