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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Yes, you did imply that ... re read your post. "you can be sure that all of the programming is going to skew towards the maga (straight) white nationalist cultural angle. You won't be seeing anything depicting slavery, institutionalized racism, the civil rights movement, feminism, and it goes without saying LGBT stuff. " I'm sure some of her songs wouldn't fit with your MAGA expectations ... ... and she was cancelled ... "Cuban Songstress Dayme Arocena Is The World's Next Jazz Phenomenon. CENESEX, founded in 1989, helped to educate Cuban masses about "queerness" - Vibe.com You got nothing ... nothing. You never do except hate. Have a nice day
  2. More BS ... Today's event ... OMG, a damn Cuban. You'd think the 'bigot in Chief' would have cancelled her On no ... a bunch of damn near naked men ... ... tomorrow, sexuality check I better bring my hood, as KKK protest on the table for this one ... WHITE AMERICA NOW How's that, fit your spin .... seek therapy
  3. They weren't all glittered out and looking silly like today. This was 1975/76, and they were class female impersonators, more to the original singer attire style of a past era. Pretty awesome actually, very impressive. I knew the owners of the club, so free to venture anywhere. Place was huge. To date, one of nicest clubs I've ever been in.
  4. Submitted my TM47 @ 0709, today, approved @ 1722 👍
  5. No, but I've been to gay clubs and seen shows. Really nice shows at fancy club in Dallas. Was trippin' one night, and that was a trip One bud was an architect, and designed another club, at Rehoboth Beach, DE, that was awesome.
  6. People die in the statistically safest countries also. The location is not the problem. Peoples ability (and experience) to drive themselves, and how defensively they drive. The only person making it safe for me to drive here, is me. I don't need PoPo to enforce the law, or the laws to tell me how to drive. Common sense kicks it. I rarely drive 120 in the 120 kph allowed stretches of road, as they simply aren't made that good. I certainly don't pass, even though the line is broken, and passing allowed at many spots, as too close to blind hills or curves. That's saying a lot, since have plenty of power, driving a BEV. Aside from the helmetless people here, including farangs (too many), people, all simply drive way too fast. Has nothing to do with enforcement, as I'm sure, many get plenty of speed camera tickets, and simply pay them. I simply stay clear of all the idiots, though TBH, very few on open roads, excepted too many going fast, and safest place to be an idiot. Work in progress, getting rid of many of the u-turns and cross traffic on the main highways; #1, 2, 4, 11, 31, 41 ... etc 👍 On topic ... don't know how you fall asleep on 304, as need to pay attention. Guessing simply going too fast for conditions, or something else, at 0300 hrs. Haven't read the whole thread, if already pointed out. Although that is a 10+ hr drive, so maybe fell asleep, and always the saddest of reason to have an accident. Way too avoidable.
  7. I'm sure there were some gay cavepersons in days past. Gets cold & lonely up in them hills
  8. I certainly didn't imply Thai roads are safer. But feel free to read into my post whatever fits your spin. As so many do. I simply said 'I feel safer on a MC here', nothing about Thai roads being safe. They are called accidents for a reason.
  9. TH has an 8 hr rule for driving long haul. Not sure about how many break hours in between drives. USA ... it is 14 hrs 😎 Although you must do 10 hrs off, before doing another leg. I've actually driven up to 20 hrs straight, took a nap, a munch, maybe a swim, and drove back, maybe 18 more hours on the return, on PHL - MIA/Key Largo or over to Bradenton, FL (Tropicana OJ), as regular runs for me, when playing truck driver Easy, though not on a regular basis. As that would be way too dangerous.
  10. My memory is pretty good So not really delusional, well, officially anyway. I do shy away from shrinks, as they may decide to keep me out of society
  11. Along with public tax dollars footing the bill. I don't want my tax dollars going to support something I don't believe in. Drag shows, are not an art. Sure the alphabet folks can, maybe, find a private venue, and hey, actually pay for themselves. The free ride is over for special interest groups. Thank President Trump
  12. President Trump has no control over private venues that want to sponsor or entertain at their venues, no matter what that may entail. President's fault for lack of interest. If there's money to be made, the show will go on, as they say. Hitler ... again, seriously
  13. Un-Yank to keep dialogue open with countries that some, deranged folks, actually think, may be a threat to USA security. Sounds like common sense to me. Maybe drag shows, alphabet folks events, cancelled due to poor sales, no subsidy funding ??? Lack of interest, and no longer a tool for divisiveness by the left, as people just aren't falling for the BS any more People are no longer scared to be cancelled if they don't attend or endorse. Quite refreshing IMHO
  14. THANKS ... I see they added quite a few Deye inverters to the list, including our 8kW inverter 👍 Now if they ever get around to making it easy to register for buy from us, along with upping the rate, I may even share some day. Although TBH, I'd rather just give the excess to my neighbor, farming the lots down on our soi.
  15. I think it simply comes down to respect. As they all know someone, kids, wife, parents, that deserve respect while they also are out on their scooters. Besides simple awareness, due to so many on the road. Really hard not to pay attention, notice and give them some space, especially since many, don't even drive in the slow lane, and leave it open for cars and larger vehicles.
  16. Insurance came with the car, and I rounded up, knowing she'll be paying about 1k a month after the 1st year. It's a BEV, so no maintenance worth mentioning, and it also may be included in the price of the car.
  17. I do believe I read somewhere, if you take the scooter deaths off the death count here / TH, then the deaths per 100k is about the same as the USA. Riding a MC in USA, for 20 years, and even more years in TH, I definitely feel safer here / TH, as everyone knows about, and many give way to MC. Unlike the USA, where nobody seems to give way, look for or respect MC. I've been cut off way more times in the USA than TH.
  18. In my world, 'most', means more than half, and I'm pretty sure, not ever close to half the bus drivers are crashing. And I'm the delusional one The hate of TH & Thais is so blinding ... 😎
  19. It's headed toward stopping the killing & deaths. A step forward from the past, when IMHO, killings & deaths were encouraged for the defense departments of the west, for them good ol' profits. Let's stop the killings first, then fine tune the details. Only common sense, and glad some countries actually still have some.
  20. Don't need stats, as 'most' don't crash. I'm out and about quite a bit, and people, trucks, buses & cars drive just fine. Not much difference from the USA, and actually I feel safer when on my scooter in TH, than I did in the USA.
  21. Be nice if there was some stats to back up that assumption.
  22. I think the bus is innocent, as the driver probably was at fault And yet, most bus drivers don't crash
  23. Facebook used the same photo 30 Jan 2023 https://web.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=559420956215384&id=100064424542593&set=a.559428426214637&_rdc=1&_rdr# This one a bit older ???
  24. Aside from dropping the wee one off a bit too early Driver illegally changing lanes at an intersection 🙄 Wonder how far down the road driver got before realizing door was open a 1 student missing.
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