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Everything posted by JensenZ

  1. I survived a bad motorcycle crash when I was 23... but it doesn't matter if I survived or not. Had I not survived, I would have been spared the pain of growing old. I don't see life as a gift, but a long struggle, so maybe it was a curse that I survived. The concept of karma is absurd. It's just a way of people trying to feel better when good or bad sh*t happens to them.
  2. Same units exactly, 15 BTU. It has saved me over 12,000 baht in one year, but that's not all. They are so efficient and quiet, and drop the temperature of a hot room very fast... and I run my fan at the lowest setting. The problem is, they are so quiet I sometimes forget to turn them off when not needed. I also use the sensor that slows them down abit if no one is in the room (raises the temp by a degree).
  3. I run my aircon nearly the same as you... 26 (awake) to 27 (when sleeping). My wife prefers 28C all the time in her room. A good unit will drop the humidity fast, so you can feel comfortable at higher settings. I got new Daikin inverter units installed last year and it saved me roughly 1000 baht per month... and that's with running them for longer each day.
  4. This lady doesn't understand how air conditioners work. My bill increased by 35% from last month to this month. The temperatures this month have been the hottest I can remember. It doesn't matter how much you use the air conditioners, but how much work is required of them - that is, how many degrees they need to cool. If she has some faulty, dirty or inefficient air conditioners in which the compressors are running full time or most of the time, that will increase the cost of running them by a huge amount. Maybe some of the guests have them set to 18C (or the lowest settings), so the compressors are running full time, maybe with doors and/or windows open. It doesn't help that the unit charge has increased this year. She needs to find some way to control how they are used too. Maybe some guests have left them running when they go out.
  5. You didn't say where you're from. If you're going to use the documents in Australia (for example), they can only be notarized at the Australian Embassy. You'd have to check on the procedure for your home country. The procedure would likely be: Translation to English and then authenticated by DFA, then notarized at Embassy.
  6. My thoughts are you didn't need to go through all that effort to discover that a high end Samsung phone worth over 30,000 baht could be bought (or won) for 68 baht. It screams "scam" as loud as anyone can scream. It must have been the boredom of staying at home during Songkran that clouded your (normally clear) judgement.
  7. I think you're the one that is pretending. There have been many years with hardly any cold weather in Pattaya. Nothing has changed. Sometimes you get it, sometimes you don't. I always complain to my wife in years we don't get cold weather and I remember complaining as far back as 10 years about that.
  8. Let's all panic. The record temperature in Thailand rose by 0.9C since 2016. El Nino doesn't bring "climate change" to the forefront, it brings El Nino to the forefront. It's a cyclic climate variation that has nothing to do with climate change. This is so much nonsense just to fill up the news space. Just for interest, you can calculate when the sun is 90 degrees overhead, for the highest theoretical temperature of the year. Pattaya it's on April 24, Bangkok on April 26. http://suncalc.net/#/-26.117,28.1683,17/2021.06.01/07:23 In Thailand it's only about 4 months between the coldest and hottest months of the year... Dec to April
  9. You can buy Borax powder on Lazada. I just bought 500g for 38 baht.
  10. Trolling are we? You're a member for 10 years and you don't know the Songkran schedule? We already have a thread on this.
  11. These reports are totally useless unless they compare the number of accidents that occur on "normal" days. It's like they are trying to suggest that accidents only happen during Songkran.
  12. I have an old PC (2010) running Windows 10 and working very well. It is not compatable with Win 11. I have that running with "mouse without borders" to a new laptop. I tried Win 11 on my laptop and downgraded to Win 10 after a day. Why? Because it couldn't run some features I've used since XP that I like. Upgrades should allow me to use legacy features. I'll run Win 10 until it is no longer supported. I hate upgrades and updates. If something serious is going to go wrong, that's when it happens. I take a system image at least once a month and before updating, which comes in handy if a new update renders my system unbootable. Windows system recovery features are useless if you can't boot. My PC is used for trading, and I don't like to tempt Murphy with problems occuring at the worst possible times. Leave well enough alone is my motto.
  13. Approval ratings are skewed toward the newer members. I can't remember when ratings started exactly, but it was after 2010, maybe 2012, so the older members will be lower by comparison.
