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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. all hospitals and larger clinics have walk in service. Fill up form, show previous vax certificate and passport. Usually there are no waiting lines. Moderna is in short supply, already fully booked
  2. holidays are only for those living in thailand, it would be them getting to beaches and resorts. For foreign tourists local thai holidays are meaningless. I see red flags on the beach, nobody suppose to be in the water
  3. sinovac and sinopharm were not free - because the thai government did not contract enough of the AZ, they had to order an emergency supplies at inflated prices, some $20 per shot. Some money was recovered from sinopharm, because it was sold at 888b. There were some 1mln sinovac as a gift from chinese government - that was to cover of chinese citizens living in thailand. It was a poor deal, because all those fully vaxed with them needed boosters to protect from delta. Some 650k of donated doses of pfizer went to front line medics. dr Anutin had sinovac as the first shots, but kept getting boosters. Probably they were checking him up properly for antibodies, before recommending more shots. But that practice is not common, because it's costly. Still some 20% of population is not fully vaxed, even if some were able to get many vax, including those moderna ordered at private hospitals
  4. if that was 4 star hotel, what were standards at less luxurious places? and how stricter are standards now? Fire can happen anytime and anywhere, but how fire brigade was not able to contain it to kitchen or dining place, where it started.
  5. with that small statistical sample there might be an error. Identifying variants is an additional procedure, adding costs to the routine PCR which is still over 1k baht per test. Those cases with BA1 and BA2 might already had them before (or were in close contact, but not became ill), around January/February, now for them is a second contact with the same variant so they have already some immunity and less severe illness. In europe, when those variants appeared already in April, in Portugal, they went on in removing all or the majority of restrictions. That some 3 months experience in a population of 700mln doesn't show more serious hospitalisations. There is sharp rise in infections but mild ones
  6. more safety benefit would be asking travellers to wear masks, not drink driving and not speeding. Getting a booster before the next wave is a good idea
  7. they have website, email. chat line. Just give to hospital your insurance number, they suppose to claim directly from insurer
  8. the closest from bangkok are in ampawa floating market, but not on barges, as in kanchanaburi
  9. that 1.2mln looks like pacific cross. your surgery has to be pre-approved. So you need written quotation from hospitals and forward them to insurer. Based on different quotations insurer can re-negotiate price directly with hospital. They might tell you which hospital they approve. Those 300-400k looks more like private hospitals. Look into the governmental hospitals quotations, possibly they would be below 200k for operation itself, lower for hospital, bed and no co-pay. Yes, for large claims the PC will rise your yearly contribution by 25% for the next 2 years. But they can't exclude pain from future. Clearly it's not pre-existing. Definitely you should not hesitate to claim it. That's why you have this policy. You have already payed them hundreds of thousands over years. You had a chance to claim accident on your policy (unless you have deductible above that). Probably too late now (usually 1 month for application), but not harm to ask. If you have indeed pacific cross, you might think of upgrading accident when re-newing from their 150k included in your plan up to 1mln. That is fairly cheap, only 150b for addiction 100k cover. Again, it works only above deductible, but in my opinion worth.
  10. jj never came. They had some production problems (mixed wrong substances). also they don't protect for too long, in comparison. The AZ is still done and available. Check you nearest hospitals for availability. There is no requirement for a booster when travelling internationally to anywhere. If rules get stricter you can get it just some 2-3 weeks before travel
  11. try frankfurt, munich - much larger airports, with many airlines. Trains to berlin just over 4h from some e60. Even Zurich, prague, brussels are doable
  12. if you are fit to fly you do go, even if not feeling well. Nobody is doing or checking any tests for any illness. If not well you need doctor's statement that you have medical condition and should not fly for a specific time. That should be enough to postpone travel date with any airline. You pay fare difference, if any. Get any travel insurance, from thailand. But I would think that supposed to be bought before getting airfare to cover it.
  13. prices are getting to normal in september, from some 23k baht. Even now, with 45k baht, it is comparable to the very high season pre-covid. that is for continental europe. I would also think that there would be more airlines and flights each months and prices will fall below pre-covid levels. That's from october, when winter schedule is introduced. Airlines need time to adjust to demand, get back landing slots or apply for new ones. That's not instant.
