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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. OP, you mentioned Vietnam. Ripper joint. Sadly only single entry tourist visa currently available. They previously had available a multi entry 3 month tourist visa. There is talk about that being reintroduced. Very simple process.
  2. He is referring to multi entry non O visa. Valid for one year.
  3. Do a TM30 change of address. https://aseannow.com/topic/1220603-changing-my-address-do-i-need-to-notify-any-agency/
  4. I have mentioned option of using an agent to open bank account earlier in thread. Cost approx 4-4.5k
  5. Using an agent to obtain an extension based on marriage is much more expensive than based on retirement. The OP was asking about difference between extensions marriage v retirement. No mention of agent.
  6. Your advice is outdated. "Bank hopping" was possible years ago. Not now. From the OP, he stated the following..... "He wants to open a bank account and need the residence certificate for this. He has the TM and rental contract but he has no 90 days report since he is not required to file that. My question is, if we go to Whattana immigration will they issue the certificate without a 90 days report" The answer to his question is that CW will NOT issue him a certificate of residence without a 90 day report. This is a particular requirement for CW immigration. He also mentions that the friends embassy does not issue the "letter" that the banks accept in lieu of the residence certificate. This is an issue not only for bank accounts but also TDL. Stating "or just get the proper visa" is a catch 22. Many folk that entered visa exempt or tourist visa with a planned pathway to obtaining a non O require a Thai bank account.
  7. Yes. The entry via land two limit is for visa exempt entry. Did you actually have a tourist visa or are you referring to visa exempt entry as a tourist visa entry. Big difference.
  8. 1. Yes 2. No problem. 3. How long are you looking at? That's not straight forward @Sheryl is a mod and will advise you re medical permission of stay options.
  9. That's just typical UT rubbish. As the saying goes...be aware of your own immigration office.
  10. Do nothing. When you return start your 90 day clock on date of entry. Try online report anytime from 75 day count. Remember to change entry date if you use autofill.
  11. No need for rudeness. Surely they are the only immigration office in Thailand that has such a ridiculous list. In that respect they are irrelevant.
  12. That list is for application for extension based on retirement. In any event some made up list by one crack pot immigration office does not mean a lot. There are ~ 75 offices. The "residence certificate " on the list is straight out crazy. Post the first four points (requirements) and list heading. Might be good for a laugh to see how ridiculous Trat immigration is. #9 Looks like list for extension based on marriage.
  13. As stated above it's #4 on this list. Or just type TM7 to Mr google and download link is first result. Note that it's two pages. You need to print it as double sided. (one page) Also requires photo attached https://www.immigration.go.th/en/?page_id=3202
  14. Application for what? Non O based on retirement OR extension. If Trat do home visits for extensions based on retirement then they would VERY much be in the minority of immigration offices.
  15. That is just one of many differences. Financial requirements and being able to work and having a home visit and having an under consideration period are just a few of many other differences.
  16. Haven't heard that one before. In any event the transport office accepts foreign DL in English so guessing that will be fine with Bank along with certificate of residence.
  17. Do some research. https://aseannow.com/topic/1291168-how-is-a-retirement-visa-simpler-than-a-marriage-visa/
  18. Which province have your "several friends " been able to open bank account on tourist visa without certificate of residence or letter from embassy? Simple question. Especially when it's been "several" I assist folk opening a bank account. It's not easy. .please help me with your simple process for the "several friends" Your expertise would assist many Especially those entering Visa exempt to obtain no O and needing Thai bank account. That would be so helpful.
  19. Stop. You stated .... * "Not necessarily. Try Krungsri Bank as they have approved several people I know without a C of R in the last year that were on a visa exempt". Which province?? Simple question. You stated.. "I'm not your secretary and don't answer to you" Which province did your SEVERAL open bank account.
  20. "Several people" That's funny. Name the Province. Simple question . Years ago opening a bank account was very easy. Subsequent money laundering laws changed that. I assist folk in opening accounts in Bangkok and it's basically impossible without certificate of residence or letter from embassy. An alternative in some areas is to pay for insurance policy.
  21. From the OP to me .. "Thank you so much, appreciated.".. Have you assisted the OP?
  22. Which immigration office. Which province? You are posting nonsense. In Bangkok banks absolutely require certificate of residence or letter from embassy. The issue for CW is that they do not issue certificate of residence without having made a 90 day report. Recent threads relating to other provinces such as Jomtien also require certificate of residence. However in all other provinces the 90 day report not a requirement. An alternative is to use agent to open account . Approx 4k
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