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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Oh honey ... it's only one day .... ... oh wait, it's 'Pride Month" Black History Month Woman's History Month When's 'white male month' ? ... never mind, that's racist and misogynist
  2. Maybe they are referring to all the make up needed and amount of time to trowel it on. And I thought Halloween was the end of October ... "It's Raining Men" ... just in time for rainy season
  3. Me @ Phuket, 1st visit (1999) Roaming elephant show in the village (2000), held at the outdoor movie theater grounds. Me & daughter, getting our freak on @ Nong PraJack Park, Udon Thani
  4. That would be fair enough, if cheney, bush & blair also stood trial for crimes against humanity
  5. Already established business, same with tobacco, and too many vested in it. Along with both are a great tax revenue stream. Let those 2 deadly, profitable, tax generating, allowed vices sink in, when govt states they care about your health & well being ... worldwide Weed is controlled, because it is, a weed, an any idiot can grow it, eventually.
  6. No wonder the dudes aren't called 'Trans Ladies' ... might imply some kind of good, mature, respect worthy demeanor Seems to only take a second, for their fake smile and criminal side to show. WELCOME to THAILAND
  7. OP ... you might want to actually read the DTA yourself, and not rely on YT for info. Maybe there's a UK govt site you can register for any updates to the DTA if they come about.
  8. Rupture your fuel tank on your ICEV and the result isn't much different.
  9. Not much of a choice ... kangaroo court, and I don't think he expected Ecuador to stab him in the back. Show have gone to the RU embassy Just a warning to all future whistleblowers ... speak out and we'll ruin your life ... OR ... kill you. Nothing like the FREE WORLD
  10. Agree, and even if you own your home and car (no payments), you have RE Taxes (or rent) to deal with. And the one I replied to, in USA, even if having work covered health insurance, you have silly deductibles to pay, at the doc, and specialist, and pharmacy, that cost more than the pharmaceuticals here. If retired, you at least have Medicare Plan B to pay, every month ($170 ?) Could I live just as comfy back there/USA, as here/TH, if we sold up ... probably, but only because everything would be paid for, w/no monthly cost, except Plan B, and a separate carrier for wife, which probably together, again would match or exceed my monthly expenses here. Low RE Tax out in bumFK nowhere. Then we have to feed ourselves, and forget going O&A, as you're not going to find a hotel anywhere decent for <$100 USD. If OP can swing it here, and especially with online business, kudos to her & family. My daughter is doing the same thing next month, and quitting her job, as takes time away from her online business.
  11. So they push electronic banking, because it saves them money, and now they're thinking of new ways to charge you, for helping save them money ... Once there's a cashless society, do you think there will be more fees or less fees in the future to access 'your' money ? The ultimate control over you. ... no vaccine shot ... NO MONEY ... unacceptable social media post ... NO MONEY You just can't fix stupid
  12. How do swing that ? I live in TH, on a silly low amount of money, and mandatory monthly bills/cost are <฿10k / $275 USD, and wouldn't even cover my RE Taxes, for my primary residence when I was there, 23+ yrs ago. Even ฿15k / $415 if adding all the extra coffee shop stops & munching, and still ridiculously low. Also would barely cover that RE Tax now.
  13. What's with all the wind up threads ... ... ridiculously expensive ... Stay in, turn the TV / MSM off, and you won't be so depressed.
  14. Longer than normal heatwave ... not really, only in the MSM. Rains came as they always do, beginning of May. Sometimes end of April. Raining season does include August, for most of the country, so don't be surprised if it rains, or, if it doesn't while here. It's the weather ... always in motion
  15. Just covering their A$$s, as don't want a bunch of people crying if something happens ... "why didn't you warn us ? " If you read all the travel warnings and took them to heart, you'd never leave the USA ... ... hmm ... stay here and spend your money here, comes to mind, as a good motive Remember all the travel warnings for Thailand during elections, protests ... etc Even now, 'remember to mask up & get your shots. Get all those vaccines, as Big Pharm needs more profits. Leave the country, just use common sense ... oops, too late. Goes for all men & woman, and anything in between. Don't go waving your rainbow flag in a Muslim No Go Zone., Or for the chickies, No Hijab or lots of skin showing. White males, leave the USA/NATO flags at home, along with your Star of David t-shirts, or kippahs. Don't see an "Don't travel, save the planet" warnings ... Big Oil needs their profits. Besides, more travel, more carbon tax, and we get to waste more of your hard earned money.
  16. It is budget friendly. Personally never understood funerals. Last thing I would want is a bunch of people around me, trying to console me if wife or kid died. Leave me alone, as got enough to deal with. And what a waste of money. Mother passed, and cremated, no wake, no funeral ... for what ? She was dying of cancer for months, and anyone wanting to say good bye, express thoughts or love had that opportunity. Friend of mine asked 'no wake/funeral'? Why ? Any A-hole who didn't come while she was alive, doesn't deserve to attend a party after she's gone. ON TOPIC ... (as always) ... any one or family member that can afford an international holiday, can afford to pay for their own repatriation. 47 yrs old, should have assets to sell if can afford a holiday. Got life insurance, borrow the money against that. Certainly don't need a GFM to scrape together money for that, if so beloved.
  17. Already posted link ... if it has 2 or 3 wheels, and motorized, it's a motorcycle and need registration. Size of motor is irrelevant. Read the motor vehicle code, available online. Or unofficial translation here.
  18. Not exactly news, just a pro biden editorial biden, no script, no teleprompter ... not a good political move IMHO
  19. Really depends on the situation, and all they are doing is realigning everything where it should be. If that would solve you discomfort/problem, then it's good for you. If not out of alignment, then you won't get much of a positive effect. I've had excellent results, both in USA, and Bangkok. Dr Oat is excellent, at Healing Art Center. He may want you to get X-rays of neck & spine before he'll even touches you.
  20. USA, over 62, and lifetime pass + , is $100 USD. Add the Golden Pass, $10 (lifetime) and get 50% off camping and other amenities. (US citizens) Cruise up North in summer months, and South in winter months. Too easy, too cheap.
  21. Dude, you're letting your ignorance show. And you didn't watch the vids, (especially Buffy's) as Xiaomi is first an foremost, a smartphone company.
  22. If you have that much money, just buy a nice condo ... in YOUR name. You could even use the 10 or 20M baht you were going to gift to your GF Is this another wind up thread
  23. It still crosses my mind ... Then I come back to reality Hotels are just too cheap here, or a reasonably priced, decent spec'd electric van would be my next purchase.
  24. So is bicycle in the wrong hands. Aggressive at tops, 25kph. Surely you're not serious. Next time you're in your noisy, vibrating, smelly exhaust belching diesel truck, do 25kph for that reality check. Does make you wonder how the death rate here is so high, when village speed limits are 30, and most city & towns is 60 kph. SPEED KILLS ... no worries on GOGO though, unless not wearing a helmet and take a bad bounce.
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