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Everything posted by treetops

  1. He's not qualified to be a manager in a low-end resort from what I've read on here.
  2. Generate a dummy number and see if it works. https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/thai-citizen-id-generator/epjdfiocihakcbcndegikddpdokoanip?hl=en
  3. The wording now is explicit whereas it wasn't before and does not require it to be on the same airline. I don't think there's room for misinterpretation or different interpretations. This may well not disappear as the new wording doesn't put a time limit on the when the ticket should be for, although it does mention any extension will be for 30 days. From https://www.iatatravelcentre.com/
  4. Correction - it's towards the right if you come to the immigration hall nearest the E, F, G gates.
  5. I've not seen any reports on this, but the information to airlines was updated recently and now acknowledges extensions are possible and an onward/return ticket can be for further out than 60 days.
  6. It's a closed currency so not easy to be traded outside.
  7. Some people just look at the bottom line, not the possible consequences of their action.
  8. I don't think that'll happen. I don't know the process but Siamburi's Expat Shop in Pattaya mentioned a few days ago that The Farm Place, one of their suppliers, had got all 17 of their products through FDA approval and it's only a month or two since they (Siamburi's) were "raided" by the FDA and closed for a few days which kicked off the process. They also have at least 6 types of Cumberland Sausage still for sale which must be approved.
  9. They are open but not at the seperate Fast Track area between the two main immigration halls where they have been for years. That area is still there but not for Business Class passengers, who should go to the main ramp and will see a "Priority" sign off to one side - it's towards the left if you come to the immigration hall nearest the E, F, G gates. Go up the ramp at the sign and the queue barriers should steer you in the right direction.
  10. Before the recent changes there was a facility to mark everything as read that I used to use before signing off. I can still see the button for doing this on individual sub-forums but not the one that marked everything at once. Does it still exist and can someone point it out to me if so?
  11. It does. Enter passport # and nationality and click on the magnifying glass symbol.
  12. I pay me PEA electricity bill by Direct Debit so it does exist.
  13. It seems like Subway have turned round from that. Have you seen how many they have just shut down for not "behaving"? Orders came from the USA after Thai franchises tried to take advantage and do it "their way" and many have been shut down now. No loss IMO but some may have liked them.
  14. I think he/she is. The employer was a bit strange not only with them but also with the not very bright Treasury Unit he/she mentioned, if it fact it was true. No idea about the real word the OP talked about and which the thread discussed.
  15. "Math" is an Americanism. "Maths" - short for Mathematics - is the original term. It is confusing as "Arith" is used correctly as shorthand for Arithmetic in English, whereas following the maths rule it would be "Ariths" which just isn't right.
  16. The Super Size Me guy was Morgan Spurlock.
  17. Lots of EU destinations get Qsuites, unfortunately for the OP Nice isn't one of them.
  18. And your ignorance is amazing. Your previous post was so wrong in almost every aspect but you do as you wish. Please let others post about better ways about avoiding credit card fees, getting cashback, avoiding annual fees or scurrilous exchange rates etc for someone like the OP from the UK with the options available to him
  19. Splitting the journey in half via the ME is mcuh more comforable than the short then long flights via Switzerland. Qatar currently don't offer their Q Suite from Nice and you would have a longer transit to get the Q Suite from Doha to Bangkok so stick with Emirates and you'll be on their A380 all the way.
  20. Why do you think their other shop closed?
  21. OP had no need for a visa. He's not the smartest of travellers going by his post.
  22. Bull dung, but non residents sell property too surely?
  23. Your post indicates you are very short in knowledge about how they work. Better if you stick to supping Chang as your financial advice is on the level of chivas or whatever he's called here.
  24. I'm just new to the online TM30 submission and hope someone can clarify for me. Got owner's documents, registered as her, added address and address approved all done last week. Today I added an individual staying (me, after returning from a trip) and submitted. All good so far and when checking the system I see the entry with a green tick saying "Informed". Is there anything else I have to do, is there anything Immigration have to do or is that it? Is there a print facility and if so where do I find it, or do I just screenshot the page if I want to keep a record?
  25. A SIM Router as mentioned in the OP.
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