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Everything posted by JayClay

  1. I know what fingerprinting is, thank you. However the claim was that "This [the fact that an app is blocking access based on another app being installed] should tell you that the app is looking at everything on your phone" It doesn't. The only thing we can conclude from this isolated incident is that they are checking against a blacklist of applications. We can conclude nothing more from it in isolation. Nothing. You're free to speculate, and say something like "this could suggest that...", but stating it as a fact is like seeing the sun in the morning and concluding that it's not going to rain all week. Also, fingerprinting isn't even close to "looking qt everything on your phone"
  2. Phishing is a universal concept and applies to all payment methods.
  3. Okay I'll bite... How do you loose money and phone data by using a promptpay QR code? This should be good.
  4. Languages have been adopting foreign words since the dawn of time. No language needs "preserving", they need evolution.
  5. No. This should tell you that the app is looking at a list of installed apps on your phone.
  6. When it comes to immigration, your immediate history is much more interesting to the officer than what you were doing in previous years. The first couple of tourist visas are unlikely to cause any problems but after that you may (or may not, people's milage varies) start running into problems.
  7. If you can provide the exact words it may make it easier for somebody to assist you.
  8. I used them for two house moves; my motorbike, furniture and belongings were all packed into one of their box vans, I jumped in the front and unloaded at the destination.
  9. I've used deliveree.com before a couple of times and they were very good on both occasions.
  10. I don't know why you're quoting me along with D Jack. I don't approve of the system or want people to be forced to go "home"(wherever that is). I was merely trying to explain why "I could get a visa so they should let me in anyway" is a logically flawed argument.
  11. Which is why there's a visa application/approval process.
  12. Probably because they have no incentive to spend the extra few seconds looking for the next blank page. Occasionally you get a super helpful IO who will go back, find an empty page, and use that. But mostly I guess they think "why bother"? I would if I was doing their job for their wages.
  13. What? People who are married can also get extensions "if they wish so". People with lots of money can get an Elite Visa and extensions "if they chose so". The fact that a genuine visa is available "if you chose so" and that you didn't "chose so" surely gives the IO more reason to be suspicious of you ("just why hasn't he got the visa he's entitled to???"), not less.
  14. You can't insure the car in your name because you have no financial interest in the vehicle. You either need to be put on your mother's insurance as a named driver, or have her policy upgraded to an any-driver policy.
  15. People who want to transfer their money to fiat, such as the OP.
  16. If it's illustrated well on the computer, then I really can't see how it could be less impactful. I'd say the opposite is more likely to be true. As for the "assumed to be manipulated" maybe that's fair? Has anybody in the institution raised this concern with you, or is it something you have decided yourself?
  17. Indeed. We have a "realist" here who admits he doesn't like the person, and refuses to give a reason as to why, yet he doesn't seem to "realise" what's actually happened; he made a snidey comment to somebody he didn't like, and it backfired. I'm almost certain he wasn't expecting the responses he got, which is strange for a realist ????
  18. A realist is able to look at a situation objectively and makes a point of trying to genuinely understand the situation that others may be in. You have done neither. There is a phrase to describe your behaviour, but "being a realist" isn't it. The fact that you even posted this, and that you were clearly expecting sympathetic responses, show that you are about as far from a realist as can be.
  19. If you have a re-entry permit then you won't have any issues re-entering the country. You can either get a multiple re-entry permit, or two single ones.
  20. This is remarkable because..?
  21. So your issue is that he looks gay? I think that says a lot about you.
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