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Everything posted by treetops

  1. You've been told nonsense. Unless you choose the rate offered by the ATM (which nobody should do) you will get the rate as set by the card processor, most likely Visa or Mastercard. This does not change dependant on whose ATM you use.
  2. There's no one answer to the OP's question. Funding source, reason for transfer, destination bank and amount being transferred can all affect the processing time. The long stay or buying property reasons mentioned above seem to be the most frequently discussed as lengthening the time to ensure the overseas origin is indicated. The value of the transfer seems to change but can be manipulated by adjusting the amount sent.
  3. It was indicated by the OP he was using ibanking too but sounds more like it's only been mbanking. If ibanking was being used as well then that could have provided a solution. Anyone else only using the app would be well advised to set up website access too.
  4. It was a Thailand holiday weekend. Lots of staff on holiday perhaps? The new booths are not only for visa exempt people from what I've read.
  5. Is the requirement for debit card details the only method offered? In a recent similar thread there were options which also included entering your ibanking userid or savings/current account information. Being locked out of ibanking due to an expired card also sounds unusual. Are you sure this is the reason?
  6. That's a positive change if transactions with an international indication can happen instantaneously. Let's see of it's an across the board change or if this was an anomaly.
  7. Using Wise? They indicate that Kasikorn will show ‘Trade Finance Deposit' to show an International transfer.
  8. Agreed, there is a cut off point in the morning. @Pib I think narrowed it down some time back IIRC.
  9. He's right, but he's over-egging at least one of the figures. His own site has a calculator/comparator on it which shows the difference between Wise and NAB as 4,885 THB on a 10,000 AUD transfer. This equates to just over 207 AUD or just over 2% which is significant but not what he claimed. Would it be even closer if you asked your bank to send THB and let your Thai bank do the conversion, taking into account fees at either end (and maybe in the middle too)?
  10. It's 100% everything to do with it. Wise (or probably Transferwise at the time) specifically introduced this option to support folk needing the international transfer notation. The option about purchasing a property also means arrival the next day and the international transfer listing. If you're with Bangkok Bank it'll be just after 2:00pm the next day I'm sure? Remember they don't guarantee it 100% so have a backup if one month it doesn't work as planned.
  11. That's because there is no plan to do so. Just wild speculation that some have fallen for.
  12. Apparently the NT Thunder SIM doesn't. This was recommended to me during my recent discussion and I almost moved to it. I even went to their office to get one but it was a holiday Monday and they were closed. When I next had an opportunity I'd heard back from DTAC and changed my habits as mentioned.
  13. You might just win this one for a change. I can't even see a date for the next international flight yet so it may be a while.
  14. For some it's priceless, for others like yourself, less so. I'm somewhere in the middle and made my recent purchase as the price became acceptable to me. YMMV.
  15. Yes, Air France also have direct flights from BKK-CDG and I'm on one next March. Not the flight number you are quoting but AF153. AF165 looks like it's stopped, at least for the winter months, but if you can see it next April it sounds like it will return. It's not a daily flight (or wasn't this year when running) so the OP might not see it depending on what date he searches.
  16. I have what sounds like a similar package (Max speed 15Mbps, unlimited data) and a few months ago had a similar issue - it's discussed on here if you have the time to dig around my old threads/posts. In summary, DTAC told me usage of 100GB per month is what they consider above average and when they will start restricting it, even though this didn't appear anywhere I could see when I purchased it. The above poster appears to say he can see it currently so maybe they've had a few complaints and added this info now. I used to leave the TV on whenever I was home which accounted for a lot of my usage so I've modified my behaviour in that regard and it now seems back to normal. Check her data usage and see if this is perhaps the same in your case.
  17. Whe Mor Phrom was first launched there was a plan to expand it's use beyond COVID features and make it a record of all medical issues. That's one reason I kept it and maybe the reason for recent updates. There's an indication on the app now that may be the case as it refers to accessing "your personal health records" which I don't recall from before.
  18. That wasn't in the claim I responded to as the poster has pointed out, but thanks for your input.
  19. Yes,VN1. The discussion followed a comment of "an international airport with no international flights" which was easily seen as incorrect.
  20. Strange that this flight flew yesterday from UTH-HAN just as I posted. Did flightradar make it up too?
  21. OP appears to be talking about native English speakers. Everyone you refer to doesn't appear to fall into that category.
  22. Are you really claiming that requiring banks to report what is being asked is a bad idea for the UK's finances? Times have changed, fraudsters have changed, the law needs to change to keep up. And I doubt very much whether larger scale fraudsters are being ignored.
  23. Everyone could pick holes in all sorts of data, and make statistics tell any story they want depending on what argument they are trying to make. Even if the figures are 50% out (unlikely IMO as genuine claimants will most likely engage when approached) over £3 billion GBP from the public purse is still at stake and should be pursued by any practical means possible.
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