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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Usually not, and it will be checked at aircraft door when you board, and brought up to the door when you deplane.
  2. Lovin' it ... people enjoying life, made my morning, while out walking the dog @ 1030 hrs. Set up, got his grill, Moka pot, already made his iced coffee. Chillin in the shade. Out of sight, a 'square' bottle of spirits, Cooler for ice & mixers. Food vendors foot steps away. ROCK ON ... 😎
  3. @RolandRat So if your bill is only ฿2000 max, that's 425kWh/units a month, or 14kWh a day. Not sure that's excessive highly, especially for last month, April. We were using about 8kWh overnight, 1800-0800 hrs, and that's with a very good inverter AC running, laptop & TV for 8 hr, and frigs (2). Then sleeping for 6 hrs w/AC on. That alone is 240 units a month, and no sun, temp outside, not much different than AC'd bedroom, just the lower humidity from the AC making the difference. Set on 'cool' 27C, low fan, not the dehumidifier setting. Daytime temps, 35C+ and 2 ACs running (very efficient inverters) and we easily use 25kWh/units a month. That calculation is at the PEA rate. If landlord charging you more, ฿6 or 7 a unit, then that usage drops considerably, @ ฿7 = 285kWh/units, less than 10kWh a day. That's pretty conservative use, as when we're not home, the frigs use 4kWh a day.
  4. Yes, you can party & enjoy nightlife on Phuket. Pretty much the same as any holiday location. Anyone been to both this year, and want to give us your opinion ?
  5. Because foreigners are stupid, and pay higher fares. Just walk away ... why would you let yourself get ripped off. Taxi, bolt, grab, bus, bts/mrt, options abound. You have choices ... don't live in TH Better research ... happier life Why choose to live in TH, then complain about your choice
  6. Nah, and don't think I've ever had. Sounds a bit weird. Just onions, cabbage (sauerkraut) and cucumbers. Buy some others, like ginger, and cabbage I think, non sauerkraut flavored, and one was sweeter. Took a while to finish those, and can't see buying again, except for the ginger. Wife does her own kimchi, though I'm not a fan, as makes too much, then gets really strong after a while. Good for soup, as you can water it down. Actually put it on hotdogs, when not too strong, and works quite well.
  7. What are you doing, living in your car ? Don't even need a frig, I don't think, they are pickled, and if using a smaller jar, store bought pickle jar, take up no more space than 1 or 2 of those (2 in rotation if eating as much as I do. Don't need to make 2 big jars like we have. Do you not have a kitchen in you 'place' ?
  8. Comparing cannabis to tobacco, is a bit of a stretch, especially with the known health hazards of tobacco. Doesn't mean smoking cannabis isn't unhealthy. But compared to tobacco ...
  9. OP is renting, so keeping the ones he uses now, clean, as stated, better, cheaper option, till moving to a place that charges the MEA/PEA rate, without anything tacked on. Suspect it's just an older building, poorly insulated, if at all, maybe having sun exposure, and old AC units. Next place, take all those things into consideration. For those buying, inverters make a huge difference.
  10. I guess you don't ride MB too often, as get behind a few ICEV, whether properly maintained or not, especially if a few are diesel, and you'll want a mask on. Though one better than what most wear. Or stand at a busy intersection or simply walking next to a busy street at Krung Thep, and it can get a bit nauseating. Why we live kind of rural ...
  11. I don't know any vendor that requires a mask, for at least 1 yr, maybe 2yrs. With exception of Makro or 7-11, I wouldn't use any vendor that required a mask. Don't know anyone that does, and not sure I believe Ralf1 IMHO, that, and riding in car, whether alone or with wife wearing mask was pretty much the epitome of stupidity.
  12. CCs usually translate to kW/HP, though now with E-MC, guess they would have to think of something else. Although, if you can drive a 125cc, not much difference than a 750 or 900cc, as long as you don't fall over, hopping on or off it. I started out on 750cc. 1 down 4 up, clutch-brake-brake, know your limitations ... SPEED KILLS Not much else to learn, until you want to play
  13. Don't know where I stated that, but read into and make up whatever you want, as you always do.
  14. Not following it at all, and just seeing the headlines here. How many cases against the leading political opponent ? Tyranny rules IMHO. The USA that might have been (or never was), will never be again. Total control to the puppeteers ... IMHO Love it or Leave it ... cheney/bush 2 was the last straw for me. walk it like I talk it ... nuff said
  15. For me, big would mean something that will handle 2 people +, and the highway @ 75 mph, with lots of throttle left. At least 900cc, and many would probably think 1100cc, (maybe ever full dresser for comfort), but really not needed, as my 900cc was more than ample, comfy w/extra power if needed, with 2+. My 750cc, nah. Not with 2 people, comfort or top end stability. 400cc, that's a joke. Don't know any that started on less than 450/500cc in USA, then quickly upgraded to 750cc or much more. Although, economics has a lot to do with it, as most can't or won't spend $5-10-20-30k dollars for a scooter here. $3k / ฿100 being more than a stretch for many, even me, as can't see the point for knocking around town. Don't need to do more than 90kph to drive locally.
  16. A convicted liar (to Congress) ready to take the stand. Think OJ trial ... should be a short deliberation as well. Some quality testimony, Daniels & her convicted lawyer (if testifying) ... ... they're joking right.
  17. A big bike in TH seems to be anything bigger than 160cc
  18. Last off topic one from me. An air fryer is nothing more than, hopefully, a well designed 'convection oven', no more, not less. Our 56L Electrolux was billed as 'Air Fryer' and even labeled so. Does have 6 elements & 3 very good fans. Will cook as fast as the small air fryer. Even a tray, so no need to turn food half way through. Advantage of small one, doesn't heat up the kitchen, though too small to actually prepare a meal. Even for just 2.
  19. Yes, age matters, and activity. As a bit of weight loss here, since not that active, has been due to muscle atrophy ... Chest & arms, though not so much legs, as still cycling a bit. Even slowed that down as of late.
  20. Along with beef steak, shrimp, lobster etc etc etc Snake, dog & frogs if foraging Red ant eggs ... YUM
  21. Yea, I got it. and 1 looks like that, other small one a bit different. Then a full size 56L. Going a bit off topic .. .to say the least.
  22. Not sure about that, as that was my usual, for about 10 yrs running, 30-40 yrs old. Put on 25 lbs over the winter, and lose it the 1st month of spring. Was usually 10 lbs the 1st week, and 5 lbs the next 3 weeks. Only real negative I read at the time, as not good to do consistent, on the gall bladder. But once a year, didn't see a problem. Never took vitamins or electrolytes while doing. First 3 days, not food at all, string the stomach a bit (or my thinking) then minimal, bowl of Total cereal, & fruit and or veggie salad, no dressings, the next couple days. That was an easy 10 lbs off, as I think water intake accounted for a bit, as body no longer storing. Next 3 weeks, Total cereal (fortified for vitamins), then lots of protein, and fruit/veggie salad. Being very active helped, burning calories and not bored. Kept it at ~800 calories a day, tried to.
  23. I always flew 1st Class, so can't comment about the back of the bus. I did fly United once in the back, and yea, USA air carriers suck. Even TG was better.
  24. 13 yrs and 1 month of my salaried employment spent there. Only job of 30+, that lasted more than 1 year. The main reason I'm in TH, without the flight bennies, would have never ventured over for peek, and still be in the Americas somewhere. Though not exactly a bad thing, here or stuck in the Americas. Either work. Whoa, that 1 vid is up to 1.1M now ... That's just sad ... society is lost.
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