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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. They arrived approx Sept 25. Visa exempt stamp admitted till Oct 25. They will need to obtain a 30 day extension to obtain (conversion) to non O retirement. They can try and press the case with the rogue Samui office or go to another immigration office.
  2. The OP had not been in Thailand for TWO years. No questions were required. Certainly not the ones outlined by the OP. Her job was to stamp the pp indicating 45 day permit. Not rocket science. BTW .. current thread running OP with similar history to OP in this thread. Just arrived same airport and posted this .... "In Thailand! You guys were right.. immigration was a breeze ????". Immigration officers and consistency do not go hand in hand.
  3. Well done and went as some predicted. BTW assume you entered visa exempt. Any question re onward flight from airline at your departure? Any questions from the immigration officer at passport control upon entry?
  4. You are making simple sound difficult. Transfer any amount you require using transfer company such as WISE.
  5. Indeed....and this was a mistake made by some and during covid with closed borders caused big problems. So your post and the previous post from uj outlines the correct path.
  6. Nonsense. From the OP...... "Arrived back after over 2 years not being here." Over the top questions from the io..
  7. Just another clerk trying to think she has relevance. Ignore. Was zero reason for her questions.
  8. Correct. No problem with your plan. Be aware that 45 day visa exempt ends March 31
  9. The airline at departure MAY ask to see onward flight. You can Google "onward flight.com" Another option is a throw away ticket. Cheapest available approx 1500baht. A Bus/train ticket will not cut it. Must be flight.
  10. Seems you will need to obtain 30 day extension as stated earlier you require 15 days left on permit to apply for non O retirement. Great that you have funds in place in the Thai bank account. Suggest you clarify completely with Samui immigration their refusal. I have read some silly stuff about that office. Can't recall but it may have been refusing covid extensions or something similar. You could then consider applying at another immigration office. Hopefully someone will post advice of another immigration office option..
  11. Which border run to do depends on where you are staying.
  12. The refusal was a Samui thing. The requirements for the non O retirement from a visa exempt entry are simple. 800baht in Thai bank account in your name only on day of application. Couple of photocopies of pp, TM87, etc. You require 15 days remaining on your permission of stay to apply for the non O. You must be near end of permit. You can obtain 30 day extension at immigration. Do you have Thai bank account?
  13. 1. You do not need to exit Thailand to obtain 30 day extension. Extension obtained at immigration office where you are staying when you apply. 2. You need to exit Thailand however that can just be a border bounce. Reenter visa exempt for another 45 days. That can also be extended by 30 days. Note you can only do two visa exempt entries via land per calendar year. 3.dont waste effort on a METV. With the travel plans you outline there are better options.
  14. As I understand it ....always read "2 MONTHS prior. So would seem November 30. Having said that your 60 day extension would take your permission of stay till approx December 16. Clearly apply for extension sometime in December
  15. To my knowledge fines do not appear. Online can be done up till due date (previously 7 days prior) In Bangkok you would attend CW. Added note re the online report link I posted above. Is this what you used. If you have done one previously you do not need to type in address etc. After the name, passport etc.. You hit on the magnifying glass icon and it autofills from previous report.
  16. Assume you are using the new online reporting. Here is Link first for register and second is login if used previously. https://tm47.immigration.go.th/tm47/#/register/add https://tm47.immigration.go.th/tm47/#/login There is no need to fill in address etc. It's autofill from previous report. Regards your current situation you could opt to do the report in person at immigration. That can be done up till 7 days post due date. You can do online reporting 15 days prior. Obviously best to do it early in case there is an issue.
  17. 60 day covid extension ended. Yes Laksi if you entered Thailand visa exempt and staying in Bangkok
  18. Obtain 30 day extension. If you are in Bangkok be aware to apply at Laksi and not CW
  19. What is your current permission of stay based on. Extensions to a non O etc?
  20. So you maintain a minimum balance of 800k all year and you also have income of 65k+ per month for the 12 months. Amazing.
  21. Your post is confusing. The bank letter does not state "I have loads"... It simply verifies that you are the owner of the account and the current balance. Your bank book pages (or statements) so the minimum balance throughout the year.
  22. It's not impossible. Just lot of mucking around. You would need to obtain letter from embassy as alternative to residence certificate. Not all embassies provide that service. For some embassies you need an appointment and that can take time. An agent is an option especially if time is of the essence such as when someone is planning on obtaining a non O. Visa exempt no problem for the agent.
  23. That is incorrect. With a visa or reentry permit the airline will not require an onward flight.
  24. Just arrive visa exempt. That's stamps you in for 45 days. Depending on desired length of stay ...you can obtain a 30 day extension and/or do border bounce for another 45 day visa exempt entry.. Happy days.
  25. All bit irrelevant. The guy you asked stated the following.... "yes i did opened one on 30 June 2022 in BKK, with my yellow book and pink ID...…that was all needed!!" In another post stated..... "What i did was, I called the SCB Call Centre to inform my local branch that I am coming in and that I am on a long term NON O Thai Wife extension,"..... The point is he had a non O marriage extension. In the main ...the threads about opening a bank account relate to those on visa exempt or tourist visa in which case it is not straight forward. With work permit or non O... Opening bank account is not huge hurdle.
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