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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. I'd regard just being on Facebook as obsessive. Squared if on Twitter as well.
  2. I am driving a 2006 Toyota Vios with 175,000 on the odometer. My Thai mechanic says it will get to 300K. I sometimes think Toyota regrets making the Vios, not enough obsolescence for the bean counters I don't know why you think Thai roads are awful, I've seen roads a lot worse in Australia.
  3. I set the aircons at 26 degrees, use them late afternoon when it is hottest in Chiang Rai. Switch them off about 7 pm, sleep with a fan. And my GF. Quite cool this year, hardly need them. The aircons, that is.
  4. Please, any information on where I can obtain cannabis oil? I'd like to try it for lower back pain, PM if you prefer.
  5. I'm trying to make up my mind whether Tolstoy's "War and Peace" was shorter than the OP's post. One minor gem or Freudian slip, when he commented on the British biker who was killed when a Chinese woman pulled out on him.
  6. Tell me what your many strong suits are. Don't forget your expertise in senility. Fair is fair, I like being amused too.
  7. Quite true, that is Trump's legacy to the present administration. Perhaps epidemiology is not your strong suit, it certainly was not his.
  8. Not at all, each to his own. It was a joke, Joyce.
  9. In answer to the OP's question, Dr. Morgan on HangDong Road has a very good reputation. In general, private hospitals are more expensive. I had a wart removed at McCormick Hospital in Chiang Mai, 9000 baht including pathology. Another wart was removed at a skin clinic in Chiang Rai, minus pathology. 500 baht. Flu injection at Overbrook Hospital, 900 baht. Flu injection at a clinic, 500 baht.
  10. I have a suspicious mind, show me where it says the Thailand Pass is cancelled for foreigners as well.
  11. Does the change in the Thailand Pass apply to everyone now, or is it still a requirement for foreigners?
  12. Functioned under Trump? Highest number of COVID deaths in the world, 1 million now. One of the highest death rates. Trump touted bleach, held spreader rallies, sidelined the best health advisers. A trade war with China which cost America just as much. A wall that never got built. Dismantled the health system, put SFA in its place. If you call that functioning, I pity anyone who buys a second hand car from you.
  13. Quite right, I have absolutely no compulsion to impose my standards on anyone else, although I do have occasional waking bruxism.
  14. Try Lazada.... https://www.lazada.co.th/products/kafuter-90g-611-gray-sealant-glue-polymer-metal-adhesive-for-automobile-motorcycle-electrical-appliances-metal-plumbing-seal-i3806142330-s14488104418.html?search=1&spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.i40.36907ff1mV1Z4R
  15. Jim Jordan and Jim Banks are both Trump allies, why would anyone put them on a committee where they would do their best to obstruct, deflect and deny?
  16. I definitely have OCD, I regard it as a benefit. Examples: All the coat hangers in my wardrobe face the same way, and my clothes are hung in groups of trousers, shirts, jackets and sweaters. When I get a bill for anything - electricity, internet, condo fees etc. I pay it the day I get it. That way, I can forget about it. Any time I use the toilet, or I am about to eat food, I wash my hands. The first thing I do when I get in any car is put my seat belt on. I have daily exercise routines, if I miss a session I feel guilty. Whenever I have anything new - car, TV, refrigerator etc. I read the manual first before starting to use it. I count my change whenever I buy something in a shop. I have a defined sequence for coffee - sugar first, stir until dissolved. Milk afterwards. I record how much I spend every month. Every year on July 1, I record what my assets are. I have no debts. I am meticulous about getting my car and scooter serviced when it is due. I don't regard having OCD as being a liability. IMO everything I do in that respect is logical.
  17. It's too cold in unzed for the grass to grow long.
  18. The last statement is a lie. It is up to the Justice Department and Merrick Garland to decide whether any prosecutions will be forthcoming from the hearings.
  19. IMO if social media continues to publish lies and fabrications without any semblance of fact-checking, Clinton may well be right. TBH, I can't see any difference between Putin and Trump. One is a dictator who has shut down all independent media in Russia to promote his "special military operation" and "denazifying" BS with the population. Trump would love to be able to do the same in America. Admittedly Trump has not poisoned anyone, except with toxic rhetoric against his opponents. Both are identical in being thieves and sociopaths.
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