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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. Life's too short to try so hard to get thee absolute cheapest tool that will get the job done. If 3,000 tbh will make or break you for the month then go for the cheapest. For me 3,000tbh doesn't mean much if I feel better about not buying the cheapest. I bought a 1800 tbh weed whacker, if and when I buy another it will be a 4 stroke Honda at about 8,000tbh, Why?? because I can.
  2. Don't you get tired of buying cheap, I do. Kind of a self respect thing.
  3. Note to self - Take a last pee before I leave the bar. 88 yo and still out and about. OG will have a story to tell.
  4. I'm sure you'll get some of the guys out partying. Plus their should be a few civilian support ships with money to blow.
  5. "I have a dream" Where cannibus and beer or wine could live together harmoniously. Used in moderate combination it's delightful. I remember in high school I never saw pot never, now there were these 2 guys who sat behind me in Algebra class who everyday when they walked in they brought this rank and sour smelling odor with them. I simply thought it was bad hygiene, ahahaaa. Whoops, wrong thread????
  6. Thank you for translating American terms. Projects basically means the ghetto, slums, drug infested apartments. A term fondly talked about by "rap artists) Projects = "the hood" aka "hood rat"
  7. A notary can be obtained at your Embassy. I recently sold some land in the USA and went to Embassy to have papers (my signature) notarized.
  8. You get screwed over by enough people and THIS starts to be a good idea. This guy snapped because he'd had enough, I've been there, well not "There" obviously because I've never killed anyone. Has anyone here not wanted to do serious bodily harm to someone????
  9. If I educated my kid in the US she'd be going to a private school, the same as I did before with the oldest. I have family who rented all their lives, never thought about retirement. And I have family that were very wise, bought houses for rent, much like me. I feel for those who sold their paid for US homes and squandered their money away in Thailand.
  10. Tips for the day - 1. No loud music. 2. Pay back loans promptly. More to follow.
  11. Me with my GED own 3 homes in US with rent coming in on 2 of them, paid for 2 homes in Thailand (cash) It's nice to have options. But I'd rather have my kid educated in Thailand
  12. I just checked out the MG vehicle lineup and I must admit it's impressive. You have to hand it to the Chinese, they are awesome at copying the design of others, tweaking it a bit, and selling it cheaper. Now I can see buying the 400K range car cause it's cheap but the higher end prices I don't see much savings from reputable brands like Toyota and Isuzu.
  13. Bangkok Bank, I use ATM card for funds. It's been said those with a US home residence registered with SS you can change banks online like I did and if you have overseas address registered you get what you got, a number to call.
  14. My SS gets DD into Thai Bank. just got mine this morning. When I travel to US I use those funds in US Credit Union and US Credit Cards. I can go online and change back to US bank anytime.
  15. If I didn't have a good health plan from my home country that covers me in Thailand I'd be shopping for a Thai plan regardless of Visa requirements.
  16. Very hi-so folding the clothes.
  17. I think the bigger issue is living so far from town and no reliable transportation. Yikes.....
  18. They (13) held back on the envelopes headed upstairs.
  19. Wondering how many victims of unpaid loans, cheated customers are reevaluating their options.
  20. Or how about those of us who already have a good health ins from our home country and don't need a BS policy from Thailand.
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