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Everything posted by shdmn

  1. Butter is also going to be expensive in Thailand though.
  2. It doesn't go in your passport. Assuming it's like the tourist visa, it's a one page PDF you print out and show immigration. Then they stamp your passport and hand write the visa type.
  3. It doesn't matter what the official limits are. Immigration can and does harass people all the time for overusing the waiver on arrival. If they harassed people for spending too much time in Thailand on the 30 day, they will still harass them with the 60day, it will just take less entries before they do it now.
  4. It's high in saturated fat which we used to think was bad. A bunch of studies have come out saying it's not, so the consensus is shifting. A lot of the old info is still out there and hasn't been updated.
  5. Why didn't the convicted felon go with Pence again? Was there some bad history between them or something?
  6. J.D. Vance on the convicted felon: Couldn't have said it better myself.
  7. I encourage people to visit Da Nang before it gets ruined. There is construction everywhere so I give it another 10 years maybe.
  8. Maybe one way out of DMK at 4am with a stop along the way, and you still need to get back.
  9. Ok I see what you are saying now. The tourist visa has your passport ID #. Good question. Hadn't occurred to me before. I'm willing to bet this problem hasn't occurred to them either. For now I would be bringing my old passport with me until they figure something else out. It's also possible this visa won't have your passport ID # on it, or it will be possible to change that online. Hopefully it won't require a visit to the immigration office to sort it out although that is a distinct possibility as well. On your second question. They said the money doesn't need to remain in the account. If you are not sure if they will accept certain account types you could deposit it into a standard bank account just before your statement date, print out the statement, then take it out again.
  10. It's probably like the tourist visa. You get a document with ID # you can print out. You show immigration your document and they stamp your passport and then hand write the type of visa the stamp is for. Just save that document and print out another copy before each trip. You can probably also go on the eVisa website and re-download the document.
  11. Processed (non-virgin, non-cold pressed) Canola/rapeseed is the worst but I don't think sunflower is much better.
  12. Regular non-virgin non-cold pressed is highly processed with intense heat and solvents. The heat damages the fatty acids which causes inflammation. That inflammation is one of the causes of many chronic health conditions like obesity and diabetes. The solvents (hexane) are used to remove the taste and other stuff to prevent the oil from going bad but supposedly some of those chemicals are left behind after filtering. The seed oils are especially bad because the ratio of omega6:omega3 is too high. We easily get enough omega 6 without them and too much is supposedly worse than sugar. They shouldn't even be allowed to sell this frankenOil anymore. There is a lot of good info on youtube if you do a search.
  13. I think it's more commonly called canola oil, at least in North America. I will have to try find this.
  14. It is already in the Gazette. Someone beat me to it in the post above.
  15. I don't know what your particular situation is, and there are definitely reasons you might still need to file a return, but generally speaking it's a flat 25% taken off the top with no tax return required once you apply and are accepted as being a non-resident for tax purposes. That includes interest from banks. Here is another link and quote so feel free to go argue with Revenue Canada about it. https://apps.cra-arc.gc.ca/ebci/nrtc/beta/ng/entry
  16. That sounds like something unique to your situation that makes you not qualify for being a non-resident for tax purposes even though you don't live there. Like still having significant residential ties, rental income, or certain kinds of pensions. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/international-non-residents/individuals-leaving-entering-canada-non-residents/non-residents-canada.html https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/international-non-residents/individuals-leaving-entering-canada-non-residents/electing-under-section-217.html
  17. I believe it's 10k to extend if you do it yourself. A round trip ticket to KL or PP, including one or two nights hotel, is usually cheaper than that, so that is what most people would probably end up doing.
  18. Cold pressed coconut oil is the healthiest inexpensive oil for cooking in Thailand, but it's smoke point is a bit low at 175C. Virgin avocado oil is a bit higher so that would be better but it's expensive. Non virgin olive oil or non virgin avocado oil are probably the best inexpensive for cooking but they are not that healthy for you. Better than seed and vegetable oils though. Those are supposedly very unhealthy because of high levels of Omega 6. Clarified butter, also called ghee, is probably the best most healthy cooking oil with a relatively high smoke point. No idea how easy or inexpensive that is to find in Thailand.
  19. Not just visiting art exhibits and music festivals. Actually participating in them. So no, that does not explain the just tourism thing.
  20. Why is that? As far as I know, if you are a non resident of Canada you do not need to file a tax return. They just take 25% right off the top, but you have to apply to become a non-resident for tax purposes first. Did you ever do that?
  21. Good catch. Just for tourism would be something new. Maybe that is a translation error because the requirements on the embassy websites don't say anything about just tourism.
  22. I have an online hosting business which I believe qualifies me as a digital nomad. I have no clue what sort of documentation to show them for that other than a link to my website. I doubt that would be good enough.
  23. I wouldn't bother trying to waste your time arguing facts with idiots who don't even care about the truth. Easier to just point and laugh at them.
  24. Russia: Democrats are creating a violent political atmosphere. Republican Marjorie Taylor Green: Hold my beer
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