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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. hmm ... you have some stating how dangerous they are, and now, you implying it will be a racket to enforce the law, do there job, as a money grab, instead of simply making things safer. "We wish there was more enforcement " ... "Police out extorting money again" Simply doing their jog, and its ... Damned if they do, damned if they don't.
  2. Nah, though did point out the battery difference (module replacement). Styling won her over. For others ... MG ZS back on sale, and still includes free wall charger installation. Feeling the heat from BYD. So now, if ours gets totaled or stolen, when get a new one + change in the pocket, since insured for 900k. OK, maybe just a new replacement. Someone want to tell me again about price depreciation, as seems to be working in our favor ... And no, we have no desire to ever sell our ZS. A bit deceptive, as showing the X model, not the D model, which is the one at the 'starting price'. D not available in red, and doesn't have roof rails.
  3. Daughter picked up here BYD Atto 3 ... 👍
  4. The EVs are parked and charged outside. The solar ESS are in AC comfort & safer LFP chemistry, and not stressed, hence adding the 2nd pack. Now the RC toys ... lots of older batteries and chemistry make up, but also in AC comfort. Not used indoors, and don't expect a spontaneous combustion from them. Never unattended when charging. Flame Up ... don't care as long as I'm not sleeping. Would give me a good reason to upgrade I'd be more concerned about that highly combustible, and 61 times more likely to flame up vehicle you got parked at the house.
  5. it's really been posted too many times, by myself & others. The repetitive queries are tiring. Google is your friend. Pick a link ...
  6. Final thoughts, to point out what I think is the obvious, in the MMCC / GW discussion. ... the Denialist / me, may or may not be correct ... the believers may or may not be correct, is it MM ?, and are the seas, if rising, because it's MM. And 'most' scientist, for or against, must get funding from one side or the other, so there's that. Yes, the meme goes both ways. Note, I don't argue if GW is real, as it may or may not be, though leaning towards real, but don't think it's MM or that anyone can do anything about it. As they've known and predicted it for how long, and nothing is being done or can be done IMHO, to change that. If the planet is warming up, so be it. Deal with it ... but if you believe and think it is, keep reading. This whole post is simply my opinion, and based on my readings, which many may agree with or not. Obviously from different sources of many folks. Big difference that I notice, the believers, most of, aren't doing anything but talking about it. Where me, the denialist, is doing everything eco friendlier that I / we can think of...purposely or not. ... do you have a yard, any size ... are you composting. If not yard, you could still compost, and give it away, or simply spread it in you favorite park. See vid below ... ... still driving that petrol/diesel vehicle ... still not using solar for at least part of your energy needs, if not all ... still taking unnecessary holidays, especially if flying, local or international The hypocrisy is hilarious... over to you Greta ... How Dare You Me the denialist on the other hand, my carbon footprint is almost non-existent. Though I don't think the planet needs saving at all. As much as I can do or have control over. And we / you, do have control over the items I listed above. My favorite vid for those not solving the problem, but are the problem, keep talking ... Composting .... not doing so, accounts for a huge amount added to the landfills.
  7. There's a couple threads on the tax thing with all the info you need. You just need to peek at those or use Ms Google ... same info found there. Sliding tax rates (which he'd probably fall in the highest) and basic deductibles if you look.
  8. Pretty obvious he's flush with cash, as any 30 yr pilot should be, on their salaries.
  9. So if I drop my doobie in the car, and it catches on fire, it's an EV fire, even thought the battery didn't even ignite, and was put out swiftly Saying that ... those insurance numbers, and admittedly, possibly up to 65% of the ICEV fires were thefts / scam claims and intentionally set. Still the fires per 100k claims are statistically way higher the EV.
  10. Hybrid cost a bit more, but if you know not going to install batteries, then not really necessary. Once the inverters are up to temp, they draw very little electric, compared to any older, non inverter. We run 2 inverters ACs during the day (13 & 24k BTU), with both on now, and fan on auto, high fan now, as just turned 2nd one (24k) on, so rooms haven't equalized yet, so both running at max, and only drawing 3.6kWh total in the house. That's 2 frigs, 2 laptops, one 65" TV, and the 2 ACs, @ 27C, auto/high fan. Pause in typing, and doing something ... 8 ish minutes later and house up, or down to temp, and now drawing about ~1.5kWh. TV draws 100w, frigs, when cycling about 250w, laptops aren't worth mention. Rest is ACs, and draw -500w to 3kWh depending if fans are running on high.
  11. Think we can scratch that one up to 'user error', and they were lucky it wasn't a ruptured petrol fuel tank.
  12. 1 commercial vehicle ... bus, but ... user error ... Sept 2023 ... oops
  13. Excellent vid, and yea, I'm bored, actually watched the whole thing. Narrator sucks, but subject of, Scott got it right. Mirrors the advice I give .... TH is not for everyone. Living here is not like visiting. Don't burn your bridges, or sell up, unless you 'KNOW' you won't be returning. RENT before buying in, 1 or 2 years and different areas. Very honest, he came here for cheap living & women, but that comes at a price. Heat & different culture. He's lucky he could afford to take the hits he did, sucks, but could afford it, and has a job to go back to. Along with being a short timer here, so as much as the sticker shock is returning, it not like a 10 or 20+ yr difference that it would be for me. Housing in US is off the charts, and if buying back in, would use up my oops fund, along with healthcare for minor oops. I have not desire to work again, unless I was getting 6 figures like he will. Agree completely with everything Scot said. Heat can be oppressive, and like him, coming from Memphis area, (5 yrs living there), and 38C everyday for a month was not rare, but you get the relief of cooler weather the rest of the year. He's correct on the tax enforcement now, and he'd probably get hit with a max tax rate on his savings & pension being brought in. Why I say the commentator sucks, but he's living on SS or VA and won't affect him. 50% hit on his truck ... ouch. Even good research will not prepare you for the reality of living here. It is not for everyone. Me, still Lovin' it.
