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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. Yes. Date of entry counts as day 1. If you have been doing reports online you can still use autofill but remember to scroll to entry date to change that field.
  2. The OP is not thai. It's not a simple process. Read threads regarding the topic. Very old thread attached. https://aseannow.com/topic/74745-what-costs-are-involved-in-becoming-a-monk/ There is a Buddhism Forum on AseanNow. Surprised OP has not read all the threads there outlining costs etc... Such as this thread.. https://aseannow.com/topic/1263039-a-monks-life-for-30-days/
  3. Google "Skyscanner" for throw away ticket. Better option is "onwardticket.com" That is rent a flight and you buy the ticket day before your flight to Thailand. approx 12usd.
  4. Very naive post. You are not going to "can I become a monk..." Given that you plan to devote one month to this project. You can do want you like on your "spouse visa" You could have asked can you study Thai language on your current permission of stay. Of course you can. There are several threads regarding Non RE to study religion.
  5. Perfect. If you need to exit Thailand prior expiry date make sure that you purchase another reentry permit
  6. Simple question. Look at picture in my previous post. Do you have that pic in your PP. Only difference being the word Multiple.
  7. Will be fine due to length of your stay only being a week each time.. Clearly not living in Thailand
  8. Normally an agent would only obtain a reentry permit if you requested one. Yes it's a separate stamp. Takes half a page. Hard to miss Here is pic of my Multiple reentry permit. Obviously a single has "Single Entry"
  9. You have zero issues returning presenting both pp. You should consult your agent regarding transfer of reentry permit (if it's a multi) and visa information to new pp. Also how are you doing your 90 day reporting. If via agent then again another reason to infor agent that you have renewed your pp
  10. Your stays in 2023 do not seem over the top. You state "did same border run earlier this year" Then you state "flew back last week" Visa exempt can only provide 30+30 day stay. So how long between your two visa exempt entries in 2023?
  11. Sounds very much that you used an agent. In any event no issue to return to Thailand with both passports. BTW: If you did in face use an agent you will need to use agent for your next 12 month extension.
  12. Just fly with both passports. When you state the you got a "retirement via" you mean that you obtained a non O retirement and subsequent extension? Did you obtain a reentry permit prior to leaving Thailand
  13. This is a silly Scaremongering thread based on one vague statement from well know Thai official.. Everyone should chill.
  14. This thread is a slow train wreck. Should have been in general topics forum or Pub Forum.from the start. Not really visa related. It's very clear re living in Thailand the OP can use non O with ongoing extensions based on marriage or.....based on Thai child.
  15. Yes you can apply for new extension up to 45 days prior to expiry at CW. There was a post by someone that two copies were required. However there are recent posts that only one set was required and that's recent. Be aware that there is a photocopy/print stall on lower level if required.
  16. The OP is Australian and in his OP mentions Superannuation. The "Old Age Pension" is something very different. The use of term Pension in places such as UK has very different meaning.
  17. You will be given new 30 day stamp if you opt to enter visa exempt. You will need to obtain a 30 day extension. Some offices have appointment system. Simple easy process. Will provide another 30 days which starts from expiry of your entry stamp. Disregard post stating there can be issue with obtaining extensions Some people overlook TM30 which can be an issue. You can obtain screenshot of TM30 from your hotel.
  18. You are not alone. The issue from what I have read is that there are fields that do not apply and folk have just submitted "not applicable" etc replies. It's an issue and based on it being set up by Thai...nothing will change soon
  19. Which part. Stop embarrassing yourself . You feel intimidated by Thai staff wherever.... Grow big boy pants. Politely request space.. Ridiculous thread.. Needy person
  20. Been in Thailand for ten years. Never had one issue. On the contrary I feel embraced by the Thai folk I deal with them From eateries to whatever. From doing make overs on Condos to building home. Also eateries etc. Perhaps look at yourself.
  21. You have issues. Then subsequently start a thread. Just say "nick off" if it bothers you. Grow some.
  22. Ridiculous rant with too much Misinformation to correct.
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