  14. There's only 3 more days of Songkran, and you'll find water activities all over town. It would be better to wait a few months and search in the low season to get a better deal, when landlords are a bit hungrier. Anywhere at all would be an improvement on Soi Buakao.
  15. Neuropathy of the feet is easy enough to check for. Just get someone to prick your toes gently while you're not watching and see if you feel it. For neuropathy of the eyes, an eye doctor can check it easily enough. If your urine contains sugar it means your blood sugar is over 180 mg/dl and you're pissing it out. At that point, you have serious case of diabetes type 2. You'll probably be very thirsty and pee a lot. At this point, if you don't lower your blood sugar, neuropathy is no longer a matter of if, but when you're going to have symptoms of it. You can buy sticks at the pharmacy to test urine for sugar content. The best way to test your sugar metabolism is an HbA1c blood test - which are quite cheap and available at most clinics. It will give you an idea of your average blood sugar over the past 6 weeks or so. Kidney and liver function are easy to test for with simple blood tests and important indications of health. There's no way around it... getting old is a bitch and if it's not one problem it's another.
  16. I don't think this type of behaviour is British behaviour. I'm Australian, and wouldn't like to host Australian friends who spend most of their vacations in Thailand getting wasted. It's actually the specific reason why I hated Bali. Too many drunk Australians in one place is bad news.
  17. I have a very good waterproof poncho that will keep the water out, but it's replaced with body sweat, which is actually worse. We're in the hottest month of the year - shade temperatures are reaching 34C.
  18. So you're a hater of haters of haters of haters. LOL. Dude, Songkran threads have always been the hottest threads on this forum. Just leave all the haters alone and enjoy the ride... or go away.
  19. I agree - it would be a lot of fun to watch him going around smashing water guns.
  20. What do you do when someone sprays water at high pressure and close proximity to your face? I've grabbed a few water guns in my time. Who's looking for a fight? The sprayer or sprayee? You've got it the wrong way around buddy. Grabbing a water gun that's in your face is not "looking for a fight". Throwing buckets of ice water on passing motorcycles or spraying water at high pressure at a person's head is not Songkran fun and should not be tolerated.
  21. In Pattaya I saw a lot of motorcyclists wearning masks and no helmet. It was actually quite funny to see a family of 3 or 4 on a motorcycle, all wearning masks and no helmet. It seems that the police in Pattaya are more concerned about the safety of foriegners in that they tend to target them in the tourist areas. An awful lot of Thai people don't wear them and just ride on past the police with no helmet. Maybe the police feel sorry for issuing their Thai countrymen with such large fines and just let them be. I thought the fine was 1000 baht. When did they raise it to 2000 baht?
  22. Relating to Pattaya Foodland stores: Upper Pattaya Klang and Terminal 21. The stores are still nice places to shop and you can find good bargains. Their fruit and vegetables are top quality, but VERY expensive. Took Lae Dee used to be a decent, inexpensive place to eat, but now the prices are ridiculous, for very small serves.
  23. A waste of time talking to people like you about Songkran. I don't care about families having fun - at the discomfort and annoyance of others. They can have fun dumping buckets of ice water on each other and people like you who enjoy it. Believe it or not, I have been out enjoying Songkran on Songkran day - which is an entirely different matter. I don't need to leave the country. I have endured Songkran "fun" since 2005, so staying out of it is not too much inconvenience. I was relating a story that happened in my early years here. btw, a lot of young Thai families are not so happy about Songkran:
  24. "otherwise, don't pass through". How would you expect an Australian returning home to get home without passing through? I suppose he could try to smuggle some fruit back by sea, but the coastline is quite well guarded these days.
  25. You think? My point is that is it not always possible to predict how I might feel after a water assault, so for me at least, I stay out of it. My assault after the water assault could land me in trouble. I'm not going into an area to play - that's different. I'm trying to undertake normal daily tasks without getting wet. Who likes to turn up at a shopping mall totally soaked? Who appreciates getting their groceries wet? Songkran is fine for people hiding in cars. It's the bane of motorcyclists and people on foot (or riding in Songthaew). We're talking about at least a week in Pattaya, not one day of fun.
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