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Etaoin Shrdlu

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Everything posted by Etaoin Shrdlu

  1. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/26/world/asia/thailand-dissidents-disappeared-military.html
  2. I suspect that from time to time Pacific Cross will also increase the base premium level of each 5-year band to reflect increased costs for medical care. I do not know how often this is done, but if PC did not do that, they would eventually be collecting inadequate premium for each band.
  3. Several insurers in Thailand offer outbound travel insurance, both for single trip and annual cover. Be mindful of restrictions on trip duration if you look into annual cover. Some do offer 180 days maximum per trip under annual policies. Also be aware the limits are fairly low for personal accident and medical expenses. I think the highest limit I've see is five million baht. I think offshore insurers may offer higher limits if that is a concern. Find a good insurance broker and discuss your specific needs.
  4. Most insurance policies issued in Thailand are for one year, so at renewal you're looking at a new policy and an insurer can charge whatever they wish for a new policy. The terms and conditions of your existing policy, and its pricing, are only good for the term stated on the policy. Pricing and terms can change at renewal. The OIC does impose some restrictions on premium increases, however.
  5. I've found living in a gated community to be quite pleasant. Security is very good. The common area includes a pool, gym, meeting rooms, basketball court, playground equipment and some green space. This was important when raising our children. We can walk our dog around the community without worrying about soi dogs. If we have a delivery and we're not home, it can be left with the security office at the entrance to the compound. The community employs a handyman who can fix minor household issues on short notice. We don't have a huge lot, but Mrs. Shrdlu keeps backyard chickens for eggs. We also have several banana trees, a jackfruit tree, four papaya trees, and a mango tree on the property. It isn't a substitute for Mrs. Shrdlu's farm upcountry, but it is sufficient. The community rules aren't oppressive and the only issue we've run up against is the prohibition on having workmen undertake renovations/construction on Sunday.
  6. My thoughts exactly. Someone at the top is giving him cover. But what's the angle? Discredit Prayuth ahead of the election? Something else?
  7. This isn't it. OP will need to have his name entered into the blue house registration book where he lives after he is granted PR. This is done at his local amphur after he is granted PR and has been given the necessary documents from Immigration to do so. It looks like Immigration want to know where he plans to register once he does get PR. It is somewhat unreasonable for a landlord to refuse to do this, but there is really nothing the OP can do. My advice would be to find a friend or co-worker who would be amenable.
  8. Is the SD card you are using one of the cards listed on this page as being compatible with your camera? https://fujifilm-x.com/th-th/support/compatibility/cameras/x-t4/
  9. I second OneMoreFarang's suggestion that you transfer funds into your own account and not the developer's. I'm not sure how you would get the Thor Tor 3 (FET) document from the developer's bank. This is the form you will need in order to prove you brought the funds into Thailand and also to get them out if/when you want to repatriate the funds. Much easier to get this from your own bank. Transfer the funds USD, Euro or other non-Thai currency and let your bank convert to baht.
  10. Did you format the SD card in the camera?
  11. I pay attention to side effects, contra-indications, and interactions with other meds.
  12. Check your existing medical insurance cover to see if it would respond to a claim for treatment in the US. If not, or if it would only provide benefits based upon Thai "usual and customary" levels, you should consider looking into travel insurance that provides medical benefits at a more appropriate level.
  13. April's own website describes them as a leading wholesale insurance broker: https://fr.april-international.com/en/about-april-international-care I was able to find information from AM Best regarding three companies that are probably part of the April group. Searches for "April International" did not retrieve any results, but "April" did. Two of them appear to be holding companies, but April Sante Prevoyance looks like an operating company. Bloomberg's description of the company is: "APRIL - Sante Prevoyance SA provides insurance services. The Company designs, manages, and sells life, health, hospitalization, and accidental death insurance policies for families, seniors, entrepreneurs and self employed. APRIL - Sante Prevoyance conducts business in France." To me, this is a description of an insurance intermediary more than an insurance company. Perhaps it is a managing general agent that has some underwriting and claims-paying authority, but I don't think this describes an insurance company. There may be another entity within the April Group that is actually an insurance company, but I'm not able to find information about it using AM Best or internet searches. It would also be a bit unusual within the insurance industry for a major insurance broker to own an insurance company and place its clients' business with it due to potential conflicts of interest. I think April is an insurance intermediary and may act as a managing general agent for an insurance company or companies, but I am not sure at all that it is an insurance company. If there is a bona fide insurance company within the April Group it seems to be hidden quite well.
