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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Temples should be a place for rest and peace and meditation, but in Thailand that are places that causes sound pollution, with their parties, and screaming... That is the first place that should lower their volumes to a normal level... Other people make so much noise too with their TV's in shops, in the cars, and at home, restaurants, and just name it. and the RTP is doing nothing there should be max volumes to produce and the RTP should enforce the laws, but ther it goes wrong...
  2. Never ever change anything Thailand. Open your eyes and look at the real world , There are the people who drink alcohol too there are religious holidays too and there are accidents and alcohol abuse too........and there are rules too....But Thailand want to control everybody and everything, There are no Buddhists rules in the religion that forbid alcohol , that is only the rule of Thailand.. If the Government keeps on going not to change anything tourists will stay away even more... Surely with dinosaurs as this example.... Enter the 21st century please
  3. Kid needs to go to a rehabilitation centre with his parents, for they all need to be re educated
  4. I am not sure, but I thought that by outbound flight you always could buy alcohol.....Inbound I have no clue. but with a very old law they have to make it free every day all day ... and maybe ask for identification if a minor wants to buy...
  5. They will not find her... probably the same connections as the Red Bull Heir
  6. but will bring a big burden to the country in the coming years as interests and pay back the loan must be done.... Other ideas would have done much better for the economy instead of one time pay out of 10k, which in fact is nothing in a year time
  7. Modern Thailand with updated laws, maybe after 60 years they will be reviewed.... Now they are talking about it, than a committee or 10 must investigate the matter and than maybe there will be a change
  8. They will build a wall on the borders that keep the pollution away
  9. So he can make a move a pay a decent wage of 600 THB at least for the people who gave him this wealth by working long hours for a minimum wage...The rich are rich because they don't want to pay for their wealth, only to keep their family out of justice
  10. if he wants to do that ahe need a special force that is reliable and not corrupt, as the current people can't be trusted and often involved in the drugs trafficking too
  11. NO wonder when there is no law enforcement and nobody cares if kids go to school or not. Not parents, not teachers, not government officials nobody and we see many kids cycling around, or playing instead of being in school. But of course there many kids who have to help their parents to get an income or people with disabilities or grandparents.. The Government is to blame for this mismanagement.. See that the latest news is that disabled people get 10k a year... Disabled and sick people need much more as they need more washing, medication, transport to hospitals and doctors and so on. Parents have to work because the wages are too low so the kids have to help ...... Shame Thailand while there are people in your country that don't know what to do with all their money and not even want to pay tax of it to set up a decent program for help
  12. Shameless THai Government... while they earn millions, are corrupt and greedy the poor and in need are getting 10k a year????? That is not even an hour wages for the senators and ministers.... How long will the Thai people accept this
  13. The evolution of Thailand a 52 year old law of no selling alcohol between 2 pm and 5 pm, although many times people begged to get rid of it.. It will now be considered so it can take another decade before the decision is made. Same as with the lower taxes on alcohol... It started in March but there are no changes in prices....
  14. Excellent water management of Thailand.. Every year the same problems and zero solutions.... Attrack tourists ,Phuket, by advertising that the hotels are in the swimmingpools...Soft power works maybe better than Lisa...
  15. Enforcing the laws.. I see many kids don't go to school, but nobody cares about it...Sometimes kids have to help their parents because of the low wages and so they don't can't go to school... Poverty must be solved in Thailand and that is possible if the few superrich would pay more taxes and the Government was more concerned about the people... But only own pocketfilling is their most important goal. And please don't stop complaining that higher wages will make everything more expensive.. If people can buy more these companies will sell more and their profits will go up, but nobody talks about that
  16. They are not sure yet if the ones of the old guard and elite have the majority to stay in power.... First double check that before announcing the results, suppose the country would go forward
  17. too much sugar use and kids don't play anymore except on their cellphones There is no time to play as kids have to be in school for long days.. Besides that everything must be easy. People in Thailand drive with their motorcycle or car to a shop stop in front of it and buy without walking one meter...And look at the television how many advertisement we see on sweets, candies , cookies and sugar energy drinks...
  18. Soft power to attrack tourist or forthe funniest homevideos... How low can you go
  19. Start with lower the real prices of wines... Welcome expats and longstayers instead of chasing them out with high taxes... Make tourists welcome instead of scam them everywhere and with everything.. and the list can go on
  20. Of course with the upcoming holidays they don't want any trouble
  21. I am getting so sick of Lisa, just if there is nothing more important than a singer born in Thailand but educated in Korea.... but yeah if you don't have anything to be proud of because of a lack of inspiration, renewal, ideas.... you have to make something up
  22. Thai people are used to use violence its in their education.. at home in schools, by uncles. aunts grandmothers and fathers stepfathers, so this is nothing to be shocked of too... A lack of many things in Thailand as there is no psychologic help help available too.. Educate a generation will take a long time
  23. Give her a bottle of alcohol and we are finished with this craziness....She will be prosecuted for promoting alcohol
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