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Everything posted by 2009

  1. Yeah, but if they wack the price up sharply it just communicates to their customers, "I lost business due to a pandemic, now I'll claw back my losses from you" and they'll likely lose a lot of customers.
  2. America just put out their CPI as 7.9% though folks are saying bread is up 20%, rentals up 10% and chicken is up 50% etc etc. So, I thought I would start this thread so the observant members here can post how much more things are costing in Thailand.
  3. I sent this out to the ladies of ill repute in my contacts list. Here are the replies so far: 54. Any more questions?????! 48 48 52 52 52 I don't know × 7 Why? × 5 I don't know. Pay me and I tell you. No time for blah blah. 52 and one more day What? ×3 <deleted> Hi Ho Day off 5555555 I looking for sexy cam 2019 = 52 week 52 I think Idk why? Around 52 52 48, right? You miss me? Am fine
  4. A planet is a planet if it: 1. orbits a star; 2. has enough gravity to be round; 3. and clears its own surroundings. Has nothing really to do with size.
  5. The only news Thais care about is celebraty news. And anything about ghosts.
  6. There is such a thing?? My experience with dating "normal women" is: 1. I want marriage and take care everything (house, car, land, kids, pocket money etc etc). 2. How much you give me? Cos it's not free in Thailand for one night stand. Seriously, even the ones with a proper job have a short time rate if they know you ain't serious. It's just their culture.
  7. Can you recommend an aquatic scent? Think Lynx (Axe) Atlantis from the 90s. Yeah, I just wanna smell like my 10 year old self again.
  8. Quite a few. As well as school directors, car showroom managers, immigration bosses, not to mention doctors, university lecturers, dentists, etc. etc. How many female garbage collectors have you seen? We could be here all day playing this game, buddy. Someone better get the beers in.
  9. I was actually supposed to be just passing through, but then Thailand captured me.
  10. What was the original idea behind the dowry? And how does it "work" today? All I see is: 1: dowry paid 2: lazy wife 3: untidy, cluttered home 4: total filthy home 5: eating nothing but fried chicken and somtum forever 6: man ends up cleaning himself 7: man ends up cooking himself 8: children are neglected by mother, sometimes abused 9: wife spends her man's hard earned cash and asks for more 10: she ends up banging the neighborhood Rinse and repeat. Or maybe I lived in rural Issan too long. Lol Oh and I forgot about the part where she gambles away the farm.
  11. What's this about women joining the workforce anyway: they don't even spend their own money!
  12. Well, it works both ways, buddy. You are talking about engineering, but in other fields, such as education, females are preferred. Not to mention in numerous other aspects of life, too. I say get rid of the dowry at least, then we can talk about equal rights. Honestly, if they charge a dowry, they should be chained to the kitchen sink for a few years. Can't have your cake and eat it.
  13. Never seen anyone do this in the West; when in Rome (or LOS), I guess.
  14. Loads of businesses do this: restaurant, massage, salon, pub, pharmacy, etc. etc.; they block the parking space with cones, signs, concrete blocks, chairs, their laundry, and anything else they can find. Who are they saving the space for? Lol Their customers can't even park; they have lost my money countless times due to me not being able to park. Illogical idiocy. Thais will always take what isn't theirs. And the street stall people always take half a metre more than they really need.
  15. As countries become wealthier, the obesity rate rises. Simple as that. The only country to defy this pattern, I think, is Japan. Maybe a few others. In Thailand, they also love sugary drinks, and add sugar to their cooking (even fried rice, yuk). Also, most dishes are fried in oil. They ain't much into boiling or roasting, like in the West. Also, the idea of recreational exercise hasn't really penetrated yet. Anyway, I like fat chicks, so what am I complaining about?
  16. To satisfy the insatiable thirst to create difficulty, hundles, and to appear smart.
  17. Who's defending a dictator or a thug? I think the best thing would be if he just gets taken out before he causes any more carnage. It is nauseating to see 30 years go by and no president trying to better relations with Russia, execpt Trump. This could have been avoided. Putin wanted to join nato and be an equal, but America wasn't hot on the idea. Putin wanted to help America in Afghanistan, but they didn't go for that either. But America doesn't want an equal super power, even as an ally. They just want to be on top. Russia (and China) are too big, independent, and powerful for America to ever want to be friends with them.
  18. Gold is not an investment. Only The Thai think this.
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