Sure. But the one small difference is that guns are designed to cause harm, and kill. It was their sole purpose for being invented*.
The same cannot be said for video games.
*I know that people these days use guns for sport/entertainment, but that is not what they were built for. That came later.
I think Labor suppoters almost universally condemned the war at the time. But what could they do? The Tory party were, at the time, supporting the war. So even if the war was your biggest vote-deciding issue, you had no way to express it.
Blair's biggest let down was backing down on PR. We wouldn't be in the mess we are now if he'd managed to get a sensible electorial system in place.
Some good advice there but I'd say even 160cc is overkill for Bangkok. You're never going to need that power.
When I was living there I had a Yamaha Aerox 155 but only because I was living and working on the outskirts of Bangkok and would occasionally use it to go on longer trips out of town on weekends. Therefore the compromise of a slightly bigger bike made sense to me at the time.
If I had been in central Bangkok, or if I wasn't planning on the longer journeys, I would have gotten a 125. And that's having already had 20 years of experience riding bikes (scooters).
The fact that the OP has apparently never even ridden a bike before only makes me want to double down on my suggestion: Get a 125!
A genius girl is going to have no time for somebody who can't manage to even figue out how to deal with the minor problem that you quoted directly above, but good luck, anyway!
I know, right. It's clearly not obvious to some, however.
*just for the benefit of any nit-pickers, of course being open doesn't necessarily guarantee that people will come in to buy things. But being closed does guarantee that they won't!
Nobody said that millions of additional tourists will show up specifically to take advantage of extended hours.
The idea is that if the mall is open, tourists who are already passing by are far more likely to buy things at the mall, than they would if it was closed. I, for one, find it difficult to fault that logic.
10 o clock is a ridiculously late time to be opening. This has always confused me. I had always assumed that there was some kind of obscure law which prevented them opening at sensible times.
Indeed. The mobile version of the site has always been extremely tiring even on my relatively young eyes. That they managed to make the fonts even smaller is quite remarkable!
I'm surprised this hasn't been brought up before. +1 for changing the font size to 18 on mobile.
I don't know where this supposed quote has come from but it's not in the linked article, and I have an extremely hard time believing Starmer would say anything of the sort.
So what was he talking about? Are you suggesting that there are now "many" places in the west where women are made to walk past men prissing in urinals before they can get to a cubicle?
Another win for woke then, if you ask me.
(and as has already been pointed out, this has been going on for decades. Toilets on planes, trains, and coaches for example, have been "woke" for as long as I can remember - ahead of the curve)
I apologize. When I read "more useless information" I took it to mean "there's now more useless information" as opposed to "here's another example of more useless information". Sorry for the misunderstanding.
This information has always been attached to topics.
Previously it was at the bottom of the page in small print. It's just been moved to a more prominent position and had the presentation jazzed up a bit.
I always find it amazing just how many people with racist tendencies seem to move here.
I'm sure that there will be plenty of people replying to this post saying that a statement such as "I no longer want to be around Thai people" isn't racist. Those that do, are simply exposing themselves as one of the people which I am referring to.
Perhaps you could either go into a bit more detail about the proposed changes and why they bother you, or, even better, post a link to this article you've read so we can all make our own conclusions?