  14. Both AA and April International are insurance brokers. Part of the delay may well be attributable to having to pass documents and other communications through two brokers before they get to the insurer. You might want to ask AA to get on the phone with April and find out what is causing the delay. Or perhaps call April yourself? Phone calls convey more urgency than emails. Might also be a good idea to find out the name and contact details of the insurance company that actually pays claims under the policy you have and ask AA to call them.
  15. Already in the Apple Thailand online store: https://www.apple.com/th-en/shop/buy-mac/mac-mini
  16. When did you sell the building and did you have capital gains on the sale? If you are Thai residents under the Revenue Department's definition, have capital gains, and bring the funds into Thailand in the same year, you may owe Thai income tax on the gains. But I'm not a tax expert, so you might wish to get proper advice.
  17. I am unable to find a Standard and Poor rating for Kiatnakin. They carry a rating of "A" from TRIS (Thai Rating and Information Service) which provides credit analysis and ratings for Thai companies. TRIS is 49% owned by Standard and Poor, so it is quite possible that TRIS follows similar methodologies as S&P. Having said that, I suspect that TRIS uses different metrics to assign ratings and a TRIS "A" rating may not be equal to a S&P rating of "A". For one thing, Thai firms will, on balance, be smaller than foreign firms and the metrics would possibly have go be scaled down to reflect that. TRIS ratings may be a valid basis to compare Thai firms with each other, but possibly not to compare Thai firms holding TRIS ratings with foreign firms holding S&P ratings. But I will happily defer to someone with more insight into this topic.
  18. Government-owned banks would presumably carry the same credit rating as Thailand itself, which is BBB+ per Standard and Poor. Bangkok Bank and Bank of Ayutthaya also carry a S&P rating of BBB+. SCB and Kasikorn were downgraded last year to BBB. Krungthai is BBB-. Krungsri was rated BBB+ back in April 2020, but I don't know if this has changed in the meantime. An S&P rating of BBB- is considered the lowest "investment grade" rating. https://www.theasianbanker.com/press-releases/four-thai-banks-downgraded-as-structural-issues-persist;-outlooks-stable Rating agencies are not infallible, but at least there is an attempt to provide a systematic estimate of creditworthiness. These ratings reflect the banks' financial strength and have little or no bearing on whether they are consumer-friendly.
  19. RD was certainly ubiquitous at one point, so in that sense it was mainstream and it is still around today, especially in dentists' offices. But politically, it was quite far to the right and its foreign language editions' content was suspected of having been influenced by the CIA. I always considered it dumbed-down propaganda for right-wing nationalist types, so I'm usually a bit skeptical about anything it says.
  20. I think that in order to remain legal, you'll need to buy a new Por Ror Bor cover when your current one expires.
  21. The compulsory Por Ror Bor scheme is separate from the voluntary coverage you get when you purchase a proper auto or motorcycle policy. It is possible to purchase the Por Ror Bor cover along with the voluntary policy, but the voluntary coverages do not obviate the need to purchase and pay for the Por Ror Bor sticker as a separate item.
  22. That makes sense. I would then expect Groupama to issue medical insurance policies and Chubb to issue personal accident and travel policies based upon the information above.
  23. Chubb used to be somewhat of a niche insurer in the US. They used to specialize in insurance for high net worth individuals that had things like art collections, expensive automobiles and expensive homes. They also were a player in things like professional indemnity covers and other somewhat specialized property and casualty insurance lines for companies. They tended to charge slightly higher premiums than mainstream insurers, but were very good about paying claims. Kind of the Tiffany's of the insurance world. About seven or eight years ago, Chubb was purchased by ACE globally and I think, like all corporate mergers, the corporate culture of the acquiring company prevailed. I think Chubb has probably lost much of the allure that it may have had. It isn't surprising that ACE chose to use the Chubb name instead of its own and I think the Chubb of yore is gone. In my mind, Chubb was not associated with health insurance, but things may have changed after the ACE merger. Chubb's local office struggled a bit back in the day due to its high underwriting standards and higher premiums. I think it remains a small player in the Thai market.
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