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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Partially, yes, but I have no desire to be as lean as you are implying, the washboard look. I can look straight down and see my penis, since having a flat stomach. I carry about 5 extra lbs, as I stated earlier, (miss that did you) and guess most is on the midsection, as legs and upper body (chest, shoulders & arm) have little to no extra. Wouldn't want to be totally lean with no extra at all, as I don't think that is healthy. Especially if I was to get sick, as body might need a bit extra for energy, that might not be consumed. I'm not even close to fat, and used to chuckle when people asked where I worked out in my younger days, when not wearing so many clothes. Use to tell them at the '9 to 5' gym. When you stack steel cylinders all night (3rd shift), weighing 75-150 lbs, that equates to lifting weights all day at the gym, then hard not to look in good shape. Or if you load 400 duffle bags on a charter military flight, weighing 50-100 lbs, yea, that keeps you in shape. Cycling 50 kms a day and you really don't need to go to the gym to work your legs. Do back exercises and stomach crunches to keep muscles in shape for back support, not for vanity. To ask if I can see my abs is typical of the stupidity on this forum, that turns me off posting anything any more. Apparently idiots don't have any reading comprehension. 'all things in moderation' ... guess you missed that part. I could simply have replied, 'yes, can you ?', but it's a forum full to strangers, liars & trolls, who need to get a life ... nuff said BYE BYE
  2. They still sell hot dogs at DQ, but they changed the dogs, and flavorless now (franchisee dependent). Yes, they used to be good hot dogs. They were also the same hot dogs that S&P sell in the packages.
  3. Not 40 rai, we had 6 rai, cut into 6 lots of equal size. Simply need to contact the land office and get on their Q. They can tell you the rest. Don't know the exact cost, but not expensive, <6000 baht, all in (2011), but only 6 rai. You need to clear the boundary of the lots. And if any are going to be landlocked, you need to allow a way to access them, or put an easement on the chanote, which may turn some buyers off. Ours was 6 lots, 3 facing road, and 3 behind them. So easy to cut road to lots as part of the lot. House was on 2 lots, and other 4 sold:
  4. That's funny, and I guess the IO can't read or understand either. REASON FOR LONG STAY IN TH; Support of Thai National Pretty hard to miss, but hey, you know much better about what happen with my visa & extension than I do.
  5. Make sure they agree to pay for any citation you will incur. The one dealer had to pay one of ours, as they were shy red plates the first month we had a new car.
  6. Got my own personal troll ... cool ... you have nothing better to do (rhetorical)
  7. Thank you ... beats the grumpy guy complaining others posting.
  8. Don't know what thread you're reading, but I don't see any moaning about Thais not catering to foreigners. On poster, like myself, enjoys sandwiches, and can be found or course, just not at most Thai restaurants, emphasis in the 'Thai' part. Not really their thing, until western fast food arrived, and yea, most things on a a bun are called burgers. Rare to see a sandwich on the menu, unless a 'Club' Topic is hotdogs, and Yank hotdogs aren't their forte either. Plenty of sausage, with or without meat, and many flavored nicely.
  9. Don't ever forget it ...
  10. Height / weight is perfect for me, almost, as I weigh 5 lbs more than I did when I got out of boot camp (USA Army) and best shape I was every in at 160 lbs. BP & blood work is all in normal ranges. Had a full abdominal CT Scan done couple months ago, and NO FATTY LIVER. Cholesterol & blood sugar (Hba1c) all within normal range. Eating all the crap in moderation and intermittent fasting 👍
  11. You'll be able to drive as fast & reckless as you want ...
  12. Along with that 'Double Pork Cheese Burger' ... BLISS
  13. Part of their 'low carb' diet ... rice .. shh No such thing as a sandwich in TH, it's a burger.
  14. Can you get any more vague You weren't discussing the possibility of you moving, were you ? Bang ? districts of Krung Thep:
  15. An undated vid of an ebike with no information, not in TH. Yea ... useless ... FAIL
  16. I'm not part of the 'we' folks. No EV (personal car) fires in TH, much noting, or we'd read about in 10 new threads. New LFPs been out for a while, so no worries. Not even any fires from the old tech batteries in TH, and they've been here ever since 2018, at least. I've haven't even had one of my RC toys flame up, and I abuse the hell out of them. Didn't worry about my ICEV catching fire either, although my brother's MGB did have the carb flame up & crap out. Once again I was called out to give him a tow. ALL HAIL ...
  17. Agree, walking the pavements of TH are so stressful. I was behind a couple, and they were walking abreast and holding hands. Go left, go right ... I froze and simplY paced behind them. Then all of the sudden they stopped ... ... right in the middle of the pavement. WTF And decided to gaze into the shop's window. One even stepped back a bit, the other close to window. I had an anxiety attack, and just sat down & cried. Thankfully they took notice, as I sat there distraught ... thinking I was destitute handed me 100 baht. Oh hell yea, got myself a couple cans of Chang at 7-11, and thought about my new income generating scheme. PRAISE BUDDHA
  18. I enjoy a good hot dog, to change things up. Matter fact had a couple the past 2 days, and might have 1 today. Quick & easy snack. What nitrates you don't consume, you body makes. Of course if you live oNn processed meats, might not be a good thing. Yes, I enjoy all the healthy GMO, chemical & pesticide laced food, fruits & veggies, that bugs won't even eat also. So much better. I add salt, MSG & sugar to my food also. Along with full fat cows milk, and OMG ... wheat flour. Chocolate, pastry & ice cream ... turn off MSM, stop living in fear.
  19. They're sticking nails in them when testing, along exposing them to extreme temps, both hot & cold. That's enough for me. At worse, gives me a reason to upgrade ... And these are old batteries ...
  20. The stability & safety of the newer batteries vs low flash point, volatile fuel ... nuff said Not really much to think about is there ?
  21. Villa Markets, although probably silly priced. S&P have good ones, and sell small packs of. I'm partial to Bucher, and inexpensive.
  22. I just got out of a taxi and it was a BEV (MG EP). so asked driver on the drive what she thinks of the EV for work. She loves it, comfy, easy to drive, surround cameras, quiet, smooth, and inexpensive to operate. Drives for about 4-5 hours, stops for lunch, plugs in, goes to 100% or 90-95% depending is she's done eating, and latter only takes 30 mins. She loves it, customers love it, beats those crappy Corollas, and has plenty of luggage space since no gas tank in the trunk. End of work day, goes home, plugs in, low rate overnight, and starts the next day topped up.
  23. non -0- visa for support of Thai national, and yes, it was extended, at least once. And exactly what the OP asked. If his child even easier, I would think. And yet, I get a visa extension every year ... go figure
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