  14. it's possible to travel now from continental europe for around 45k bht so 1050gbp. But flexibility is essential. There might be only very few flights in a month and with only few seats. I would think some passengers postponing their fares because if illness (covid wave), expected airport havoc etc. Possibly eurochannel to paris, brussels or connecting flight at frankfurt. For own convenience only hand luggage if fare on different tickets. connecting in india is doable
  15. some large PO branches are opened sunday 8-12. Also very small ones, in shopping centres, open all day everyday. At my nearest shopping mall they are inside dry cleaners. Also at the PTT petrol station opened daily 8:30-18:30
  16. let's see if the PM will backtrack his decision to unmask indoors. That was hastily made decision, to be introduced as the 4th, the final step, relaxing covid rules. abandoning masking outside was right. Many countries keep masking on public transport or are reversing to masking now, with summer wave over europe
  17. they have increased prices for international since 1st February. Also in Autumn 2020 put 35b covid charge on parcels. Now it's over 1k per kg, up from the previous some 450b/kg. That't the cheapest option. Domestic was always cheap.
  18. my local hospital, within 10km from me, has pfizer. Walk in. No waiting line. No crowds. Easy parking. I will do my, when going for my regular check up, so no need for a special journey
  19. I have fully adjustable electric one. Has special mattress operated by an electric air pump, to prevent bedsores and skin problems. I can deliver to pattaya anytime for any time
  20. nice argument, repeated twice. say it more often and you well might be right
  21. well, same as in the UK, the USA or thailand - the deep state, old boys, etonians, army generals, plus capitalists with tens and hundreds billions of $. All states work the same way. Copies of each other, part of the global system - competing for their slice of markets, mineral and energy resources. As much as chinese inteligence is active in the usa and uk, the cia and mi6 is active in china. Main reason for the brand new humengous USA consulate in chiang mai is spying on china - it's the closest diplomatic mission to china border
  22. navy seal dies in cave rescue near Birma border, and director of the airport 700km away holds memorial ceremonies? no, his death was not heroic in any sense, it was just tragic. An accident, a freak one. Probably happens at BKK airport every year, just not reported in the media. How this death is connected to aviation industry? or it's just PR operation form a half-employed, half-qualified political party nominated director, who doesn't know what to do with his working time and needs to fill his hours with meaningless activities?
  23. but pandemic is not over yet. Switch was planned for 1st July, but decision was deterred and now, with rising infections, rather won't be taken yet. All infected thai and migrant workers were given covid kits - some medicines, termometer, some food (mama noodles). They had download daily temperature and other symptoms to application. Sometimes health volunteers were visiting them with food/water. But for foreigners it was paid health service. Some were forced to pay around 14k for anti-viral medicines, but that way avoiding forced isolation in hospitels. masks would be coming back within short time. Who knows what restrictions might be also back. That's is right now happening in Europe
  24. I don't think agdda, booking and all hotel platforms would allow such policy on their websites. Tourists will switch from hotels to airbnb, also on agoda and booking privet renting accommodation can be selected - their owners are not forced to follow governmental rules on renting. This policy of dual pricing in hotels suppose to run already in thailand, according to some, but I have never came across it. I do stay in the cheapest possible guesthouse in the area, because only those places would allow my dogs in the room without extra charge (or with a minimal charge some 100b/dog)
  25. from the article: "MI5 is now running seven times as many investigations related to activities of the Chinese Communist Party compared to 2018, he added. The FBI's Wray warned that if China was to forcibly take Taiwan it would "represent one of the most horrific business disruptions the world has ever seen". that is more of propaganda language than balanced assessment. Smells of McCartyist's language than factual assessment. It's not an activities of CCP, but chinese state, as much as can't be said that MI6 is an activity of the Conservatives or CIA activity of Democrats. Yes, taiwan gdp is 4x larger than ukraine (and similar to gdp of thailand), below 1% of the global economy. "Horrific disruption" in this context is mouthful. Also title's "immense threat" is meant to confuse with much more colloquial "imminent threat" - rather used here on purpose
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