There is an app that is intended to sell tickets but a dummy run couldn't get me all the way through. You might have better luck or at least you'll see the timings and prices currently available.
Some people are prepared to accept the slower service as funds transferred this way gives them the international transfer designation on the transaction which is required for those obtaining a visa extension using the monthly income route.
The instant transfers show as a local transaction, not international.
You obviously don't know how they work as Amadeus, Galileo etc will all show a valid booking. Refunding a proportion of tickets is built into an airline's operating costs and these agency tickets have been in use for years so no surprises to anyone.
OP's phone will connect with his telco's partner in his home country and he will receive SMSs free. He doesn't need a calls, SMS or data roaming package but should set up the ability to roam as mentioned already.
SMSs will be received on your Thai number when overseas. Just make sure you set up roaming, install the telco's app and ensure you have a credit top up method before you leave Thailand.
I agree, and the OP is probably OK as he can answer the first question as a permanent resident of the UK. Others with UK passports may not be permanent residents (many here in Thailand) and they would have to fib unless they were on a temporary stay there when applying. These guys are in limbo for an evisa, but would probably be OK as said.
OK, if they had restrictions they had a time limit since the vaccine was administered, but as they don't have restrictions it's a moot point for now.
NB. I didn't look at all your links, but the EU wide and Israel ones indicated this pattern.
Similar questions have been asked before and comments have been made like lying on a visa application may get you banned, but the risk is really low IMO and I would be willing to take it if it required.
Use a VPN set to the UK for a little bit more confidence.
It has now. 9th January in a memo issued to airlines by the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation Authority, according to reports in The Pattaya News. Richard Barrow has tweeted the new information has already been put on the Qantas website.
I'm Jomtien too. You can see from the time stamps mine went from being received to approved in less than an hour and my next one in November was less than 10 minutes, but things could well be different now. I'll find out again in a few weeks.