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Everything posted by treetops

  1. You wouldn't need to spend 21 days in the UK if you travelled from Thailand. Test and Go is currently suspended but the 21 day rule meant you could only be in the listed countries or in Thailand in the 21 days before arrival.
  2. Test and Go has been put on hold, but Thailand Pass applications for Sandbox and Alternative Quarantine can still be made. OP requirements are for the Sandbox AIUI.
  3. I think you mean the Mor Phrom app, not Mor Chana? The International Vac Certificate QR code obtained in Mor Phrom will not be read by European checkers. However, it contains a link to your records on the MoPH website which should be enough for airlines. It won't get you into restaurants etc where they use an app to verify status.
  4. Could be this place. Beach Road/Pattaya Klang area: https://the-beach-house-pattaya.com/
  5. If you referring to travel to Thailand then is wrong, and so is Probably better not to take travel advice from health personnel. Travel personnel would more likely say this:
  6. Neither had I but repeating the dummy bookings today gives the following which seems to confirm it. First under 50,000 baht arriving in seconds. Then over 50,000 baht arriving tomorrow. I won't be needing to transfer again until next month so need other users to chime in if they get similar results to those indicated by the dummy bookings.
  7. As I say, I was hungover, but pretty sure I didn't hence my surprise. I had a look at the receipt but it doesn't mention the reason given. I wondered if it's to do with the > 50,000 baht limit and a dummy booking just now seems to confirm it. Below 50,000 will arrive "in seconds" above will arrive tomorrow, with the reason monthly living expenses in both cases. The new rule about transfers must force them to use the same transfer bank as the recipient bank or something similar. I hope someone else can prove or otherwise my thought process.
  8. It arrived at 2:00pm and was marked as an International Transfer. Now did I select a different reason that would force that route and marking? Perhaps as I was hungover but pretty sure not. As you say, lets see if others report similar.
  9. You're right - the change is that quarantine will no longer be required unless they test positive.
  10. Check if your airline has any specific requirements too. Last time I looked Etihad insisted on a test for all passengers even if their destination country did not require it.
  11. OP is flying next week (or maybe even this week).
  12. For those that don't venture to the airport forum, there is a new location for this, and an alternative on-airport option, mentioned in roman50's thread here: https://aseannow.com/topic/1247683-looking-for-assistance-finding-out-bound-covid-test-near-swampy/
  13. Looks like 72 hours and 20 minutes to me. Prepare to be denied boarding if the time is on the certificate.
  14. If the ANS one mentioned is indeed closed there is another potential option at the airport here: (Pic taken from another thread)
  15. Pattaya Memorial Hospital. 3,500 baht last time I used them.
  16. Another copy of your passport data page for the UK citizen. What nationality is the non-UK?
  17. I only had it on my phone when doing a report in Jomtien last year. They didn't even look at it.
  18. Test and Go applications will reportedly only re-start at 9:00am on February 1st. Can he do a Sandbox application instead?
  19. My booster appeared almost immediately too, but I believe some vax places are on-line so the database is updated real time whereas others aren't. In the latter case the updates are done in batches at a later date, which may be a few days from the jab being received. More than that then I agree something has gone wrong.
  20. Just experienced an unexpected (to me) delay in a Wise transfer. My BBL account is not tagged, I selected Monthly Living Expenses as a reason and the value was over 50,000 baht (not that it should make a difference AFAIK). From my experience and from reading of others I would have expected it almost instantly, but no - tomorrow at shortly after 2:00pm Thai time. It was funded from a UK account Faster Payment and receipt of my transfer was acknowledged almost immediately by Wise. Unlike the OP I was informed of the expected time all the way through the process. Has anything changed I'm not aware of?
  21. I noticed that price hike too, but the sign at the bottom of the display mentioned it was buy one get one free so I grabbed myself a bargain.
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