  14. It's not the calories you burn while exercising, aerobic; running, cycling, or what ever, but the increased raise in you metabolism that stays with you after exercising. That will burn calories at a higher rate. @save the frogs I prefer cycling, whether outdoors, or stationary bike in clean AC'd air indoors. Stationary, and a mere 20 minutes is enough. Outdoors, usually on hour or so, 15-30 kms, depending on mood and weather. Cycling vs running, as much less impact on back and joints. For weight loss, early morning, before first meal, as will burn reserved fat for energy, since no food intake yet. After 20 minutes, you're wide awake & energized for the day. I add some minor floor exercises, push ups, back stretches and stomach crunches, and more for my back muscles, than anything else. Very short time doing that, 5-10 minutes max, at slow pace.
  15. You got the oil & filter, just change it yourself. I stopped doing it myself, as just too lazy and couldn't be bothered. Along with, they tell you, it voids the warranty if they don't do it, though not sure how true that is. Buy a BEV, no more oil changes ... 😎
  16. Land masses shifting, continental drift, sea level & tides controlled by lunar gravitational pull, and rotations of both around each other (sun, moon, earth), all things shifting ... yea, science. Not melting ice & rainfall. Y'all probably think the tides come in & out ... In case you need a visual aid ... If anything man made, would probably be the ever expand metro areas along waterways and coastal areas, where mismanaged water run off, no long goes in the ground but is directed into the streams & rivers and eventually out into the seas. That's a bit of a stretch also.
  17. Plenty of 'LEGAL' immigrants allowed in to work, and that's the same with most countries worldwide. There's the proper way, and the illegal way. Hopefully they'll get deported, well, the non Thais.
  18. Not his lifetime, (due to rising seas) or his grandkids, or his grandkids' grandkids IMHO
  19. Wasn't this one, as just saw thread for 1st time, a day + late. Have to agree with 'G' ... KISS, and best to avoid something with so many parts to malfunction. Dinosaur tech for dinosaur engine using dinosaur fuel. Invented 1879, mass produced 1958 😲 No wonder ICEV are so inefficient and expensive to maintain & operate. In another decade, they'll be saying the same about EV, with their magnetic propulsion flying vehicles.
  20. There is 3 of us ... last time, I added to my egg noodles & broccoli brekkie thing, and blended perfectly. Usually just go with flatbread and gyro thingy, add some veggies and sauce. Nice when the protein is already cooked for you and flavorful ... pair well with so many things.
  21. One gal here does a nice version, and handy, as sets up where I walk the dog surfside. Usually pick up 10 skewers, or what she has available, only ฿10 each. Good amount, as other charge ฿20 for the same. Although, this is a stretch, as it's grilled pork in/on a stick, w/bit of soy/salt, MSG, sugar... ... "a popular Thai street food that showcases Thailand’s rich culinary traditions. Known for its straightforward preparation and deep flavour profile" Hate to see them describe a hotdog ... starting with "OMG ....."
  22. For those interested in a similar system, using Deye inverters and higher producing/rated panels, here's some numbers. Deye 5kW hybrid inverter ... ~฿42k X2 if wanting redundancy & more juice, and probably a better option than a 10kW inverter, IMHO Panels (if limited roof space) ... PV 670w X 9 Panels (~5800) = ~฿52.2k Intermediate box ?, to home breaker box ? PV tracking & cables ? Ballpark components for 5kW DIY ... ฿125k (฿42k + 52.2k +++) +++ Still need a crew & tools/ladder, testing equip. Obviously you can do it for less, and some have, using different components. Double that up for redundancy and more juice ... recommended as 5kW system isn't even close enough for our usage. Two 5kW inverters & panels (125+100) = ~฿225k Our 20kWh (two 10kWh) of ESS Cost ฿90 + 95 = ฿185k (less expensive can be sourced) And your knocking on ฿400+k, and why we went with an installer. Since no tools, crews, testing equip. or experience. Our 8kW inverter w/540w X 18 panels, + ESS was ฿445k installed (if you skipped OP) Can be done, less expensive, as others have done, with different components. BUT, if lazy, and have a few extra baht, and want it done correctly with no regrets, then you may want to consider an installer.
  23. I don't read or follow too many threads, especially after the first few replies, unless the topic actually interests me. Do catch the last post of threads, sometimes very long threads, and occasionally reply, as I did earlier. Now regret that
  24. Really ... haven't seen that rule yet. I've stated it many times on AN. I actually wish they would do that, and announce it ASAP, as at present, I don't plan on doing anything, and simply wait & see, which may be a bit inconvenient, if & when they do require such a statement at extension time.
  25. Deye does have authorize reseller in TH, and I'd be suspicious of anyone selling Deye inverters for less. Always good to contact and verify information
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