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Everything posted by treetops

  1. I'd been one of the smug ones on here that had always succeeded even after re-entering the country but my time has now come. Rejection message was: For first-time requests of a 90-day notification in each country visit, in-person presentation at the immigration office is required. Jomtien immigration.
  2. Still there. Last post was in February this year. https://web.facebook.com/PattayaWatchdog/
  3. I suspect a clue is in the thread title and it's this company. https://coins.co.th/
  4. Your number may be a recycled number that was owned by a tour guide and restaurateur in years gone by. I would think a potential scam is more likely though.
  5. Type the code and pay the 3 baht twelve times then you can forget about it for a year. You'll get an SMS when it's time to do it again.
  6. There will be significantly fewer gates on entry (numbers are upthread) and I suspect this is down to all the different length of stays to be stamped in for which will need manual intervention. Could be that if Visa exempt entries are the highest headcount they are directed to the auto gates and everyone else is manually processed. Overstays would be rejected at the exit gates - computer says no - and dealt with by an officer.
  7. No reiprocal agreement between the "frozen" countries and the UK government.
  8. API data is logged for all flights, including private ones, for everyone entering or leaving the UK and many other countries. If the will was there, the UK authorities could track your entries and departures by referring to this information.
  9. The original order was said to be for 80 machines. 56 for BKK departures, 16 for BKK arrivals and 4 each for DMK arrivals and departures.
  10. No, I mean after you logged in you mentioned changes to the way the pull down boxes for province etc were behaving. I haven't touched mine since my first report on this system as I use the pre-fill button (magnifying glass) after entering my passport number and nationality (or whatever the first two fields are). The system then pulls all the data from my last report and populates all the fields. I adjust any dates if required and submit. I was going to show a screenshot here but I'm getting the same nonsense on the log in page as you posted above with no Captcha.
  11. Any reason you don't use the pre-fill function?
  12. You could tether your laptop to your mobile phone assuming you have a data package on there. Not recommended for long term use AIUI, but should be fine until power is restored.
  13. Tommy has mentioned elsewhere that they are not affected as they have a commercial radio license. This is targetting little non-profit broadcasters in villages and temples who are currently unlicensed.
  14. You can, but it's an inefficient way to get money there as it's the equivalent of using your card abroad with all the inherent charges. But if you have the SCB Planet card (I don't) then it might not be too bad!
  15. My query in the post 2 above yours and the OP's response appear to say why. His bank may screw him over if he renews it in the PI.
  16. You won't be able to until you delete the old one in the device management settings.
  17. Wise can send up to 2 million baht to Bangkok Bank and to Kasikorn Bank. 1.5 million baht to SCB (well 1.499999 milion). Usually at the higher end a bank transfer is the most cost efficient but that sounds not to be the case for Euros and Spanish banks.
  18. Hasn't your thread on that subject made you realise you have little to no chance of succeeding? https://aseannow.com/topic/1328833-thinking-about-becoming-a-thai-citizen/
  19. It depends among other things on your tax residency status, whether any monies you remit are assessable or not and the provisions of the UK DTA. I see from another post you've found the banking, business, investments forum so you should be able to find out what you're after in the discussions there, in particular the two pinned topics discussing tax.
  20. If you apply in the Phillipines will the passport actually be issued there or are they just a postbox service and the actual passport will be issued in Switzerland and couriered back to the PI? If that's the case it removes the obstacle you foresee.
  21. It took Heinecke 28 years from moving here and about 24 of these in business before he got his. If you're 53 as mentioned you may not have that time available.
  22. Enable/disable the card via the app just before and after using it.
  23. I think it will before long. They've already programmed a field for fees in the app you can see in your screenshot so they must have had something in mind when they did that.
  24. That looks like the Bangkok Bank app. scubascuba3 was referring to charges using the Kasikorn app (at a BBL ATM).
  25. If you have issues using the barcode (some bank apps are reported as misbehaving) there is a Line account mentioned on the bill. Talk to them there and they'll let you know what to do.
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