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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. GO...TRUMP....GO....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I, for one, LOVE.....Trump. He is not what you might think. One needs to comprehend the ..... TRUMP GESTALT And, IMHO.... Most guys of lesser IQ....unlike Elon.... Just do not GET the Trump Gestalt. I get it, though. And, you should...too.... Hopeless....if you do not, OF COURSE....
  2. I agree with one fact: There will only ever be one JS BACH. JS BACH = GOD The ONE and ONLY God....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 IMHO. Note: AI is not yet God. AI will only ever be a little god, small g The God of Music is Bach.
  3. It's impossible to prove that your statement is not correct.
  4. AI does not know the rules. Neither does it know anything.
  5. Looks like somebody has been reading the early work of Chomsky. I think this might come from his first PhD thesis, or something. Or, his first "infamous" paper, one which he himself had later stated he did not entirely agree with. A long time ago... Syntactic Structures As I recall. Or, maybe like any good AI... I am just hallucinating... Again.
  6. You know... I think it quite strange: a. From the very beginning, when I first began following Elon's exploits, it seems that every time Musk opens his mouth...he utters an utterance that I agree with. b. It is not I who is being, in any way, somehow "persuaded" by Musk's arguments. c. It is only that when Musk opens his mouth, I find almost nothing with which to disagree with. d. Therefore, I would say, from this perspective, that.... MUSK and CHOMSKY are just about the same. Otherwise, if they were not almost identical, then... How could I love BOTH of them at the same time? I could NOT. Sammy is not even worth worrying about, or listening to, either. As of now, however, no one can say what Musk has in-store for the man he calls Scam Altman. But, in many ways, Scam is a monster of Musk's own making. Now, like Musk's Frankenstein Monster, this new AI monster must be dealt with. Some say Scam even resembles the original Frankenstein Monster, in many ways. My only fear is that Musk might, in the end, meet some dark doom directly caused by the monster of Musk's own creation. This is the way the Shelly book seems to go.... After all.
  7. Haha... It will get interesting. Such interesting times we seem to be living in.
  8. So now that Grok3 has been released, and is not too shabby, The only question might be... How much longer before we see Musk wipe the floor with "Scam Altman"...Elon's name for Sammy...??? It has always been apparent that Sammy is/was nothing but a charlatan, same as E. Holmes, in many respects. But are things now coming to a head? Will Sammy be booted out soon? Maybe it is not Labor which will lose its power, so quickly as we will see Altman go down the tubes, first. Scam A is already halfway out the door, and may not know it? Of Note: But, does some guy from Penn know what he's talking about?
  9. This might work, and would be better for those who wish to allow light into a room. However, my goal is to block all light transmission, and thermal transmission, as well as limiting as much sound transmission as possible. Still worth considering. They seem to be easy to install. And, light weight is an advantage.
  10. I will trust you when you say that this depiction is purely fictional...IF... You will also trust me when I assure you that this Topic is neither click-bait nor is it intended in any way antagonize the Scottish People. One should never watch films, either, since not all are strictly documentaries based on fact. Sometimes, though, it becomes difficult for some to tell fact from fiction, it seems.
  11. Dogs really dislike firecrackers. But, still, small firecrackers don't hurt them. Maybe best to use some sort of handheld device that makes very loud crackling noises,,, such as a stun-gun. Don't be an idiot and actually try to stun the dog. Just press the button from afar, and the dogs will probably retreat. I LOVE DOGS.
  12. Not yet. Still, the readings are quite low. Around 100. Wait until it hits 450. All depends upon wind direction, wind speed, and other factors. So far, it has not hit.
  13. OK. If Jamie is on the ticket in 2028... I will vote for him, hands down.
  14. Normal, in some cases, in Chiang Mai, however. Thank you. The Smoking Season is about to hit us here. Best to prepare in advance.
  15. Dear Folks, Last month, I gave up on the idea of using plywood to board up my bedroom windows. But, still, please believe me that this is NOT A JOKE, this time. I have a local worker coming to board up my bedroom windows in just another few days. However, I think I might have found a better solution, rather than plywood, or other materials made from wood. The purpose is to block out: a. sound b. dust c. thermal transmission due to direct sun radiation and convection from super-high air temps outside...which reach 50-degrees C, or sometimes 60-degrees C. So then: I have, after doing a bit of internet research, hit upon PIR. PIR, as you probably know, but I did not know, is this: Seems to me that this might be the best solution. This is for OUTDOOR application, only. Not exposed to rain, most months. However, during the raining season, the side of the house will get wet due to horizontal rain. The questions are: a. Which brand of PIR is best locally b. Is this a good solution c. Will it last for 5 years, while exposed to direct sunlight and rain d. Most importantly, where to buy in CM. Also, this looks good: But, will it work on a very large exterior window? Tks. Gamma Note: This is what it looks like on the building site....and seems quite nice.....very large panels.... Just one or two large panel would be be sufficient for my purposes, initially....
  16. NO. Actually....NOT. Please read recent Chinese history. This is about restoration of land and territory that China views as having been stolen. This is NOT about greed. This is a moral imperative to RESTORE China to its rightful glory. Xi = Mao Mao = Xi Both are nutjobs. But this restoration of lost territories to the Motherland is Xi's promise to the Chinese People. This also has much to do with nationalism, and not greed.
  17. Your comment reminds me of the Ox-Bow incident....
  18. He needs to do more. This is a drop in the bucket. And, he COULD do more. The Chinese Gov could do more.
  19. I think firecrackers might be faster. Some sort of fireworks on a stick...with an electric triggering mechanism. Or, just carry a 0.44 Magnum....
  20. In fact, I am just reporting an incident that I witnessed while living in Taiwan. It happened just as I reported it in my comment. Where did it happen in Taiwan? A place called: HuaYuan XinCheng, near HsinTian, Taipei. The act was perpetrated by a builder/developer who had wanted to rid the area of all roaming dogs, in preparation for building/selling prospect homes in that small area in the mountains. He was NOT a coward. He was a heartless real estate speculator and builder. Humans are the cruelest species on the planet, by far. No wonder they treat each other in such a cruel fashion. When I am reborn, let me be reborn a snake, which, I guess, is at least one step above the human being. Taiwan is a despicable place. No need to defend Taiwan against takeover by Mainland China. What would be the point?
  21. Dear Folks, There is definitely a bustle in the hedgerow, when it comes to the Democratic Party in America. And, there has been, for far too long. But, the bustle in the DP’s hedgerow is completely out of tune, and misdirected. The DP takes itself, not seriously, and has not for many years. The DP is not serious about the world, and this has been fairly obvious, for far too long… How can the DP expect to be taken seriously, when its policies and agendas are not based on reality? Do they even care to look for talented people, rather than enlisting famous fools in order to pander to a small minority of lesser fools? Yes, my friends, the DP is abustle. And the DP’s bustle is not in tune with America, nor the world, and certainly not founded in reality. Will the DP ever return to reality? The answer, my friends, is blowing in the wind. The answer is blowing in the wind. Do you think the DP will ever return to what it once was? Will it ever get smart, again? Meanwhile, considering the Democratic Party, as it stands now…. Does anybody remember….Laughter? It might require another decade (2035) for the Democratic Party to reconstitute itself. But by then, might it already be too late? Such a curious party, this decade.. And, Curiouser and Curiouser, by the year. Regards, Gamma Note: I mean, surely, Shirley, the Dems have lost their way, and they can’t find their way home….obviously.
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