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Everything posted by Boomer6969

  1. Is that the length?
  2. Yep, for 2022 I can forecast that we've had an 8 months rainy season.
  3. Sounds easy like that, but where would a beginner programmer find a job from Thailand? Remote IT work is only feasible for experienced engineer who bring their jobs with them.
  4. There is debate over the effectiveness of Favipiravir, it is the generals who pushed it in Thailand. Paxlovid and Molnupiravir will be helpful. I took exactly 10 doses of Paracetamol (3 and a half days) to get over Covid, ATK tested.
  5. So you never wear a helmet, never fasten your seat belt, have half a dozen of [ex]virgin mia nois, and become a monk, now and then, to indulge in monklets? To respect local customs.
  6. Probably wasn't an insect, centipede possibly, and yes the locals would know the difference.
  7. Lucky you, that's probably better than any booster given in Thailand, where they give old stock as booster instead of the Omicron tuned new versions of Pfizer or Moderna. Also, alternatively, I'd like to see a well thought booster strategy something "Moderna + booster(s) should be followed by AZ", etc
  8. Young Thai should watch the "Vietnam war" documentary series for inspiration. Western countries would have to open their borders though.
  9. Before my first trip to Thailand in 1979 I did a lot of reading on the country, its people and its political system. What I am witnessing today is precisely what was reported 43 years ago. The country hasn't moved one iota. The worst is that it seems the Thais are proud of it, it makes them different, hence better, and after all they still call themselves "Free people".
  10. Intentional, so first degree manslaughter. 5 years in the slammer in most places. Not here, the victim will have to pay the damages to the truck. Disgusting place.
  11. In other words wasting time that could have been used for math, science and english.
  12. I reckon that's unfair. When you travel it is your responsibility to take care of yourself and to buy proper insurance if highly recommended. Now in this case should the embassy have known that this person was ill? How? Give them a chance they will intervene, if warranted.
  13. What are the rocket launchers for?
  14. In the Sundgau "Carpes frites" is a delicacy. But IMHO the stuff you get in Batemans bay, wrapped in yesterday's newspaper, tastes a lot better.
  15. This implies that they believe that the mainstream Thai at 8pm is unable to plan a night of drinking and debauchery.
  16. The excel in wasting their time. A single .22LR would have done the job in a few seconds.
  17. I don't trust this ranking, I have been educated in France and lived there over 30 years, and frankly the english verbal proficiency isn't so much better than that of the Thais. A lot could be said about India's ranking too. IMHO the survey gives too much importance to writing.
  18. One would have to be an idiot to travel 15 hours to wear a mask on dirty beaches while they could go skiing free of any constraint.
  19. How about the sex ? I am 70 and getting a bit worried. Honestly I reckon it is what keeps me going so I'd get my things in order if I was to lose the magic.
  20. But they'll check your credentials again.
  21. IMHO most of that crowd are already here, on all sorts of visas..
  22. That's right, but it is exactly why they want the employment to be robust, they have to limit the risk of having unemployed people roaming the Kingdom while on 5 year stays.
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