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Everything posted by treetops

  1. Onward Flights just photoshop an old booking to create a new one for their customers, so yes, fake. Onward Ticket create a real booking that can be checked on the GDS used by the airline. Not fake,
  2. Firestick or Android Box with appropriate apps.
  3. OK, thanks I hadn't picked up on all the details. Still seems good value and seems to indicate they aren't losing the frequency band, which was mentioned in another thread as the reason for the discontinuation of the original product.
  4. Is this confirmed? I thought I spotted annual ones back on sale from a supplier I've used before (as well as a couple I haven't) although they haven't reappeared on the official sales page. https://www.lazada.co.th//products/i2482654262-s22861344002.html
  5. There are overseas cards where that is not the case and if you can avoid the ATM fee they can be one of the best options for obtaining cash in Thailand. Even if they do charge interest from Day 1, a day or two of interest if you pay them off quickly would be negligible. https://www.barclaycard.co.uk/personal/credit-cards/barclaycard-rewards
  6. Sorry, I'd initially read it that you'd done it on line - my mistake. The dates gave away it was by mail and I've just re-read your post.
  7. When? Last year this worked for me a couple of times but not so this year.
  8. No charge according to this post from 2021. Nothing more recent I could find. https://aseannow.com/topic/1217044-using-a-uk-debit-card-to-withdraw-cash-in-thailand/?do=findComment&comment=16472541
  9. The Pattaya News saying now that the police have been down and arrested these beggars today.
  10. Yes, I used him a couple of weeks ago. https://mrtpattayataxi.com/
  11. Bionic Waste Digester in a blue and white packet is one I've bought locally before, but caustic soda is probably the best and I've never noticed it in the shops. I've ordered it from Lazada.
  12. Apple Honey Company in Welcome Town are suppliers to most of the bars that stock it and I think they'll be able to help you out. They'll deliver too. https://ciderthailand.com/
  13. There's a Chinese bank with a couple of ATMs in Bangkok mentioned in another thread IIRC.
  14. Of course it does as told on here many times. Long stay or property purchase to BBL of any value get the delay. 50,000 THB or over for any reason (to any of the 3 banks which you can send that much to) also get the delay.
  15. If you're referring to the in-seat mini bar, that's soft drinks only. So are the ones in Business Class. If you're just referring to the comfort/ambience then yes, some would prefer it. Another alternative is to do both.
  16. Yes and no and you've got me doubting my memory now! I found this which shows it but not in a bar layout as the previous picture but more just like a decorated shelf they served tea from. 11 mins 48 seconds in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeCphtjSgtg Here's a more recent one from 5 years ago showing it clearly at 6 mins 42 seconds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZGQXYpz19U
  17. How far back do you go? My first time was I think in 2011 but I found this review online from 2009 showing a picture and with it being the 5th one in Emirates' fleet I think it's fair to say it's always been there. https://www.airliners.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=966845 This article from 2008 also shows it in the layout of the first delivery flight. https://www.businesstraveller.com/tried-and-tested/emirates-a380-800-business-class-6/
  18. I'm connected via a 4G+ one just now. Not sure what the "+" does but speed is more than enough for me.
  19. I'm seeing the same using Firefox and Win11. To take you to the correct place in a thread try clicking on the address bar to highlight the whole address and press enter. It works for me.
  20. If the price mentioned in the OP is accurate I would think it's just a person or people working a side hustle. AFAIK the only "official" escort system at Phuket is offered by Coral and has a starting price of 1,400 baht but may also include the use of an arrivals lounge.
  21. Which airline is this? 2-2-2 in economy on an A380 seems crazy. Qatar have economy in the upstairs rear and Emirates upstairs at the front on some variants but both are 2-4-2
  22. There is, at the top of the stairs outside the bathrooms, but it's unmanned and no seating area so the rear bar is used by anyone wanting to socialise or have their drinks poured for them. Pic from the internet.
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