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Everything posted by treetops

  1. Any visa would need to be issued by their Embassy or hon. consulate. Does Sealand have one of these?
  2. You are right and your wife is wrong. It's 10% of the sum insured as cashback every year, but the premium is important here and they've probably just loaded it so they can afford to give you back 10% at the end of the year.
  3. Was it Thai ID or User ID? The other thread indicates User ID as one of three options. The latter is the 10 digit ID number you were given for iBanking I believe.
  4. Not sure if you're in the same position but there's discussion on it here. https://aseannow.com/topic/1309736-bangkok-bank-app-pita-setup-when-using-a-new-phone/
  5. Data is collected by the airlines as API and submitted to the government so it would be possible to track people if they put their minds to it.
  6. I'm not the OP but in light of recent news I'd rather avoid that and the interest I get is worth paying if it helps achieve that.
  7. Ignore bignok, he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer. It was first in the news and discussed in here just over 3 days ago. Here's a link to the thread. https://aseannow.com/topic/1311969-taxi-driver-gets-staggering-37000-baht-tip-in-return-for-a-677-baht-ride/
  8. I have a no-name SIM router from Lazada that works OK. For SIM it depends on your location and it's usually recommended to try ones from each company on a short term package and see what's best for where you are.
  9. Withholding tax on the interest you've received. Most folk can get it back with a bit of effort.
  10. We don't know all the details and are throwing in suggestions. Some will work and some won't for a variety of reasons.
  11. Unlock the "problem" door from the outside using a magnetic lock de-activated when the alarm is sounded?
  12. Without knowing the complexity of it obviously, is there any way to re-configure entry/exit routes around this?
  13. Same as in industrial building, sports grounds train stations etc where there are turnstiles. There is a regular gate or doorway which security will open for you.
  14. Even if the candidates fail to meet the criteria of making interesting and intelligent contributions like most of those mentioned so far?
  15. That reminded me of another one I've used. Keyfob plus fingerprint with the fingerprint recognition programming being done by security/admin.
  16. My place in the UK uses "glass bolts" on the inside. Easily broken for egress but secure enough to prevent access.
  17. From a few days ago: https://aseannow.com/topic/1311275-is-a-condominium-considered-private-property-here-and-are-there-trespassing-laws/?do=findComment&comment=18477722
  18. That's the rules. Without approval on time you should have done it in person.
  19. Stick around. You'll soon find out he's not.
  20. I use these two for different camera types/locations in the UK and in Thailand. Never had any issue with accessing the cameras from anywhere as I thought that was a key purpose of having them?
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