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Everything posted by treetops

  1. Beaten 6-4 in the semi by Gary Wilson.
  2. Not available going by a dummy booking on their apps.
  3. Bought over by Grab maybe 4 years ago.
  4. Type "change email" into Ava. Ignore all the suggestions and replies and wait until you get a button "Talk to Allstar". Press it, enter the details requested and you'll get a real person responding.
  5. Grab and Bolt both currently working in Pattaya - I used them both yesterday. Grab was unusually cheaper on one occasion as Bolt's surge pricing (fireworks demand I presumed) trebled the usual fare on my route. Bolt also work fine in Hua Hin.
  6. That PEA office is long gone.
  7. Agreed. I got one in June this year and there's no field to enter departure date. However the entry date is stamped on the rear of the card so I suspect that's confused matters.
  8. FCA licences are issued to many companies offering financial services, not only banks. For Wise the FCA licence lists under "Activities and services": For a typical High Street Bank this would be: Wise are not a bank in the eyes of the FCA, no matter how many times you post that image.
  9. I made no suggestion that the government was efficient enough to use the information to their advantage, only that the information is there if they were to look for it (in most cases). Border Force exit checks are not required.
  10. I have a couple of fee free cards from the UK. My understanding is that the Visa and MC exchange rates are slightly below the interbank rate that Wise use. That slight difference gives Visa/MC their fee when I use an ATM. The banks providing my cards have full protection.
  11. The government know when you leave through the airline API system which informs the UK government of the details of everyone on a flight originating, ending or transiting through the UK. If the will was there that information could be passed to other government departments.
  12. Given the OP's misfortunes with just about everything since he arrived, I would suggest using an agent is the safest option.
  13. BFS lost that feature a few years back when there were too many passes being sold and the money not ending up in the right hands allegedly. You could try this company: https://www.limousine.in.th/fast-track-immigration.php
  14. Google Streetview location showing the old restaurant but there's also an entry for Yong He Dou Jiang showing 13 reviews since it apparently opened in July. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Yong+He+Dou+Jiang/@12.9428508,100.9037739,3a,75y,291.07h,87.95t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s53LFkrVgzOUns2iTHsLduQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!4m15!1m7!3m6!1s0x310295fd3e319c6f:0x41224f3a7c5b5b28!2sThanon+Pattaya+Klang,+Muang+Pattaya,+Amphoe+Bang+Lamung,+Chang+Wat+Chon+Buri+20150,+Thailand!3b1!8m2!3d12.9329126!4d100.8973609!3m6!1s0x310295f7b80b0bfb:0x7d2c242bd350fb95!8m2!3d12.942832!4d100.9036225!9m1!1b1
  15. I know, hence my question. It was you that suggested to uninstall it which didn't make sense.
  16. Tap Translate Screen app. Draw a box round the Thai text with the on-screen cursor and it'll translate the contents of the box. Fiddly to start with but you get used to it.
  17. Nope - uninstall a browser or delete activity/history is what it says, that's why I asked the poster who recommended it.
  18. How do you uninstall a website you access with your laptop browser?
  19. If it was an overpayment while he was alive they can do this. If it was to rectify a payment made after his death (maybe a timing issue in his death being reported and filtering through the system) they may ask for its repayment but there is no legal need to pay it. https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/news/2022/01/dwp-has--no-legal-power--to-force-you-to-repay-pension-or-benefi/
  20. I just tried it on the app and it showed no availability.
  21. Yes. You show your Business Class boarding pass to the Immigration Officer. The Fast Track area was reported as being in the renovation process recently and fast tracks were being processed to one side of the main immigration hall, so you may have to look out for it if that's still the case.
  22. It's old information, but there used to be a seperate pass. This was one version.
  23. The IATA site is Timatic. I like to use the Emirates interface to it which can be found here: https://www.emirates.com/uk/english/before-you-fly/visa-passport-information/ It confirms the information used by the airlines has been updated to reflect the change to 45 days on arrival for visa exempt entry. Here's the data for a British passport holder:
  24. I know their website isn't very good, but it's not showing a CM to Buriram bus. Is it the one to Ubon that perhaps stops off in Buriram or is there a point to point one that's missing from the website list?
  25. That's the day it's paid out by the government. Your delay is it being processed by Citibank and sending it overseas.
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