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Everything posted by cdemundo

  1. Trump has discussed placing RFK Jr. in a position of responsibility with respect to Healthcare issues. Trofim Lysenko was an eccentric scientist whose theories became policy and led to famine in his country. I will leave it as an exercise for the motivated student to flesh out this discussion but the parallels to our current situation are clear.
  2. "He basically said that she's sending people to fight in wars while she herself is in no danger. What is bizarre about that? It's a fairly typical stance to take." I believe that is what he was trying to say. But, true to form, he found a way to say it that was insane.
  3. "Biden is a sex offender and a thief etc etc, but you can’t call him a convict. " You just feel like you can lie at will don't you? I guess you found your soulmate in Trump, united in compulsive lying.
  4. Jeff Flake of Arizona: Trump's crudeness and crassness have demeaned politics. Some people think it's cute which reveals their own immaturity.
  5. First, the substance of your post depends on your assertion that homosexuality is a psychological disorder. That assertion is not supportable. Second, no one has to follow you around to know that you post compulsively. 3.8k posts in 9 months, is that some sort of record?
  6. He could be, easy to imagine his wife cutting him off.
  7. I'm surprised to learn you are only 70 yo. I had figured you were much older from the opinions you express.. I think you have some unsupportable beliefs about homosexuality in any event. You seem to be triggered by a wide variety of things going by your numerous posts on many topics. You repeatedly mention seeking psychiatric help, have you considered the same? I wouldn't go so far as to suggest this but you seem to be angry and unhappy. Best of luck to you.
  8. "A prize to dwarf all others. I can get you 5 minutes with Jesus." Blasphemer.
  9. "He has not proven those things to me." Are you waiting for a big strong man to come up to you with tears in his eyes, hug you, thank you for all you do, and then tell you that Trump is a compulsive (and obvious) liar?
  10. Leave Jesus alone until he finishes cutting the grass.
  11. "Biden Says I am Garbage.....Im Proud" Wow, and he hasn't even read your posts!
  12. I wonder if he drank beer? Maybe beer is the gateway substance.
  13. Uh-oh, you can't get away with controversial statements like that (the topic title) on this Forum. Brace yourself for attacks.
  14. Okay, so it was meant to be illegible and incomprehensible. Got it.
  15. Right, that was sooooo creepy. It made JD Vance look normal. Anyone who like that little gem has some serious issues. He says Tim Walz shouldn't babysit kids? His "bad girl" fantasy ought to be enough for CPS to look into his parenting.
  16. Interesting quote from Barbara Comstock former Virginia Congressperson. “I have never in my political career been in a room with somebody so profoundly stupid as Donald Trump.” Not new or groundbreaking but certainly a very clear message.
  17. a) Deplorables Not all. I saw a bunch of people going to MSG on a Triumph (the insult comic dog) video that had good sense of humor and seemed very nice. b) Fascists Many clearly have Fascist ideas and ideals like political power through intimidation, violence and fear. c) Hitler No one with any sense has called anyone Hitler (so I'm covered since Vance called Trump Hitler); but people have made comparisons with Hitler's words. Eg. "poisoning the blood of the people", "America for real Americans", generally scapegoating a group of people for problems (immigrants in case you haven't been following). 4) Garbage. Judgement call, Trump of course has called the US a garbage dump so shouldn't be too offensive.
  18. It's ridiculous to call Trump a Nazi. Everyone knows the prominent Nazis had been in the military.
  19. Of course he can win. He won before. I hope he doesn't but look at the polls, tighter than a gnats behind.
  20. Why do you post so much about the US election if you are Kiwi? I am not counting your posts but you seem to be pretty active in the US election threads.
  21. But you are posting about the US election are you not? You are free to start a topic about Australia, NZ, Italy or India. As an American expat I would be glad to get rid of the busybodies from other countries holding forth about US politics.
  22. Sorry, I guess I didn't spell it out clearly enough. Facial recognition tagged Ron Wood with my brother's name in a photo. It didn't say "Ron Wood is your brother". But certainly a gallant attempt at humor, apparently it made you laugh out loud.
  23. I know some will disagree with me but... In response to the opening question: Decent Americans do not support Trump. There, that ought to trigger a few members.
  24. I am skeptical of the accuracy of facial recognition. I once posted a photo on Facebook of The Rolling Stones partying with the Chieftains. Facial recognition identified Ron Wood of the Stones as my brother.
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