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Everything posted by cdemundo

  1. Really? The Cretans are a problem? Send them back to Crete. Did they bring their Minotaur? Send that Minotaur back too.
  2. Thanks. Some ambiguity as the person I am calling the "juristic person" apparently wears several hats. My dealings with the owner are through her.
  3. Once again, you didn't read, or didn't comprehend what I posted. I wasn't defending Trump, the number of things that he has said and done that disqualify him from the presidency are so numerous they cannot be counted. I was criticizing the media for lying about his Liz Cheney remark which many have unambiguously done. I don't need to lie to criticize Trump.
  4. And the award for consistently and stubbornly missing the point goes to....
  5. It is a significantly foolish amount to carry in cash. What could go wrong? A number of things. Witness this thread.
  6. Can the Juristic Person at my condo provide me with a copy of my TM30? You would think I could just ask her but the default answer for anything to do with immigration seems to be "no". If I have reason to believe she can do it I will be more persistent if she says she can't, sometimes when pressed she is able to do things she initially said she could not.
  7. "I'm not defending Trump, I'm criticizing any number of people who are twisting what he said. Trumpers can still go forth and multiply with themselves as far as I'm concerned, but there is plenty to criticize Trump about without distorting and lying about what he said." Apparently you have adopted the mores of the Trump camp where it is OK to lie to attack your opponent. OK you are OK with lying like Trumpsters do. As I have said (which again you apparently missed) there is plenty to criticize Trump about without distorting and lying about what he said.
  8. Let me reiterate in case your response means you didn't understand what I said. He (Trump) clearly says "Let's put her with a rifle standing there..." with a number of rifles aimed at her. Guess what? People placed in front of a firing squad don't get their own rifle to fight back. He was not talking about putting her in front of a firing squad.
  9. A great number of reports are saying that Trump said he wants to put Liz Chaney in front of a firing squad. This is an out and out lie. He clearly says "Let's put her with a rifle standing there..." with a number of rifles aimed at her. Guess what? People placed in front of a firing squad don't get their own rifle to fight back. He was not talking about putting her in front of a firing squad. I'm not defending Trump, I'm criticizing any number of people who are twisting what he said. Trumpers can still go forth and multiply with themselves as far as I'm concerned, but there is plenty to criticize Trump about without distorting and lying about what he said.
  10. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 120 seconds  
  11. I just completed this quiz. My Score 70/100 My Time 97 seconds  
  12. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 82 seconds  
  13. I wonder if "dear old dad" had something to do with this. Often young men's political opinions are just what they learned at home.
  14. "if I was able to." So basically your many posts on US election threads are "foreign election interference".
  15. "Do the networks have to give equal time? In a word, no." https://www.poynter.org/ethics-trust/2019/do-the-networks-have-to-give-equal-time-in-a-word-no/ You may be surprised to learn that retail establishments can now be open on Sundays as well.
  16. "Do the networks have to give equal time? In a word, no." https://www.poynter.org/ethics-trust/2019/do-the-networks-have-to-give-equal-time-in-a-word-no/
  17. I'm sorry, what was the middle part again?
  18. I have to wonder why that scenario has such staying power for you. Is it something that comes to mind compulsively?
  19. It is a little strange. Also I notice he avoids talking about his mother... ... does he get angry if one mentions his father? But really, I'm sure he's fine, just a little obsession with homosexuality. (sorry, Homosexuality, with a capital H).
  20. "I don't care what anyone says" Duly noted.
  21. Was the guy your cousin's best friend's sister?
  22. "So I choose to use a he him pronoun because thats a normal thing. " Oh please, you chose to call a well-know pollster who happens to be a woman "he him"? And you claim "thats a normal thing"? If it wasn't for the strict rules of this forum I would be tempted to call you a fool for saying that. LOL. Let me reiterate: You show the lack of depth of your knowledge, your prejudices, and the superficiality of your efforts to inform yourself.
  23. Shows the depth of your knowledge, your prejudices, and the superficiality of your efforts to inform yourself. Selzer is a woman. Additionally, the obvious lie, just can't help yourself. "Somebody should check selzers Swiss Bank account for Harris campaign finance money."
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