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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Unlike Toyota, who showcased their 'concept' EV pick up back in 2022's auto show, and nothing came of it (sound familiar (think their EV line up & hydrogen). Just now a pilot program, using the Toyota EV pick ups for baht buses, and all of 9 vehicles being tested Isuzu going all in 👍
  2. When it comes to pick ups, Isuzu outsells Toyota consistently. Could be because the Thai govt seems to like Isuzu over Toyota. Not a good year for ICEV sales.
  3. Agree, and size of the MC/MB/Scooter means little, since the speed limit is usually 90 kph anyway. 125cc handles that quite well. Larger bike may afford more comfort, but we see plenty of the newer 150/160cc all loaded up for an extended stay somewhere when we're O&A, and surprised sometimes where they're registered. Quite the distance traveled sometimes. Long distance, or just a long time on a MC, and those days are way behind me now. Especially with dog and seemingly the need to bring half the house with us at times. But do notice many O&A on their <400 cc scooters, enjoying life. Others prefer to do that from the barstool. Different strokes & all ... ENJOY whichever floats you boat.
  4. Agree, especially if originating from Krung Thep, where many don't need or want a car. Getting to public trans out of Krung Thep is easy. Most depots, bus, train & plane are all interconnected. All safer then being on the roads in a car or limo van, and very budget friendly. Relaxing next to your partner, gazing out the window 👍
  5. I'm tax immune ... poverty has it's privileges
  6. I think it's going to depend on what your 'contract' states. If simply she will 'assist' in filing, then don't bother. I'm guessing any contract didn't state, her 'assistance' would 'guarantee' a positive result, approval. Always love when the "just use an agent' advice is given
  7. In IMHO, and my opinion only, AstraZeneca is being withdrawn for a couple reason: ... obviously low sales, and IMHO, because nobody trusts them anymore ... possibly more, IMHO, coming the end of 2024, it will not longer be protected from liabilities, under the 'PREP Act' and yes, you read that correctly. At least in the USA, Under the PREP Act, covid PrEPs & covid countermeasures, (note, not called a vaccine) were protected from liabilities, which will come to and end Dec 2024. Guessing it's a good idea to get rid of all that stock before hand. Can reads about it here and here. Also for those that don't know, USA has a specially 'Vaccine / PREP/ countermeasures'' court system to handle lawsuits, that settles them, with compensation, and usually relieves the manufacturers the burden of admitting and be assigned fault for the damages hey incur. Which you can read about here. ..."What does it mean to be awarded compensation? Being awarded compensation for a petition does not necessarily mean that the vaccine caused the alleged injury. In fact: • Approximately 60 percent of all compensation awarded by the VICP comes as result of a negotiated settlement between the parties in which HHS has not concluded, based upon review of the evidence, that the alleged vaccine(s) caused the alleged injury." Can read about that here and how it covers 'covid countermeasures': Many vaccines have low effective rates, 'seasonal flu vaccine' one of the obviously ones per CDC date. Along with many, harm and injure the recipients, and they get compensated quickly, IF, they know about this program. ... "Total compensation paid over the life of the program is approximately $5 billion" Or they can go through the usual court system, but expect a lengthy, expensive fight y the manufacturers.
  8. Most had higher risk of dying, after the average life expectancy age. No real surprises there, especially the higher aged and unhealthy groups. I was born 1954, and my life expectancy was 67.7 yrs, and almost come true Covid deaths by age group ... the old & unhealthy (source)
  9. I didn't affect us personally. Matter of fact, some of the best, if not the best O&A we had, and the cheapest. As the places that were open, were offering rates so low, I think they just wanted people there to keep the lights on. Definitely not looking for profits. We were getting hotels, from 500-1000 baht, that are now charge 5000 baht during high season, and that's when we were traveling. Phuket was never better. We almost had every beach pretty much to ourselves, and that's not an exaggeration. Places were accepting our dog, that certainly didn't before and won't now. Phuket 'playlist' ... Feb 2021 ... high season ...
