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Everything posted by treetops

  1. There's not much gets past you is there? Unfortunately "the fool who bought etc" got past you as well. It's at the top of each page but I'll put it here for you too.
  2. Sounds a bit creepy to me.
  3. I did. You didn't. 200 to 300 mm is not around 4 to 8 inches but you go with it if you want. Mind your head. ????
  4. To expand on this, get credit cards with no foreign currency/overseas transaction fees. Same with your current accounts.
  5. Maybe just your office or a combination with last weekend's holidays. Mine took 42 minutes from receipt to approval following an overseas trip a few months ago. (Timestamps are BST).
  6. Was the conversion of mm to inches one of these things?
  7. If the suspect HDMI port has been unused for a while it may have a build up of dust etc on it (I experience this often in hotels where I might be the first person to conneect in a while). Sometimes breaking and remaking the contact a few times will break through it, sometimes it'll need cleaned out with a little brush.
  8. No. Ignore the reminder you get to report by Nov. 5th. That report is not required since you left the country. Count 90 days from your return on October 11th (11th being Day 1) and that's your next report due date. ETA: 8th January I work it out as.
  9. Are you sure?
  10. I would wait a bit longer. Mine was certainly approved after a trip out of the country earlier this year. Jomtien office.
  11. The tagging of accounts for Bangkok Bank, which was superceded by the long stay reason for transfer to ensure the international code, works well in most cases and routes through BBL with no intermediary.
  12. Since the option to select long stay in Thailand was introduced it appears to have worked almost flawlessly in obtaining the International Transfer annotation on deposits, until a few queries recently. Prior to that acounts had to be manually tagged and that too appeared to work well. They will always put a proviso to give themselves a get out in case it fails, but the system in general seems pretty robust and it's definitely not down to pot luck or we would hear regular tales of woe. Users should have a back up plan in case the Wise transfer throws up something unusual.
  13. From the immigration site you mentioned in your OP go to "Online Services" then TM47. Scroll down until you see "Online Notification" and it'll link to the same place others have directed you to. Unless of course you don't trust the immigration site you linked to and think it would send you somewhere dodgy?
  14. Try this one: https://limousine.in.th/fast-track-immigration.php
  15. My experience is with BBL so I shouldn't really have included Kasikorn, but I thought they behaved the same with the 2:00pm deposits. Can you confirm you received the International transaction coding as this could be a new data point (for me at least).
  16. Transfers sent to Bangkok Bank and Kasikorn (Wise partners) where the reason for transfer is selected as for long term stay or for purchasing a property need to be identified as a transfer from overseas. They are processed differently from other transfers and arrive just after 2:00pm Thai time, on the day of transfer if initiated early enough on a working day, or the next working day if initiated later in the day. This is when we get the wailing at weekends or holiday times. Other transfers are identified by the receiving bank as domestic transfers.
  17. It's well known why some transfers are not immediate, even if all yours are.
  18. Yup, there's only one financial genius I can think of on here who continually spouts otherwise. 1) He's with the wrong bank to test it. 2) My parrot has more financial savvy than him going by his posts here and elsewhere.
  19. You need a form from the PEA office to take to the bank. They fill it in with all the details and you take it back to the PEA office to be processed. Depending on where you are in the billing cycle it'll take effect from the next or next plus one bill.
  20. There also seemed to be a top limit of 50,000 THB to get the instant transfer (I experienced this with GBP to BBL) even when the reason for the transfer reason would previously have given a quick transfer. Not a lot of reports of this, but if yours was 50,000 THB or more that may have been the reason.
  21. Not "can" but "may be able to". Same as in all these threads.
  22. Be very careful doing this as it may result in Dynamic Currency Conversion taking place. If this happens Thai Airways will set the exchange rate instead of Mastercard/Visa and it won't be in your favour. If your doing this to avoid overseas transaction fees on your card you may end up worse off.
  23. Thai Airways need at least 48 hours notice for the (free) wheelchair service. https://www.thaiairways.com/en_TH//help/special_request_assistance/Wheel_Chair.page?
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