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Everything posted by treetops

  1. https://aseannow.com/topic/1331779-problem-with-dee-money/
  2. No, it's not. I was there a week or so ago at the ATM and it looked like business as usual.
  3. No longer an advantage. I don't know exactly when it was implemented but there's now a 10 baht fee.
  4. I believe from previous threads this was the stumbling block for Paypal Thai account holders too and as such non-Thais could not comply. I don't recall seeing any workaround.
  5. Again, a different experience for me and Jomtien office until recently. Twice last year I returned from overseas and was successful on-line. This year computer says no.
  6. What browser are you using? I just tried it using Chrome and it works as it should so could be browser related.
  7. The topic is magnetic charging ports. You use them with your existing charger to prevent wear and tear on the charging connector in your phone. From your previous post which I quoted and replied to, you may not have picked up on the nuance.
  8. You don't say where in Korea but if we assume Seoul and Incheon airport then the answer is yes, but with a twist. Check on Timatic which is what the airlines use. I used Emirates' interface and it come up with what I've shown in this screenshot. Also remember that as it's >24 hours your luggage will not be checked through to your final destination so ensure you have a plan for that if required.
  9. At that value I guess you're talking about Cashback Rewards as was the OP I think. I too have had no issue with them after giving my bank details. GypsyT seems to be referring to full cash refunds for bookings so a different animal and nothing to do with the subject of this thread.
  10. No, I always submit early and my only issue was on returning from overseas where they rejected it and told me to it now had to be done in person in this case.
  11. I have the same with TSB who may still be using legacy Lloyds systems, although I've had it for a few months now not just a few weeks. I select trusted device every time but it doesn't stick. I don't clear my cookies (Firefox) and can see TSB currenly have 52 cookies stored for me so it's not that. Have you changed your laptop recently? I did earlier this year but not sure if it was the same time as I started seeing this issue.
  12. That was the rules on the old system (pre December 2021) and that website has not been updated. If you hover over the link you'll see it's the old immigration extranet address, not a direct link to the current one. The old site has a re-direct on it so you end up in the right place.
  13. This one was recommended to me recently although I have not yet purchased it. https://www.lazada.co.th//products/i2200936232-s7390568487.html Chose the micro-usb, Type C etc for your device.
  14. Not according to this post which shows an image from the (now removed I think) online instruction manual. Has this been superceded? https://aseannow.com/topic/1241749-thai-immigration-online-90-day-reporting-system/?do=findComment&comment=19112668
  15. This is one of the early ones reported. https://aseannow.com/topic/1333205-dtv-issued/#comment-19072978
  16. I don't know how you get your money to Wise, but it's been mentioned before that pushing it rather than Wise pulling it may get you back to where you were before.
  17. I just completed this quiz. My Score 16/100 My Time 19 seconds  
  18. https://aseannow.com/topic/1330724-birth-certificate-and-divorce-document/?do=findComment&comment=19120847
  19. Lots of Wise delays reported recently in other threads. Are you sending from North America?
  20. Duh - how did I miss that? Any ideas whether the NT Thunder 12 month SIM will return? The guy I got a couple from has now run out but do you know of any other suppliers? https://www.lazada.co.th//products/i2482654262-s21388785759.html
  21. I came across what I think is the same one when browsing earlier on, albeit 30 baht more expensive than in your link. The way I read it (or Google reads it for me) is 3,000 minutes any network. https://www.lazada.co.th//products/i5229476935-s22203522191.html
  22. Yes, and without looking again I think one of the pages shows where they fall below the subsistence level. I don't know about other countries, but the UK for example has pension credits for those getting below the regular state pension so bringing them into line with it, and the UK is oft cited as having one of the lowest pensions around. That also then qualifies them for many more potential benefits. I think we're getting (well) away from the MRT discount being discontinued so I'll leave it at that.
  23. Here's averages from 3 years ago which should be more representative and shows a similar pattern, and bear in mind they'll have increased somewhat since then. There's always going to be outliers well above and below average but I don't think it's as dismal as you make out. https://www.euronews.com/business/2024/05/31/pensions-in-europe-which-countries-are-best-and-worst-for-retirement
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