  10. Why isn't that a headliner every flu season ? Because if people knew how ineffective they were, they probably wouldn't bother. One year, it was something like 10% effective (flu vaccine) if memory serves, and that was from CDC site, and easy to find. I've never had a flu vaccine at work, 13 yrs available for free, and never got the flu. Much different than those that did get vaccinated. Co-workers always getting the flu .. oh well.
  11. I posted the CDC timeline for the definition of vaccine being change to fit that narrative. As it failed to be effective in the original, and 2nd version of the definition, So 3rd version, fit what if may or may not have don't. NOT ... IMHO Since this answers your reply and not off topic, I'll try again Since it proves you wrong ... IMHO ... feel free to report it, and it will probably be deleted again. Take note of the date, Sept 2021, almost a full 2 years, after covid discovered, and about 9 months, after the vaccines were available (Dec. 11, 2020), and I believe, I think I remember correctly, "take the vaccine" to avoid getting and or spreading covid. I can post vids of people saying vaccine prevents covid, but I think most have the same memory as myself. Realize they were lied to in the beginning ... IMHO of course. That narrative sure did change 9 months later when they realized the vaccine didn't prevent you from getting covid or spreading.. Time to change that definition. Maybe the manufacturers were looking for some legal protection if labeled as a 'vaccine', as many, including myself, are under the opinion of. CDC definition of vaccine ... “pre-2015” ..: “Injection of a killed or weakened infectious organism in order to prevent disease.” "2015-2021" ..: “The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.” "September 2021", ... “The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.” And sadly, it's not even very effective to do that, neither protects you from getting or spreading covid. With 700+ million contracting, and 10% / 7 million dying with covid. Source: vaccine definitions from CDC archives confirmed by AP, w/silly effort to justify it ... IMHO
  12. Vaccination was required at my daughter's employment, and thankfully they allowed the Chinese (non mRNA) vaccine, or she would have quit. 23 yrs old, healthy, and doesn't need to have experiment chemicals injected into her body. Especially since she already had covid on one of it's firsts rounds, if not the first, confirmed. And possibly again, but like the first, symptom wise, wasn't worth getting tested. She doesn't run to the hospital after every little sniffle, even though free to do so. Mask of course were required for many private & public services, and IMHO, do absolutely nothing. And I have the same opinion about mRNA vaccines, and fairly useless in stopping you getting or spreading the virus ... again IMHO Myself, simply didn't do anything different, stayed healthy, outdoors, boosting immune system instead of locked down. Out & about when frowned upon. Some practical social distancing, more so since other people were so paranoid. Only wore mask to enter Makro & 7-11. If I was infected, I certainly didn't know it. On one of the last variations, I did get a runny nose & headache, for 1 day, and very rare for me, so maybe. That was within the last year. Waved at PoPo numerous times while O&A with dog, when supposed to be locked down the first couple weeks, and masked up, without one of course. Basically no enforcement, and after first day or so, all shops wanting, opened back, and all was ignored. Surfside vendors suffered, as weekender complied, and the shuttered for more than a few months. Most surviving, since old family money, and probably owning their buildings. One street parallel to surfside road, and all was normal, like there was no pandemic, unlike most other areas we visited, even months after the official 'lockdown' So many lost everything, for nothing ... IMHO
  13. I only use Booking.com, and on rare occasions, Agoda ... and ... only for information. Can't remember last time I booked on either. Wife always calls hotel direct (ph # from Gmap) and always cheaper, most no pre-payment. As already stated, '3 rooms left' is there allotment only. Also many sites will state 'no pets allowed' but actually are when called, or no pet charge, or price simply cheaper all around w/pet charge, and room rate cheaper. Only site I use is Accor if booking Ibis hotels in advance, as same price, sometimes cheaper, and no prepayments, w/late cancellation available. Gmap for most research and bunch of other hotel options not listed on booking sites.
