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Everything posted by IvorBiggun2

  1. How do they enforce that? Birth certificates?
  2. First person ever to receive a full face transplant was a French woman. The breed of dog that caused her injuries was a Labrador. Her pet dog. No Pit Bulls in sight.
  3. Well said mate. Throughout my life I've had many dog breeds. I always thought the Boxer to be the number one breed until I got a Pit Bull. Wish I'd overcome my fears long ago.
  4. You don't know or understand Pit Bulls. Here's mine. Lovely dog.
  5. Have now sorted my problem. Thanks to all responders.
  6. Wise have received it. They notified me as doing so and I'd receive my money on the 13th. That passed and no money. I then got a pause on the transfer. The money wasn't returned to my UK bank. I've no idea where my money is and Wise are not responding to phone calls or Emails.
  7. Big problem with Wise. On Monday the 12th I set in motion a money transfer from the UK. My bank sent it to Wise. Wise responded by saying they'd received the money's and I'd receive my money on 13th. The money's was taken from my UK bank but Wise have now paused it. Wise and my bank deny having the money. I've tried contacting my UK bank but they won't reply to a secure message for 5 days. I've tried to contact Wise by telephone for the last week but they are not accepting phone calls and they are not replying to Emails. Where do I go from here? Thank you.
  8. What's your definition of a quality tourist?
  9. Don't judge a book by its cover. How would you like it if someone judged you on your looks?
  10. Every post jumping to conclusions as usual. Not guilty until proven in a court of law. I'll wait for the full story before I jump on them.
  11. Sorry I forgot to quote the above question. I'm a million percent sure. You don't even need a stethoscope at times it's that loud. Plus I just spent 4 full days in a government hospital with them trying to stop the wheezing. 4 days in bed did nothing.
  12. I'm not saying there is a relationship between H Pylori and Asthma. All I'm saying is I believe I have a H Pylori infection that gives me the wheezing problems. It's the doctors who believe my condition/wheezing is caused by Asthma. I have to go through a process of elimination to sort my problem. Rather than go down the CT scan route I may as well start again where they finished off 4 years ago and take a stool test, to confirm H Pylori, and take a course of AB's to see if that does the trick again. By the way other than the wheezing, and a slight cough, I am physically fit and healthy but the docs keep shoving Asthma meds down my throat.
  13. Back four years ago the doctor that diagnosed me with H Pylori infection was a Gastroenterologist. All pulmonary specialists I saw prior didn't help until the last one who recommended I have a camera stuffed down my throat and see what was there. Nothing serious was found other than a high reading for H Pylori. I did have a stool sample taken and it showed positive. I was given a course of AB's and the wheezing stopped only to return a few weeks back. Unfortunately even though I've told them my past history they just won't prescribe the H Pylori AB's. I'm going around in circles. The last doctor I saw I asked him for the H Pylori AB's but he declined saying they didn't stock them due to insufficient need and carried on treating me for Asthma.
  14. I've never been diagnosed with Asthma even though 4 years ago I did have a CT scan. Nothing showed. When I go to a doctors with wheezing they automatically prescribe Asthma medication even though there is no proof I have the bloody condition. I/they just cannot pinpoint my cause for wheezing. 4 years ago they came up with the conclusion it was due to me suffering from H Pylori infection getting into my lungs. Sheryl, at the time, linked the idea of that as being quackery as I recall. Anyways at the time I was given antibiotics to kill the H Pylori. It worked in my opinion and the wheezing stopped. Now my belief is I've re infected. Unfortunately it's seen as not the obvious and the doctors ignore my previous medical history and H Pylori infection. So I've gotta start from scratch all over again.
  15. Currently I'm being prescribed medication by the ton for Asthma. Asthma, or COPD, I do not believe I have. I went down the same road about 4 years ago. Different doctors different diagnosis. I need a definitive answer not have me wasting money on meds that don't work. I was led to believe a CT scan would do that.
  16. No and I didn't realise I need a doctors order. It does look like I'm gonna have to look at this problem in a different way. The doctor I'm seeing at the mo is a government doctor but it doesn't mean he's not knowledgeable. He's limited on his advice on what to do next so that's why I'm here. I'm now considering the Suranaree University of Technology in Korat as there's no way I'm going to Bangkok. Thanks both for your opinions and advice.
  17. Nor Noi Grass หญ้านวลน้อย Needs lots of water hence your patches.
  18. I think that if you leave it it will grow back. That's how I grassed my garden. Whatever grew I just kept cutting back until the weeds died and all blended in. This is a picture in about May when the grass starts to grow after the dry season.
  19. Whatever it takes to show what I'm diagnosed with, which is Asthma. I had a CT scan done about 4 years ago and no Asthma was found then. Now I'm getting the same symptoms as 4 years ago and the doctor's telling me I have Asthma without seeing a CT scan. Before he diagnosed Asthma he said I had COPD. Hence why I need a CT doing to be sure.
  20. I know most of the hospitals in Korat do CT scans but does anyone know at what cost? I don't really want to phone around and I was hoping someone would on here would know the simple answer and a recommendation. I need a scan to detect if I have asthma. Thank you.
  21. What did you eat for the other half?
  22. Do not feed the Troll. He's seen them but wouldn't write home about them. Unless you taste them which appears you haven't then you should keep your opinions to yourself.
  23. No I mean real bread. There 3 Makro around where I live and they all carry the bread. Have you looked on the bread section? https://www.makroclick.com/en/category/bakery-and-bakery-ingredients/shop-bakery/sliced-bread-european-bread
  24. If you have a Makro nearby you can buy good bread and baguettes there.
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