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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. Do not use for cooked food but for Tops delivery and their map is never correct so always get a call and have to direct from main Soi to Yaak (only a few meters). Have tried every version of address and never gets to Yaak call it Yaak or Soi. Delivery services are paid by merchant so tips are not required or normal.
  2. They had 3 banks with direct payment - click and go to bank logon and make payment - very easy and no copy/past required. It is still listed as a method on how to pay page so might return but last week was not an option and was lost for a few days (Bangkok Bank only) last month. As for debit cards most are not usable out of the box for mail order (and BBL normal card not accepted many places). Not sure what Airpay is but suspect smart phone app? Do not use phone for any financial things (in fact have reverted to feature phone/Nokia). Prefer looking at people than phone (although admit masks have not made that as interesting as previously).
  3. Did I say I did not have a local bank account? Because direct bank transfer payment was previously accepted. Lazada/Tops/Lotus/The Pizza Co have no issues with my Chase card - but Shopee will not accept.
  4. Except you can not use a foreign issued card.
  5. Now you know why most Thai, without influence, do not bother with home/property insurance. And with few customers the insurance company does not have a large pool of money and needs to avoid risks. For most Thai having relative stay in home during an absence is the insurance of choice. Sorry can not provide a reference but suspect most will be adverse to any claims.
  6. Normally reporting includes photos of victims (and shooter). Have not found that to be the case in any report of this incident. In fact one news source reported being forbidden to use photo or name of shooter. It is available on Google. The gun used appears to have been in police control months ago but given back to an un-named "adult". A whole other subject that needs attention IMHO, Appears there are a lot of questions that need answers in this latest tragedy. Lets hope they do not circle the wagons - like in Texas.
  7. I have seen this but believe it may be a sale price listed for a specific time so if buy or put in box outside of that time reverts to full price. But I could be wrong and indeed it does happen (as have been caught by it also). It may also be the airline seat price - if someone show interest or buys the price goes up for next customer. Not nice in any case. The two things Lazada has over Shopee in my buying is much faster shipments and accepting foreign CC.
  8. Hospital doctors in private hospitals here almost all work for themselves.
  9. Normally taxi is not owned but day leased - even when privately owned (yellow/green color) the driver is often not the owner. But agree have someone take plate number or take photo inside of information of driver or number on cab door and appear to SMS to someone for added security at night. But the fact is almost nobody is at much risk as long as they are not high. Millions of people use taxi here without incident.
  10. The tank comes with it and is very compact (about the size of a two litter milk bottle - but you do need a drain for any RO process as there is a lot of lost water in that process.
  11. The problem is very few Thai have skin cancer so most doctors will not have much experience with it and may not feel the need for biopsy when it should be routine. Those that have practiced in US/UK/Oz may have more experience but as mentioned most actual work is not cancer here in Thailand. So a proactive 'perhaps we should check for cancer' can be important for patient if doctor is preparing to remove something with laser. Yes it is additional cost - but could be an important investment.
  12. This is an RO system that makes mineral water - I prefer non mineral as use for iron and coffee has better taste without so removed the final filter and unit works very well - all connections are well made and having first filter visible helps to remind that filter may need more than yearly change. Have been using such systems for many years and believe product is great and cost is very little at about 2.5 to 3.5k. I would buy the 5 filter system if no need for mineral water. https://www.google.com/aclk
  13. Airport is open for daytime use only - night lighting was lost. https://www.gmanetwork.com/news/topstories/regions/849155/mactan-cebu-international-airport-runway-open-for-limited-time/story/
  14. A simple check of Bangkok Hospital Pattaya shows price of 800 baht. Jomtien was a new facility so likely low balling to get customers. https://www.bangkokpattayahospital.com/en/packages-and-promotions/consultation-packages-en/item/1029-4-strains-influenza-vaccine-en.html
  15. As 22k gold is sold by weight any alteration I suspect could be jail time for anyone selling or putting in pawn. Even passing unknown fake bills can land a person in jail here. Suspect replacement the safer option. Gold is not just decretive here - it is cash.
  16. Actually it is not expensive. Mine on April 1 was 826 baht as part of normal visit (cost for shot alone) here in Bangkok.
  17. My high price warning is that there are many sellers on that platform selling for 2 to 3x normal price just in hope you click on that and order. Almost all with have a name like 23b4nn980 and such with no sales - just hope to get someone who does not check further - easy way to do so is look below at items from other sellers as that seems to have better selection of price range than normal search, which can have have several pages of totally overpriced items. I am talking the exact same copy selling for totally different prices.
  18. Not of your specific system but in the past had the normal SS two tanks with ceramic between and never had any issues using Lazada or Shopee for supplies. Check the specs - you do want to make sure that ceramic filter is good. We moved to RO system many years ago and buy replacements without issue (but would avoid anything obviously low ball price - although on Lazada you are more likely to get fake name high price sellers and have to look a bit for normal price.
  19. https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/general/40021312
  20. Believe all hospitals have flu vaccine. It is normally not a free system as in USA but costs are not high. The normal flu season starts in April/May but as it is a year round concern best to time it same each year. Also there are two vaccines and often slightly different for Northern and Southern hemisphere. Normally Southern is used here but this time of year it may be Northern.
  21. No we are not - post had not mentioned that - the bank letter of ownership/balance is available most places on request. But one year statement of account which many require now, since some embassies will not issue letters of income and new requirements to keep account funded all year for retirement bank account method, has to be obtained from Bangkok Bank Hqs taking a few days.
  22. Have been using taxi here since drivers were required to have uniform and cap (hung on meter flag that was never used). They are just about as safe as can be in our world. These days most even have panic button mounted on side between doors. But as with most places women may want to be cautious (have someone observe pickup/plate number) for extra security. Obviously anyone setting themselves up as a target could indeed become one.
  23. I shake my head at those wanting to turn back time. I grew up with the double edge and was not a fan then or now. It is not all marketing by any means - some 30 years ago had to go back in time when forgot twin shaver on trip to Pattaya and only thing available was a double edge shaver/blade. That was a very bad week. Am sure they is little need for 5 blade stuff but to go back to the 50's is not my idea of progress.
  24. The Bosch and Siemens were between 1997-2015 and were over 31k each models.
  25. I had that brand and had many issues with it (it cost 22,000 from HomePro in 2015) and got rid of it several years ago. Replaced with a 12,500 baht Tecno model (now 14,900 baht and out of stock) from Lazada and so far very happy with it (was not expecting much but has been the best have had so far). Have had rat issues (eat wires) with previous models from Bosch and Siemens. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i370048165-s722828040.html
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