  14. Yea, that's not good, the battery. My phone, POCO was released / purchased ~1.5 yrs after your Samsung was relesed, and still going strong on the original battery. A bit larger also at 5160mAH vs 3400mAh.
  15. CATL ... stay informed: https://www.youtube.com/@CATLOfficial
  16. If wanting Samsung battery, would probably need to use their service center, if even available, depending on age of phone. Could search Google and see if you could find the battery, if not, you'll probably have to use one of the phone repair shops anyway. Any luck and one of these vendors will be a Samsung flagship or official store: https://www.priceza.com/s/ราคา/samsung-replacement-battery
  17. Is that a new way of saying abortion, it's a complication ... In less than 6 weeks (5 week, 1 day ?), after conception, the lifeform, fetus, baby has a heartbeat. It will only not be birthed to a human being, if you kill and stop that heart from beating. Let that sink in, it's no complicated to understand ... ... or a complication ...
  18. That's one opinion. Although a 'Permanent Resident Card' being available, and actually getting one for Vietnam, is a different story. Good luck with that, and if not, then left with present system, which guarantees nothing in Vietnam. You can't even own a motorbike in Vietnam, unless having a resident permit. Technically, without a resident permit, you can't even drive one. So don't plan on staying too long or getting rooted or settled in.
  19. Example of my / our unnecessary daily driving with EV (car) and local range. Ignore the kph, as out of the car, walking the dog. Hence the unnecessary part, as can walk the dog down the soi, but we prefer the view and walking in the shade at the surf. Most of that driving is at 60+/- kph, as most of the road is 4 lanes hwy # 326 Battery is 46.3kWh (usable), using 13.8kWh per 100 kms = 335 kms range. Always meets or exceeds the WLTP rating range of 320 kms. MG being very accurate & honest with their range promo. Yes, you could even get the NEDC 403 kms, if you drove that slow locally. Of course if more local driving, instead of quick to surf & back, then we'd get our normal 360 kms range, when simply knocking around town, as stop & go, would send more regen back to the battery. There is only 1 traffic going to, and 2 returning from the surf, so not much regen on the surf run. We've gotten <12kWh per 100 kms when knocking around town, for longer duration, running errands. That distance of 12 kms, pretty much covers the whole local area of PKK municipality, that we need to go to. Round trip to Makro, would only be about 9 kms. Reality is, we only need to leave the house, once every 2 weeks for any necessities. Or weekly if using the E-MC.
  20. Unfortunately for the PM, he doesn't control that decision. @gk10012001 It's readily available here, and don't think a script is needed at shops (guessing), and shops are everywhere. Also available online, no script necessary. Where I purchased all mine. Shops are pricy. AND ... it's really some good sh!t, as I got more sitting here at the house than I can smoke, since I indulge very infrequently. Actually gave half my stash to my nephew, knowing I'd never smoke it, within a year or 2
  21. Different strokes for different folks. Nobody knows why, but feel free to judge. I've taken bus, train, planes for different reasons. Reason isn't always financial. As stated above, the bus & train can be an enjoyable, relaxing ride. And much safer in the event of an accident. Maybe he didn't know there was a hill involved to get to he bus station, or maybe he didn't care. Some might question (myself included, but can guess) why people even choose Patts to live or even visit.
  22. A 14 yr old (dead) medical issue in the news ... I had my appendix out when I was 12
  23. Corruption is world wide in developing & 3rd world countries, and will be for a long time. 1st world just hides it better. Nam as a retirement destination, not seeing it myself, since no real retirement visa, or so I read. This will stop most from buying in on any big ticket items. System now might be good for the older retirees, living on the cheap, not something that would interest a younger person, or someone with more money, actually looking for a permanent place to live with comforts. Even TH you have to think hard, or should, before investing in housing (w/Solar), cars & MBs, expensive toys. At least here, you get offical permission to stay every year. Nam's permanent residence card for foreigners is only valid for 10 years. Not exactly 'permanent'.
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